9 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 4


Little interest was excited by the municipal elections in Edinburgh. The Tories gained one member and lost one, and the strength of par. ties remains the same.

In Glasgow the contest was severe ; bust the Liberals gained a decide! advantage. Five Liberals and. seven Tories, who retired, are replaced by seven Liberals, four Tories, and one neutral.

In Greenock the Tories had a slight advantage. Mr. James Aytoun met with less encouragement in Stirling than ia Dunfermline. The Perthshire Advertiser says, that an influential Chartist carried a motion that Mr. Aytoun is nut a fit person to represent the Stirling burghs in Parliament. Time late Duke of Argyll has died far from wealthy. Hs Grads entailed estates descend to the present Duke ; but his personal property has been bequeathed to Miss Catnpbell, a relative, who resided with his Grace at the time of his unexpected demise.—Morning Herald.

One of the Scotch papers says that the Lord-Lieutenancy of Argyllshire will be conferred on Mr. Walter Campbell, or the Marquis of Breadalbane, because the present Duke is a Conservative.

There was a sort of petty tournament at Irvine on the 31st Want% h▪ onour▪ ed by the attendance of the Earl of Eglintoun, the Earl of Mexborough, Lord Saltoun, Lord Montgomery, Sir James Boswell, and a fair sprinkling of lairds with their wives and daughters. Messrs. Lamb, Fairlie, Gordon, and Hay, were jousters ; and it was noticed that the lances were stronger than those used at the tournament at Eglintoun Castle.

The Magistrates of Irvine and a party of gentlemen gave the Earl of Eglintoun a banquet on Tuesday week, in a "large, substantial pavilion erected for the occasion, and fitted up in a style of comfort and elegance which has not been surpassed even in this age of dinners and banquets" —so says the Glasgow Constitutional.

The tenants on Lord Paninure's extensive estates met at Arbroath on the 26th October, to celebrate his Lordship's sixty-ninth birthday. This appears to have been a very hearty and sincere tribute of respect to an excellent landlord.

A failure is said to have taken place in Glasgow to the extent of 60,000/.—Chronicle.