9 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 2

be itletropolis.

At a meeting of the Common Council, on Tuesday, Mr. Richard Johnson moved that 10,000/. be granted towards defraying the expense of building tee chare hus in thee parish of Bethnal Green. A discussion ensued, awl a division of 39 to 28 in favour of the motion.

A party dieed at Radley's Hotel on Tuesday, to commemorate the acquittal at Ile ielv, 'I coke, and Thelwall. Mr. I feppel was Chairman, land Major Revell, Mr. Coppoek, and Mr. Galloway, the principal speakers.

Th:.• members at' the Colonial Church Society assembled on Tuesday at the Ma-ie-Iii. o.re Smet, Bedford Square, and established a La dies P time . ;


The Dirt-e;er. of the East India Company, on Wednesday, appointed Sir Thomas M.Maipm second member of the Council in the Bombay Presidency.