Means Of Protecting The Constituency. If We Credit The...
party complaints of intimidation, bribery, and undue influence employed during the elections, we must conclude that in a great number of instances an exchange of Members ought......
Mole-eyed Rartisanship.
THE anonymous writer of the following is, for aught we know, some Downing Street underling, or one of the press people, interested in the depreciation of this journal. It may be......
The Theatres.
THE week has furnished two specimens of what by courtesy and custom are called " novelties ;" but both of which are, as regards subject, incidents, and treatment, as old as the......
Power's " Military Drama," St. Patrick's Eve, Or The Order
of th Day, produced at the Haymarket on Tuesday, is a very neat and pleasant version of the familiar stage incident of a soldier condemned to die for some breach of regimental......
Wensten Is Following Up His Successful Career Of...
spirit. A two.act drama, by SERLE, called The Gipsy Queen, is announced for next week ; and a hive-act comedy, by SHERIDAN KNOWLES, is underlined in the Haymarket bills. Hail to......