The overland mail from India brings Bombay letters to the
31st of March. Preparations for the Chinese expedition were continued on a large scale. Singapore would be the principal place of rendezvous for all the troops, and the 7th of May was named as the latest day for the general muster.
An important decision, affecting the value of Captain Em.rofs Opium Scrip, had been delivered by the Supreme Court at Calcutta. A native merchant consigned opium to his agent in Canton, who contracted to guarantee the safe return of the proceeds in Sycee silver ; instead whereof he forwarded Captain ELLIOT'S certificate that the opium had been delivered to him for the service of her Majesty's Government. The Court decided, that as Captain Emao-r was acting under the constraint of a foreign power, as appeared from the proclamation he had issued, he could not be considered as exercising the authority l'iested in him by the British Government, and therefore his acts were invalid, and the production of his certificate was no defence to the action. The accounts from China arc to the 20th of January. Mr. Gaumme, the British merchant who was taken by a Chinese warjunk, in Canton river, was released by Commissioner LIN on the 14th of January ; not, however, until Captain Smmi, of' the Volage, had threatened to blockade Canton port and river, on the 15th of January. An Imperial edict was issued on the 5th of January, declaring the British to be outlawed, and menacing all who dealt in English goods with the severest punishment. The reason for this measure was the " commencement of the horrors of war" by the Hy acinth and Volage.
It is said that the intended removal of troops from Ceylon for the Chinese cypedition had occasioned uneasiness in that island.
The Druid frigate, which carried out Captain HOBSON to Sydney, was to leave that place on the 10th ofjanuary, for Singapore. The Herald, 28 guns, would take Captain HonsoN, in a few days, to the " seat of Government" in New Zealand. Whereabouts the Captain means to erect his house, and establish his authority, is not mentioned. We recommend him not to select Port Nicholson, unless he can make himself agreeable to a Mr. WAREPORI and Colonel WAKEFIELD, persons of SOITIC influence in that part of the world, where the Queen of England has no dominion.