10 AUGUST 1912

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*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator



The Spectator

T HE result of the North-West Manchester by-election, which was declared on Thursday night, was a surprise for every one—a slap in the face of unexpected severity for the...

It would not be easy to over-estimate the good sense

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of this statement, and we congratulate Sir John Randles on it. The Free Trade Unionists were perfectly right to support Sir John Bandies, in spite of his economic views. The one...

A frontier dispute between Turkey and Montenegro, which looked dangerous

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early in the week, has been settled. Much more serious is a massacre of Bulgars at Kotchana. Bomb ex- plosions, very likely arranged by the Bulgars themselves in order to compel...

If Mr. Gordon Hewart found the land policy unpopular, the

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defence of the Insurance Act was an equally dishearten- ing task. He therefore settled down to champion Free Trade against Tariff Reform. This, as it happened, was an unreal...

The Iradeh was communicated to the Senate and the Chamber

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on Monday morning. Halil Bey, in the Chamber, ignored it, and the deputies proceeded to business as though nothing had happened. Djavid Bey mounted the tribune and delivered a...

An anxious watch has been kept on the Turkish crisis

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during the week. Last Saturday and on Monday the new Govern- ment under Ghazi Mukhtar Pasha brought off a coup and dissolved the Chamber. Last Saturday the Senate sat till late...

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The sittings of the House of Commons on Friday week

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and Monday were devoted to various stages of the Appropriation Bill and the Finance Bill. There was little of interest in the discussions themselves, but the occasions were...

The papers of last Saturday announced the conclusion of a

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Naval Convention between France and Russia. The import- ance of this is to be found as much in the occasion of making it public as in its essence. A Military Convention has...

Russian and German Emperors at Baltic Port. No new political

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move was then set on foot because it was absolutely necessary for the safety of Europe that the groups should remain as before. Now we know that the Franco-Russian alliance not...

The programme includes a minimum wage for women at once,

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and for men later, woman suffrage, old-age pensions, State insurance, and reduction of the hours of labour. At the same time Mr. Roosevelt advocates agricultural banks and a...

Last Saturday the United States Senate adopted Senator Lodge's resolution

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"warning off" foreign corporations from acquiring control over places on the American Continent which might be used as naval or military bases by foreign Govern. ments. Suppose...

We regret to notice that the Senate on Wednesday decided

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by a large majority to retain the clause in the Panama Canal Bill exempting American ships in the coasting trade from the payment of dues. This clause is a violation of the...

On Monday the National Progressive Convention assembled at Chicago to

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create a third political party in the United States. Whatever may be the result of Mr. Roosevelt's attempt to reach the Presidency with the support of this third party, we...

In spite of rumours, no such case as we have

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imagined has ever arisen. If the United States means to insist on assert- ing the Monroe Doctrine as against foreign associations or companies which might co-operate with their...

Mr. Beveridge said that the new party stood for "social

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brotherhood versus savage industrialism." It was the child of years of discontent with the old parties. When Mr. Roosevelt appeared on Tuesday he was received with one of those...

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Tuesday was occupied in the House of Commons by a

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dis- cussion of the Trade Unions Bill. The Attorney-General, in moving the second reading, explained that the Bill was identical with that introduced last year except for the...

The comedy of the five English yachtsmen who were arrested

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as spies at Kiel last Sunday has happily come to a suitable end with their release on Friday. Six professional men— three doctors, a solicitor, an engineer, and an artist—set...

The July trade returns, issued on Thursday night, show that

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the " boom " is still continuing. The imports for July reached the value of £58,304,351, an increase of £7,266,170 upon the corresponding figure for last year, while the exports...

It was announced in Saturday's papers that invitations for a

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visit to Canada had been sent to various British Ministers by the Canadian Government. The Prime Minister, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Secretaries of State for War...

The present part of the Session came to an end

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on Wednesday, when the House of Commons adjourned until October 7th. The last sitting was occupied partly by a statement from the Postmaster-General as to the Wireless Telegraph...

Mr. Ramsay MacDonald said that the Labour Party wanted to

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restore to trade unions the right of political action, because their principal object was not to provide friendly benefits, but to regulate the relations between capital and...

