9 MAY 1840, Page 12

The TA 31 HU RT NI row at Her Majesty's

Theatre ended in the triumph of the Tamburinists, LA PORTE being compelled to yield to the just and imperative demands of the subscribers. Signor TAM MUNI'S straightforward statement of feets in reply to the Manager's mystification, left him without a slceel of exe.:-e. The attitude of the audience last Saturday was determined and th:otening : the first chord from the orchestra was the sigoal for oppw-itIon ; which was only silenced by the announeement of Le mere that he was negotiating with Tinin-rust. Tile interested clamour got up against the " Omnibus " party was effectually silenced by a 1,,tter from one of the " insides," who put the matter iii its proper light, showing that the " subscribers" are virtually the _proprietors of the pit as v. ell as of' the boxes and stalls, and that the Manager is responsible to them chiefly. We suspect that LAPORTE will find that he has damaged himself matetially with an influential body of fashionabies; and thi-, is the climax of offences that will not soon be forgotten. There was Ito grace in hie emcee:elm': he would Lave held out had he dared.

The new danseuse, Mademoiselle C'Enero, is a charming creature : her movements are agile, gl.acef El, and free ; an'l the amateurs of fine shapes have no re-aeon Im compiain of a niggardly show of limb. I ler face and air, too, are leseimeing as well as her sty le.