WamorricE, Nov. 8.-911i Foot—C. II, MtCaskill, Gent, to be Ensign. withoet roe chase, vice Pearson, deceased. 16th Foot —Ensign S. Lawson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ximenes„ deceased; Ensign G. M. Ihms to he Lieut. whiten :purchase. vice Lawson, whose promotion, mu the Out August 1839, has been caucelled ; Cornet 1. Clemison, front Milroy 4th Dragoon Guards, to be Ensign, vice Campbell, cashiered by the sentence of it General Conti-martial ; Ensigt t O. Chic:heat% nom the. 67th Foot, to be Ensign, vice elemiseu, who retires; A. S. Craig. Gent. to be Ensign, vice Ross. XII Foot—Ensign .1 . Tottgwi to be Lieut. by purcinse, vice D Esterre, WI)) retires; It. G. Grylls, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Tongue. 5M FeetLieut, G. Campbell to be Adintant, vice Palme,, promoted. 5511 Foot —(carte?' master J. W. GrigA to be Quartgrma..iter, vice Crt.zier, deceased. 65th Eunt—Lient,. W. O'Neill, front unattached, to be Lieut. vice T. I. Whitaker, trite changes. 67th Foot —W, 11. II nisey, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, x ice Chichester, ttppointed to the 16th Foot, 69th Foot—Ensign C. F. Law to be Lied. by purchase, vice Jenkins. who retires ; M. C. Hughes, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Law.. 70th Foot—Capt. 'I'. Chute, from the Ceylon Regt. to te Capt. vice Lillie, who exchanges. ;6th Fo,t —Capt. W. A. Mal:envy, from hair-pay tmuttaelted, to be Capt.. vice Fitzgerald, detteased ; Lieut. F. S. Prittte to be Capt. by purchase, vice Blaketry, who retires; Lieut. 11. Brewster to be Capt. by purehase, vice Smith, who retires; Ensign J. 1). Beresford to be Lieut. by pureliuse, vice Prittie ; Ensign II. A. G. Et ens to be Lieut. by purebase, vice Brewster ; W. IL Barton, 000. IQ be Ensign, by pay chase, vice Beresford; .T. W. Freud, Gent. to be Ensigu, by put:base, vice Evans. Ceylon Rifie Regt.—Capt. T. Lillie, from the 70th Foot, to be Capt. vice Chute, who exchanges. Hospital' Staff—Deputy Purveyor F. Bishop, from the half-pay, to be Deputy Par. veyor to the Forces, vice J. Dunn, who Tethys upon half-pay. W.Duncan. Gent., to be Assist,Surg. to the rows. Memorandum—Cornet W. H. Rosser, 13th Light Drags. has beett permitted to resign his cummis.tion. The names of the Gentleman appointed to an Ensigney,Ily purchase, in the 99th Foot, on the 1801 Oct. 1839, are It. IL De Winton, and ne) It, II. W. De Winton,