An Australian correspondent described in the Times of last Saturday

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the new Burrinjuck Dam in New South Wales. It is the second largest dam in the world—second, of course, to the Assuan Dam—and although it is not yet finished it has already come...

A strange sequel to the theft of the Monne Lisa'

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from the Louvre a year ago was reported by the Paris correspondent of the Times in a telegram published last Saturday. It appears that late in the evening of Thursday week an...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent., changed from 3 per cent.

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May 9th. Consols (2k) were on Friday 74k—Friday week 74t.

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THE ADJOURNMENT OF PARLIAMENT. -w HAT in normal years would have been a complete Session of Parliament came to an end on Wednes- day; but, as everybody knows, the adjournment of...

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I N spite of the coup by which the new Turkish Cabinet dissolved the Chamber on Monday the Committee of Union and Progress has not yet shown fight. The Chamber, composed at the...

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EVERE VER since the publication of President Monroe's message the meaning and application of the Monroe Doctrine has from time to time interested the Governments of the Old...

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O NE opens a newspaper on the day after a public holiday with the expectation of reading a fairly long list of fatal accidents. It is, unhappily, an expectation that is never...

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r . people of our village are mostly cantadini working in the vineyards ; very poor, yet seemingly happy, cheerful and contented, although their principal meal consists often of...

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[COMMUNICATED.] W HEN going on a journey, especially if it be to a foreign country, one of our most difficult and important con- siderations is the choice of the books which...

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T WO opposing currents of thought appear to meet in the tide of criticism of our English performances at the Olympic Games just concluded at Stockholm. One is repre- sented by...

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TARIFF REFORM AND THE REFERENDUM. [To THZ EDITOR Or THr " SPECTATOR."] SIB, — As a humble but fairly active Unionist worker, I am deeply interested in the letters appearing in...

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rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—How can I make a sacrifice without sacrificing some one else ? If Mr. Lloyd George, or any one else, can tell me how I can make a...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sts,—I am sorry to find that you still continue to advocate a system of finance that seems to me to be radically unsound. You found it on...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Most reluctantly I write again on this subject. Is there no difference between sending a gunboat to the mouth of the Congo to stop...


The Spectator

!To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —There is a point in connexion with the resistance to Acts of Parliament, such as those touching Insurance and Home Rule, on which the...

pre, THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIN,—In your issue of

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July 13th an article under the above heading advocated a course to be adopted by the British Government in connexion with the Putumayo outrages which somewhat resembled...

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[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sre,—Perhaps a benighted High

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Churchman may be permitted to supply a little of the criticism which you "can imagine '' and, in fact, invite on your recent article upon Mr. Cornford's book and its...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —May I be allowed to point out what must, I think, be a lapsus cab:1mi in the interesting article " From Religion to Philosophy " in...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SpacraTort. - 1 SIR, —Those of your readers who know the Rev. J. Edward Harlow as a writer of interesting and genial letters to the Press on matters...

[TO THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I read with great

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sympathy and interest your leading article of July 27th headed " From Religion to Philosophy." In the main I fully agree with it. No new discoveries in physical science or in...

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[TO THE EDITOR 01 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—In your list of the "Finest Views in the South of England " (Spectator, August 3rd) I think you should add the view of the "Vale of...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Popular attention and imagination will probably be attracted more strongly by the recommendations respecting the full provision of...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — In writing to thank you for your article on the "Experi went in Conservative Revision" in the Spectator of Augus t 3rd, I am sure I...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, — Your readers might be interested to know the result of the competition for the National Reserve, which, owing to your generosity,...


The Spectator

Srn,—I have read with interest your article on the finest view in the South of England. You ask, has Dorsetebire a finer view than the one you describe P—which is the one all...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — M. de Vogue in his study of Ravenna consecrates a fine passage to the Guidarelli monument, but says little to eluci- date the...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. ") Sin,—Many of your readers will be on holiday. Some of them will doubtless find their way to the English lakes, and may wish to know how the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR 0/ THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — On recent occasions I have noticed that garden houses are often damper than those without small gardens in front, and it has occurred...

