The Queen has given 50/. to the Leicestershire Lunatic Asylum.
Admiral Sir Henry Trollope, G.C.B., who was in his eighty-fourth year, shot himself on Monday, at Bath, "in a moment of temporary derangement."
A few days ago, a letter appeared in the Times, with the signature of Sir John M`Neill, late British Envoy to the Court of Persia, pretending to contradict some rumours in reference to his retirement from the Persian mission. Sir John AI:Neill has sent a letter to the Times declaring that the epistle alluded to was a forgery.
English travellers are again flocking to Athens, now that the oppressive heats of summer are passed. Lord Alvanley, Lord Rokeby, Sir Andrew Barnard, Colonel and Mrs. Dawson Darner and family, Captain Goulburn, Grenadier Guards, Mr. Hay, formerly of the Colonial Office, and General and Mrs. Gordon, are among the notables here just
The catalogue of this autumn's book fair at Leipsic, which may be regarded as a fair index of the literary and scientific activity in Germany during the last six months, announces 4,071 new works published by 518 booksellers. The number published in the summer half-year of 18.29 was about 3,600, and that of the corresponding period in 1819 only 1,300. It is said that this increase, judging from the business which is doing by printers and booksellers, will still go on in a similar proportion.
.General Bernard, formerly Aide-de-camp of Napoleon, and lately Minister of War, died on Tuesday night at the Palais Royal, of which he sas Governor, after a long illness. Another distinguished officer of Engineers, General Lamy, who had evinced symptoms of insanity during the late residence of the Court at Fontainebleau, also died in Pans on Tuesday.