t Court.
Tut: state-rooms of St. James's Palace were crowded ii iTh eom::-.ny on 'Wednesday. the Queen holdieg a levee. Th, -a 0: eangra
tulatory addresses on her Majesty's marriage ha, 7. `: t'nzirely
ceased, but those pleasing signs Of loyalty are Lew :„ i e.1 fir be•
tween." We select some names in the long 11s: e. end gen tlemen who attended the levee.—the De'aes t•-• Argyll; the Earls of Devon, Spencer. Eldon. Wieee.a.:e.a en; , Lords
Kinnaird. Hatherton. Eliot. Courtenay. ee..1 Sae: I, y the Bishops of Durham and Ely : Sirs Cherles la el, b: 11 1"., otwood, Harris Nicolas, Charles Lemon. Frae, is IL ed, el t; Staunton.
Queen and her husband wen: te the letli t 1; . Cuesday_ and to Covent Garden Theatre on Theeeele■ . 1 :-. .k ert was pre
sent at a review of the Royal Artillar■ et 1\ eoly. eeeay.
The Queen will hold a drawing-room at Se .1..: .e s'e l..1.o e on Thar:day.