The Royal Gazette of September 17th, published at Hamilton, Bermuda,
gives particulars of a dreadful hurricane on the 11 th and 12th of September. It commenced about seven o'clock on the evening of Wed
nesday the 1 lth September— •
" Dense clouds, which had been gathering, burst suddenly into a violent storm of wind, rain, and li,ghtning. I' his lasted till about nine, when the weather moderated a little, and the sky became partially clear. The wind then seemed to be southward of east, but subsequently, as we understand, backed. Soon after ten, the wind increased, and continued with more or less force tilt about three o'clock the following morning, when it shifted front E.S.E. to S. and on to S.W., and blew with, if possible, greater fury than it had done during the night till near seven, when it again moderated slightly for about two hours. The gale was then renewed, and raged for a considerable perioa with much vehemence; but it seemeil as if the spirit of the tempest had, in this last effort, exhausted its strength, for in a short time the wind began to subside, and at noon, having veereil to the westward, it settled down into moderate breezes.
" The recollections of the anxieties of that night will be long fixeii in the memory of the people of these islands. Sad indeed was the appearance of our parish on the noon of Thursday. Scarcely a house escaped injury ; some were levelled and others unroofed, and the side-walls rent to the foundation ; walls and fences in every direction prostrate ; thousands of stately cedars were either torn up with the roots, split in pieces, or broken like reeds ; orange, lemon, lime, peach, and banana trees shared the same fate. The front street of the town was covered with branches or entire trees of the pride of India, whose cool and refreshing shade was so much resorted to. Portions of verandahs, shutters, blinds, sign-boards, &e., were to be found in every direction. A. spacious gap was made by the force of the waves in the eastern part of the wharf; and some slight idea may be formed of the power of the wind by one or two cases—that the salt spray with sand from the South shore was carried upwards of a mile overland, and that, with few if any exceptions, the water in the tanks throughout the island is brackish ; the lightning-conductor of three-quarteriron rod, which extended three tbet above the chimney of the Hamilton bakery, to which it was secured by staples, was forced from the fastening at top, twisted considerably, and is bent horizontally. The tower on Tower Hill has been blown down, and also the beautiful mulberry-tree at Point Shares. " In every parish in the island the like distressing reports have been received. We have heanl of several instances where whole thmilies were driven from their dwellings to pass the night in the open air exposed to the pitiless pelting of the storm—in such shelter only as the rooks afforded—in the cellars beneath their tottering and falling houses, or to seek refuge in the shattered. residence of a more fortunate neighbour. The roads have in many places been rendered impassable by the fallen trees and walls."
The public buildings and shipping in the port were much damaged.