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Seeing that Ravenna has

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been rightly designated "nobilissima 1Jrbium " by the Lombard historian, Paul the Deacon, in his geographical description of Italy, and that the fine recumbent statue of...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Some twelve years ago a firm of opticians in Bombay regularly missed a large number of gold spectacle frames, and the thief could not...

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NOTICE. — When "Correspondence" or Articles are signed with Ike writer's name

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or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Os THE " SFECTATOH."] &a, Today the holiday season commences with full vigour, and numbers of London and suburban houses will be closed for the next two months....


The Spectator

SOCIAL LIFE IN ANCIENT ROME.* PROFESSOR ABBOTT of Princeton in the two books before us has made an interesting contribution to our knowledge of Roman life. He has attempted to...


The Spectator

IN SUNNY PICCADILLY. IN sunny Piccadilly, When folks are out of town, I like to go with Willie, Walking up and down, Before the leaves turn brown. My Willie is not wealthy,...

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MISS DOUGLAS IRVINE has essayed the task of writing a history of London in less than four hundred pages, and she has therefore been compelled to select some special aspects of...

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SOME MEDICAL BOOKS.* AMONG "medical books" lately sent for review

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there are many of general interest. For example, there is Heredity in Relation. to Evolution and Animal Breeding, by W. E. Castle, Professor of Zoology at Harvard University. It...

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A SPORTING BIOGRAPHY.* HE who from motives of curiosity or

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of a love of know- ledge would know what manner of being was the early or the Mid-Victorian smart sporting cavalry soldier should look upon this book. He will certainly be...

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COLONEL HAMILTON-BROWNE is one of those rare writers to whom it would be forgivable to apply the outworn phrase that his reminiscences really bring the smell of the hay—in this...


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THERE would seem to be few subjects upon which one might not expect a book by Mr. Belloc, and to meet him in the guise of a military historian arouses a feeling rather of...

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Tribes of Southern India is now an accepted classic of Indian ethnology, and this supplement- ary volume, an amplification of a chapter in the same author's well-known...


The Spectator

THE RACE OF CIRCUMSTANCE.• THIS is a story of great expectations. We wonder whether any novelist has described the sobering effect of wealth which has been acquired by some...

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A History of Japan. By Hisho Saito. Translated by Elizabeth

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Lee. (Keg= Paul and Co. 5s. net.)—Though most of us are acquainted with the history of Japan since the abolition of the Shogunate, very few have even a vague knowledge of the...

The Camino% Touch. By Austin Phillips. (Smith, Elder and Co.

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6s.)—This novel deals with the history of a girl who, wanting to become a novelist, endeavours to put herself in touch with every- day life. She is the more to be applauded for...

The Return of Pierre. By D. IL Haines. (S. Paul

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and Co. fa.) —Those who remember with admiration or pleasure The Red Badge of Courage, with its pitiless dissection of a soldier's feel- ings in battle, will be interested in...

The White Slave Market. By Mrs. Archibald Mackirdy and W.

The Spectator

N. Willis. (Stanley Paul. 5s. net.)—We can do no more than mention this terrible indictment of a state of things with which the law seems at present unable to cope. We believe,...


The Spectator

Milder this heading we seise such Books qf tke weak es Aare eat bun sturrs4 for sestina is °thin. fariatO Introductions to the Poets. By W. F. Rawnsley, M.A. (G. Routledge and...

Martin Harvey : Some Pages of his Life. By George

The Spectator

Edgar. (Grant Richards. 7s. 6d. net.)—Admirers of Mr. Harvey's art will be glad of this volume, which tells the story of his difficulties and his successes. A "foreword" is...

The Making of Oxford. By Rhoda Murray. (Simpkin, Marshall and

The Spectator

Co. Is. net.)—The celebrations of the millenary of the City of Oxford last week make the appearance of this book opportune. It contains in a popular form an account of the...

READABL.11 Novnus. — Borrowers of Fortune. By J. L. Herbert- son. (W.

The Spectator

Heinemann. 6s.)—A well-told story of an attractive girl cruelly wronged before the action really begins. The mother is an amusing character and well drawn.—Galbraith of...