In consequence of information which had reached the authorities in
Paris, that many persons who had formerly belonged to secret societies were in the habit of assembling clandestinely, and that they were manufacturing powder, cartridges, and balls, and a kind of bomb contain.. mug balls and powder, warrants were issued for the apprehension of several of these persons, and a search was ordered in the places frewelted by them. On Tuesday week, the police entered a room at No. 2: la the Rue des Lombards, where they seized a trunk containing ninety-five parcels, containing each a pound of gunpowder, and another containing twelve pounds, with several utensils for the manufbeture of powder and cartridges. Three persons who were in this room were arrested. At No. a0 in the Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, the police found a bale containing twenty bombs or projectiles, packed in oiled cloth, and carefully tied up ; each containing a pound of powder in a, first envelope, surrounded by a great number of balls, and forming a total weight of six or seven pounds. Each of these prosectile.s has a lance with a fuse. The two persons who occupied the room in which this seizure was made were arrested. One of them had been long under the eye of the police. In the Rue de Reuilly, in the Faubourg St Antoine, a seizure was made of twenty-five pounds of
powder, a great number of cartridges, several instruments for the manu facture of powder, and a receipt for the making of it ; and also a number of guns and pistols. At Creteil, a village two leagues from Paris, an individual, who has been manufacturing fuses such as those mentioned above, was arrested, as also his sister-in-law, who lives in the Rue St. Jaques. At the residence of this female a great number of articles used
in the manufacture of gunpowder were found. The Ministerial evening journal adds that other seizures and arrests have taken place. The total number of arrests is eleven ; all of whom belong, it says, to secret societies.—Paris Paper.
Whilst Naples, Florence, Rome, Nice, and other towns in the South of Europe, are crowded with foreigners, Paris is comparatively empty, and with very little prospect indeed of a better state of things. One sees everywhere bills of houses and apartments to lot; and new houses are erecting in almost every quarter, not one-third of which have a chance of being occupied. The expense of erecting these buildings is so great that it is impossible for the owners to expect even four per cent, for their money. The ground alone upon which they are erected, at 5 per cent. interest, would amount to rents more than equal to those of the best houses in the best parts of London. I am assured that the price of ground alone upon which some houses are now building, at the corner of the Rue Latitte, cost 800,000 francs ; and that, as the houses are being erected in the most expensive style, the tenantry will have to pay double what is paid in the best part of Regent Street. It is generally expected that many of the speculators in these new buildings will find
their way into the Gazette before the middle of the next year ; for half of them have been going on with the system of discount, which is getting more and more limited every day.—Globe Correspondent.
A. riot occurred at Doh, in the department of Ile et Vilaiue, on the 24th ult., on the subject of corn. A crowd, mostly composed of women, stopped a waggon laden with grain, unyoked the horses, and conveyed the contents to the market. They afterwards proceeded to the house of the factor, burst in the door, carried off all the wheat they could find in it to the town-stores. broke all his furniture, and would have killed bins if he had not absconded. A few gendarmes, who endeavoured to restore order, were beaten and, pelted with stones. The mob next paid similar visits to the dwellings of several other persons engaged in the corn-trade. The drums of the National Guard beat to arms, but only twenty or twenty-five turned out, who were overcome or repulsed by the mob. Several among them were, moreover, dangerously wounded. Troops were immediately marched to the town from Rennes and St. Malo, and tranquillity was rei:stablished in the morning of the 25th; forty-five of the rioters were arrested, and removed under a strong escort to St. Mato. The National Guard of the place was suspended by order of the Prefect, because of the paucity of its members who presented themselves to do their duty.— Times.
A trifling decline in the price of wheat took place in Paris on Monday last ; but our private letters assure us that the fall was not occasioned by the increased amount of the supply, but solely by its very indifferent and deteriorated quality.— Times.
The bankruptcies in Paris in the month of October amounted to 103, principally among small shopkeepers, for an aggregate amount of 240,0004