consols have exhibited a tendency to rise during the week, and have agitia touched. 92; they are now 914 to 92 for the Aeemint. This improventent has been in part ceased by the following anuouncement, made rather unexpectedly by Cie Bank of Englund on Thursday
' The Governor and Company of the Bank of England do hereby' give notice, that on and after the 7th inst. they will be ready to receive applieittions.for loans upon the deposit of approved bills of exchange, not having more than six months to run ; such loans to be repaid on or before the 20th of October next, with interest at the rate of 4/, per cent, per annum, and to be for coins of not less thatt 2,0001. eaeh.—septerzlier The general rate of discount at the Bank is still 5 per cent.; and it is not considered a very regular proceeding to advertise another and a lower rate. As motosy may be hal on good security from the discount-brokers at 3 and 31 per cent, it is sap lased that but few applications will he niaile to the bank. Some persons conjecture that the step has been taken by the Bank to facilitate the discount of some very heavy India aud China bills at long dates.
Thug Excliegiter Bills, which fall due at the end of this month, are tr be renewed, iteeording to the notice, for six instead of twelve months. Of course this to give the Chancellor of the Exchequer the option of reducing the rate of interest on these securities at t he expiration to: the half-year. The premium on Exchequer Bills And India Bonds 645 to 30s.
litt he Foreign Market, the price of Spanish Bonds has been depressed. in consequence of tli• defeat of General BUERENs : they are now quoted at 1 soithiuu..,164.19; to 20 with the Dividend Coupons for the Activi Sock ; Passive. 41 tot. Patiospese Five per Cents., 381 (o39. Dutch Five per Ceti A.. 11121 10 1. Brazilian, 354 t0199. ,P4Adrien. 19 to 20. Mexican and Columbian 241 to 2:t1.
In the Share Market, little has been dole. Birmingham and London Railway Shares have slightly improved, and have lx.en done at 51, and the new quarter ,hares are 14 to 15. Great Western, 8} to 94 premiain. North Midland, 1 difi. to par. Southanipton. 16 to 15 dis. Greenwich, 7 to e dis.
Au arrival from the United States Min.:A letters to the 17th of August. Tralc was not so brisk as it huh been. A came:el-et of men of business, to consider the monetary and mercantile state of the country, hail ti-en sitting at Philadelphia. The./ had passed a series of resolutions in racism of a gal aml silver stan lard, anl against irre deo:table paper Money ; against Op! Bank policy of th a late and preo..nt: Govern!neut, and the is 11.1 speculations or men with little capital. Specie is to begin.:ing to be plentiful in New York ; the demand for bills ou London hadpeen ilietia:s'aed, am/
the exchange had fallen from 19 to 171.
SATURDAY, Lvri,ve 0.4.2LOOK•
The market is very thiuly attended. with little or no busiuess doing. Consols fur
Aceoute ate 91 ;)2. .111.1 for Money 91} Z. S; anis!' 111111 Portuguese are lett' rather higher ; the price it the fernier being 2i'1, and of Portuguese Thr...e per Cent, . 251 1.
Thu rives may b.; quoted 301. SATUND ty, V i a • 'cLue:'.
In the English ninths, prices remain the same. Spanish and Portuguese 11,, WIV,1110-11 from the eff..ct of few purchases mule liyitafitent Lai parties. It is repo: : i• I that t ha pigeons have brought better pr:ces from Paris. Spanish closes at 5i. ;, a ..4 Port uguene Five per Cents. 391 1.
3 per Ceut. Consols 911 }
Ditto for Account 91i 92
3 per Cent. Reduced
New 31 per Cent. Anus 991 I
Bank Stock India Stock - Ditto Bonds 45 50 Exchequer Bills 42 44 Belgian 5 per Cents. 1021 31
Brarili..t: 1 per C. i is Wit 6 Dutch 24 per Cents 531 i
Danish 73 *
Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cte :IS 4
Ditto 3 per Cent. 25} i Russian (1522)5 per Cent 10$} 94 spanish (tS35) 5 per Cent 50 i Deferred stack 61 7 Passive Ditto 41 1