During the recess, the state of Ireland is a standing
topic of newspaper yarn-spinning. Were it not for mobs and murders on the other side of the Channel, the daily journalists would be at a terrible loss for " leader" matter. But each Dublin mail brings its supply of facts or lies; which our contemporaries know how to work up to their advantage. The particulars of a dreadful murder of two men in Sligo are given under our Irish bead. A reward has been offered for the apprehension of the guilty party by the Government ; so, we presume, there is no doubt that the crime was committed. The motive to the deed was political; for the murdered men were intercepted on their road to vote for the Tory candidates in Sligo. We are not aware that on this account the crime itself was more heinous than if it bad been committed to prevent competition for a farm, or from private malice of any kind ; but the fact gives confirmation to the statements of the extent to which political intimidation is carried in the Irish elections, and affords a fine handle to the Tories. Generally speaking, the condition of Ireland is more tranquil than it used to be under Tory rule. Of this there cannot be any doubt whatever. Independently of the evidence, there would be no risk in asserting that such must be the case. A turbulent population is always less turbulent when the executive power is in the hands of men whom they have been led to regard as their friends.