It Was Mentioned Last Week That "opium Scrip" Had Been
offered for sale in Calcutta. An East India house in London allowed the Colonial Gazette to make a copy of the form in which Mr. Elliot's certificate or debentures are drawn up.......
Private Letters Received At Singapore Mention That Her...
had taken up the Cambridge, Captain Douglas, to act as guard-ship for the protection of British property. She was said to be chartered at 6,000/. for four months. It is added,......
The Delhi Gazette, Of Which We Have Received A File
to the end of August, publishes a letter from an officer who niarched with the army from Caudahar to Ghuznee. Ile says " The natural productions of the country we see nothing......
It Is Announced, And Dwelt On With Great Satisfaction In
the India& papers, that the reduced rates of postage r*ommended in the Report of the Post-office Commissioner, formerly referred to, have been sane. tioned with slight......
We Have Been Flavoured With The Perusal Of A Communication
of a late. date from Perth. Governor Hutt appears to be indefatigable in his endeavours to promote the interests of the colony ; but he has most formidable difficulties to......
The Army.
WamorricE, Nov. 8.-911i Foot—C. II, MtCaskill, Gent, to be Ensign. withoet roe chase, vice Pearson, deceased. 16th Foot —Ensign S. Lawson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
On the 29th ult., at Wilton noose. the Countess of CLANWILLIAM, of it 901I. Ott the 28th of July, at Colombo. Ceylon, the Lady of thoustoeunt Eutorr, of a son. On the 28th ult.,......