Twelfth Night was ptaeluced at Covent Garden last night. The
performance dithered but little from that at the Haymarket when Miss ELLEN T nee appeared there as 17o/EE after her return front America ; and it was ()el:: better by ME. now s's characteristically ludicrous per sonation ef the foolish height pd rm. Agueeheek. FAR REN'S VOlio is as utterly misteken conception, and meagre and farcical in execution, ai before mei Nis TREE abates no jot of her mannerism. The modern Greek drcss which rioht and Sebasti«o wear, is appropriate and becoming, and a liA ely variety in the costumes the scenery also is tasteful.
The Haymarket has this week furnished a new farce by BERNARD, The Irish Attarneg, as a vehicle for PowER's pleasantries, which are better to enjoy than describe, lie personates a &hiking, duelling, horse-racieg, lox-hunting Galway attorney, who becomes a partner of a steady-going Yorkehire lawyer, and frights the law from its propriety, by burning briefs, stopping writs, making the clerks drunk, and winding up the dey's divereions by getting drunk himself: meanwhile this " thilway practice" makes more clients than it threatened to lose, blarney awl gou.l-outure proving more potent than botheration and legal process in settling quarrels and redressing grievances. PowEa is sole hero of the fuu ; but he is well supported by STRIC1iLAND and OznEaitv.