We find little news of interest in the Continental journals.
The French Chambers are summoned to meet on the 23d of December. It was expected that a list of new Peers would have been published in the Munikur ; but the announcement was kept back, in consequence, it was rumoured, of some disagreement in the Cabinet as to the persons ecleeted for the Peerage. With reference to the Eastern question, the Paris correspondent of the Times writes as follows " Great Britain and Russia have, you may rely upon it, arrived nearly at an snderstanding on the Ea,tern question. The only great obstacle to the settlement of it now month:1mr is the pertinacity with which Mehemet All clings to the hereditary soy, n iLfooty in his line ot Syria ; and a very serious one it is. This ropprechesess of Pngland and Russia has been brought about by the Trench Government, which now—and of this also you may be assured—begins bitterly to repnit of its mediation; for from the reconciliation of Russia and England they see probable injury to the interests of France, sad this it is which Causes them by anticipation to defend themselves.
Accounts from Constantinople mention, that on the 15th of October Lord roNSONBY presented his new credentials to the Sultan, and sent in a note stating that " the ino,t perfect accord existed between England, Russia, and Austria, with regard to the Eastern question ' • and that those three Powers were determined on oadotainitor the integritv of Ottoman empire, insuring the sights of his Ilighias,. and reducing Mehemet Ali to obedience."
Prussia has withdrawn from the confederation of the Great Powers as far as this question is concerned, and with France there is no "accord."
The rumour of IBUAIIIM'S further advance into the Turkish territory is contradicted. The English and French fleets have been ordered to winter in the neighbourhood of the Dardanelles.