111 the early part of the week it was announced,
that the Bank of Englaitg, with the view of contracting the circulation, and at the same time ol maintaining the present high rates of discount, had made proposals to rediscount bills with the brokers at six per cent.; but these offers were limited to sums of 50,000/. The facilities in the way of discount both in Ilumburg and Paris ate extremely easyebeing at the rate of only four per cent.; and it is not unlikely that our merchants and others, whose traffic extends to those pieces, ti-ill 60011 see the advantage of tendering them their bills, and in the end may be pm. ductive of .great good here by bringing back again the gold which we have been deprived of Most of the leading papers have had much discussion on this subject during the present week. Letters from Paris, received on Monday, announce the arrival in that capital of a gentleman of the house of Messrs. BARING Mid Co. on matters of negotiation, it is said, with the Bank of France and other mercantile houses. The amount of Nile which became due on the 4th instant was very limited, in consequence of the contraction of business lately ; but we have not heard that there were any impediments in the way of meeting them, The Corn-market on Slonday was 2s. per quarter higher than on that day week. We are sorty we cannot report Sit)' improvement in the Exchanges on 'Tuesday; they were heavy, and those on Amsterdam rather lower than on last post-day. Consols were not much affected on Tuesday by the Chartist riots at Newport : they were for a short time 90a 4 for the Account, but left off 90. yes. terday, however, the English market was much agitated, in consequence of the arrival of' the Liverpool steamer from New York, hringing the intelligence of the suspension of cash payment of the United States Bank and several smaller banks. Although upon the first reading this appears very disastrous, yet those best informed consider that the worst is now past, and that we shall soon have an improved state of (tailors. Upon receipt of this intelligence, Consols, which left off on Wednesdny at '90,1 for Money and 90a buyers for Account, opened
yesterday. at 89?, 90, and 904 for Account ; and after ad va buyers, closed at the first quotation. The fall in Consols week from th highest price has on1y been per cent., whilst that in the
halt' per Cents. bas been per cent. To-day Consols opened at 90:11. a, and soon afterwards advanced to 90a A, at which they leave off; tbr Money they are BOA with very little business doing. New Three-and-a-lutlf mter Cents, BSA ; Three per Cents. Reduced, S9/. India Bonds, 14 to 12 dis. Exchequer Bills are very flat ; the price on Monday was 8 to 6 din, at which they continued till yesterday, schema they receded through some heavy sales to 12 to 10 din., and are at the same quotation to-day. East India Stock has advanced during, the week about 1/1 per cent., the price being 2501 11. Bank Stock On WCd11CSlilly was at 180 to 1; to-day it is flatter, sales having been made at 1791. The Bank of England held their weekly meeting yesterday, but it is believed nothing of importance transpired. In the Foreign Stocks, the .greatest fluctuations that have occurred have been in the Pemnsular Securities. The holders of Portuguese were much courage(' by the arrival of' the Lisbon mail on Monday bringing a confirmation of the reports before in circulation, viz., that the Queen of Portugal would be guided entirely by the opinion of the Cortes relative to the equalization of the Foreign Debt. This intelligence caused the Five per Cents, to recede to 31*; but they left off at 314 A, and the Three per Cents, at 21* 1. Spanish, in sympathy with Portuguese, and likewise from two fitilures, declined materially, and at one time were as low as 261, hut left off that afternoon at 27?, :I,. On Wednesday, Portuguese advanced to :114 2, and Spanish to 27e :4; but yesterday the prices of both were again very flat. Today, however, they leave off upon an advance, and witha firm appearance. III the early part of the morning., Spanish were as low as 26* ; but utter this, owing to large purchases by several influential brokers, of whom many had been sellers at the commencement of the week, the price advanced to 271 *, at which it leaves off. Portuguese Fives, 314 2, and the Three per Cents. 2112. There was a report late this afternoon that news had arrived of the capture of CABRERA, but it was not at all credited.
Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, were on Monday 51 el, and the Five per Cents. 98* 4. on Tuesday, however, the Dutch boat brought improved prices from the Amsterdam market ; and the Two-aud-a-half per Cents. advanced to 52*, and the Five per Cents. to 991.
Columbian have receded this week abottt 4 per cent. To-day the European Continental Securities are steady, and little business has been done in them. Belgian, 1001 1; Braeil, 72e 31 ; Danish, 73 1; Russian, Ill 12; Dutch Two-and-a-hall per Cents., 5l 2/ ; Ditto Fiveper Cents., 981 9; New Five per Cents., 951 61 ; Colombian, :30 1 ; Mesicale 29* 4. In the Share Market, the prices have remained almost stationary during the week, with no business doil,g. The following quotations are quite nominal-Birmingham and Derby, 19 to 17 die.; Great Western, 71 6 dig.; London and Birmingham, 48 SO prem.; South Western, 38 39 per Share ; Loudon and Brighton, 14* 134 din.; Blackwell, 3 21 din. SATULIPAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Stock Market presents an improved appearauce this morning, and with the exception of Bank Stock, which has been done at 179, prices may be quoted h to * per cent. higher than yesterday. Consols opened at 90 for the Acconut, but have since risen to 00ii 4; for Money they are 904Three per Cents. Reduced, e9* ; New Three-mid-a-half per Cents. 94 te India Stock, 250. Exchequer Bills remain heavy at 12 to 10 discount. Iii the Foreign Market, Spanish Bonds are again in request, and have advanced to 27e 4, wIsidi is au improveineet of1 per cent. This rise has been occasioned by good news receives! to-day from Catalonia, stating that the Carlists in that quarter have declared in favour of' the Queen. Portuguese are also better, the Five per Cents. being 32 *, and the Three per Cents. 22 *. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents. 52 *-; Five per Cents. 98.1 9. Brazil 721 31; Colombian 301 1. In Shares there is nothing new.
lieL (.1..11S019
Dom tor Aces nut (.91001 .51 Brazilian 5 per Cents
Danish .3 per Lents 521 3 per Cent. Reduced 091i Dutch 21 I er Cents Bank Stock 981 5 Portuguese Regency b per Cts. 321
New ilva (kid. Anns 1791 Ditto 3 per Cents 22# India Stock 250 Russian (1822) Slice Cent.... 111 112
Ditto Bond 14 12dis Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.... 27t Exchequer Bills 12 10dis Deferred Stock 12
Belgian 5 per Cents. 104 1 Passive Ditto 61
Arrived—In the Channel. Cape Packet, Lamb ; Renown, M'Clean; and Rubor% Elder, front Bengal ; Alexander Johnstone, M'Donalll. Irom Singapore; Thirteen, 511tekie, from the Mauritius; 1.1nly Paget. Allen, front Batavia; Dutchess or Kent, New b , from New &all Wales; and Spartan, Muvse, from the Cape. Olt Cape Clear, Gentou, Dudes, thin India. Oft Castletown, Clydesdale, Davis, from Bengal' At Liverpuol, Se tland, Cunningham, Dom lIngaal. Sailed—Prcm Gravesend, Nev. 51,11, Felicity, MA/Quaid, for Bettgal, From Liverpool, 2d, Flowers ot light, Almond, for Bengal; 3d, Kirkman Finlay, Scott; 70, Salueia, Munn; and Abluotstad, Broadfout, for Bombay.