Zig Vrobince%.
On the 1st instant, the election of Municipal Councillors was made. In the following places the Liberals claim a majority— Hull, Carlisle,
Kidderminster, Romsey,
Ipswich, Walsall,
Poole, Gloucester, Reading, Tewkesbury, Canterbury, Bath, Manchester, Falmouth, Birmingham, Milldam Bolton, Rochester, Leicester, Ramsey, :Northampton, Tamworth. Lincoln,
The Conservatives have succeeded in—
Leeds, Exeter, Bristol, Bewdley, Liverpool, Stafford, I fortlind, York,
Slorew,bury, Preston,
Lichfield, 'Windsor,
t )over, 'Wigan,
Bury St. Edmund's, Stockport, Eye, Colchester, Kingston-upon-Thames, Chichester, Oxford, 1Vevmouth,
Lancaster, Vaerteb,
"%leech:slit:Id, Viallinglbrd, Lymington, Newcastle-under-Lytle,
SO Iltliampton, Portsmouth,
Salisbury, Monmouth,
A ndover, St. Alban's.
Front several places the returns only mention the names of the persons elected, not specifying their politics ; so that we are unable to state which party gained the advantage. Mr. Rich, M, P. fur Knaresbarough, has had a satisfactory meeting with his constituents. The ,11Grning Chronicle has authority to contradict the report that Sir Thomus Lethbridge will be it candidate for Bath at the next eke tion. Sir Thomas has been requested to stand for Bath, and for both divisions of Somersetshire, but pleads "twenty years' service in former days in Parliament, as his excuse" for not again coming into public The Cambridge Press says that there is no truth whatever in a rumour that the Marquis of Tavistock intends to contest the county of Cambridge at the next election. The Canterbury Liberals assembled on Monday, at the Guildhall in their city, to testify their indignation at the tone and language of the speakers at the Conservative dinner recently held in Canterbury, when Mr. Bradshaw delivered the tirade against the Court, noticed particularly in our last number. Lord Albert Conyngham, and Sir William Somerville, Member for Drogheda, (a long way from Canterbury) were the principal orators ; and but for Sir William's assistance the meeting would have been rather a flat affair. The Irish baronet, however, spoke with much spirit, and made some fair hits against that section of the Conservative party who, like Mr. Bradshaw, are very uncomfortable under the cold shade of Opposition. At the Tory dinner, the Reverend Dr. Russell, alluding to a distressing complaint from which Lord Albert Conyngham suffers, had said that " an affection of the heart" never kept Mr. Bradshaw from his post; and the remark was loudly cheered ; but at the Liberal meeting it was described in a resolution, as an "inhuman and mocking allusion to the serious malady of a political opponent." An address to the Queen was adopted, expressing strong disapprobation of "the intolerant and disloyal language" used by the Conservatives; also that clergymen of the Established Church should have given "countenance to such a miserable display of tile ravings of a disappointed faction." Attempts have been made in the Kentish Times to soften down and explain sonic of the more violent and indecorous portion of Mr. Bradthaw's speech. Of much that is ascribed to him the utterance is denied. It does not, however, appear that Mr. Bradshaw himself complained of incorrect reporting.