Darrynane Abbey, the seat of Mr. O'Connell, has been very
gay during the autumn months ; lots of company, and private theatricals also. One of the latest performances was Sheridan's admired comedy of The Rivals which went off with great eclat. She Stoops to Conquer is in rehearsai—limerich Chronicle.
The death of Mr. John Manley, Queen's Counsel and Assistant Barrister for Cork County, is mentioned in the Dublin papers.
Lord Caledon will be the Conservative, and therefore successful candidate, to fill a vacancy in the Irish Representative Peerage.
For some weeks past there has been a considerable importation Of foreign and English vbent into Irish ports. This morning (Monday) two cargoes, bound from London to Drogheda, put into Kingstown harbour. In ordinary years wheat to the value of 1,000,000/. sterling is sent to England ; but on account of the failure of the wheet crop this year, it is calculated that we shall have to pay 500,000/. to make up oat own deficiency.—Tintes Dublin Correspondent.