10 FEBRUARY 1866

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In her Speech the Queen informed the Houses that she

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had consented to the marriage of the Princess Helena with " Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg," and then repeated the usual formal statements about...

The Commons devoted themselves still more exclusively to the same

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subject. In the Lords, Jamaica had been mentioned, and Reform, but in the Commons member after member rose to de- nounce the apathy of Government as to cattle. The drift of all...

In the Lords, where the Marquis of Normanby worked pain-

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fully through the Address, with a long and painful suspense of animation just as he got to the Cattle Plague, evidently fearing to take the bull by the horns, and the Earl of...

The behaviour of the Commons, when summoned to hear the

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Speech, appears to have been even more indecorous than usual. It is the custom when the rush has begun to leave the Speaker and the leader of the House some little law, but this...


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T HE QUEEN opened Parliament on Tuesday, and sat upon the State robe (which had been spread on the throne), but not in it, —the Princesses filially drawing a little of it round...

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It is stated, apparently on good authority, thitiAdmiral Pareja intended

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his suicide to express his own conviction of his unfitness for his post. He had convinced himself that M. Tavira was a gullible person, and that Chili would never.figirtiand,...

The- adjourned' debate on the Address-turned almost entirely upon Fenisnism,

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upon-which the , O'Donogleue made a really re- markable speech. The member- for Tralee is chiefly : known in England by some wild speeches to excited Nationalista but he is a...

The other four were English, and we regret to see

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among them the name of Mr. J. Stuart Mill. Mr. Mill would probably appeal to his strong and, as we think, just views about Irish tenure as his justification, bat his Indian...

The cattle-plague returns • for the first time show- a

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slight improvement. The decrease in seizures on the face-of the figures- is.--2,692,.bute209 inspectors have not sent in their returns in time.. They returned last week 2,304-...

Statements of Sir Charles Weed's perfect recovery have been made

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so assiduously, that the public was not-surprised on Tuesday to hear of his resignation. His friends dreaded the excitement of Perliament, and he- has consequently -retired,...

Lord Russell's attitude on Reform is the mostediaheartening sign of

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the times to all - who wish well to the Liberal - Govern- ment. It is obvious that he has no sort of 'belief in his own - Bill. He promises only what he knows will content - no...

Mr.-Childers; IT - tide-Secretary! to the Treasury, is, we see, to bring

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forward a motion -about the loan of money for rebuilding the houses of ithe poor. We trust this-means -that- Government has a real plan in hand, and will follow •it-up-with a...

The Earl of Carnarvon. is very savage with the Government

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for not appointing a day - of general fast and htuniliation for the cattle plague, It shows, he says, that the Government care nothing for the interest that is suffering so...

Mr. Gladstone's speech in-reply was by far-the best proof he

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has yet given of his ability to lead the House. Grave, gentle, and considerate, the Chancellor of the Exchequer still spoke as became the virtual head of a great Ministry, and...

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We are informed from New4Zealand, but only by,telegram, that. Mr.:Stafford's

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Government is -likely to consent to the separation .4:the:Northern from the Southern Island. That means, we take it, if: - true at all, consenting to immediate bankruptcy on...

Mr. G. Bentinek, in_a letter to the Tunes on Reform

The Spectator

published this.day week, proposes -what is. in_ fact very much like what the Southern - party in America contend for. He says the counties• ought to have 110 or 150 fresh...

Captain J. Casey, commanding the Jane Eaudett f ..a vessel pro- ceeding

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from Quebec to. Falmouth with wood,bas had an almost miraculous escape. On December 2t' his ship was , . disabled by a heavy gale, and be himself and all his crew were washed...

Mr. Stevens has proposed in Congress a new amendment to

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the Constitution, intended ftehave the effect of represeixting the.varicaui -States in proportion only to the numbers. of the classes which send up voters to the .polls. At...

The Oichestra, an occasionally clever and 'generally abusive musical paper,:recently

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accused Mc - D: Ryan; musical critic and concert-giver, of.combining his two vocations in - a lighlyimproper- way, charging bim openly with paying thoseswho sang at his con-...

On Saturday last - the Consol market - was firin, the quolartitm fol .

The Spectator

money being, 86f,. And 'for - account 87i I., On litinday-a further improvement - took place, .busineas for transfer having - been ddne at. 87*., Since then, however, the market...

We hear a very curious statement -from Nottinghamshire that the-agricultural

The Spectator

labourers there, who hive akeady 12s. a week, are striking; with the . aid of the , stocking : maLe- rs, whose trade is very brisk just naw,. for ls. 6d. a week more.. The....

The closing prices - of the , leading British...Railways , - yieterdity and On Friday

The Spectator

week were as under :=•• Caledonian ...• Great Eastern .. Great Northern .. Groat Moslem . .• Do. West Midland, OsTord Lancashire and Yorkstdre . London and Brighton • ....

A'little war has broken - out at - Aden.: The British and Indian

The Spectator

population encamped in the chinks of that colossal eindeviis fed principally from Lahej, the nearest oasis, and its Sultan isthere-. fore our ally. The Foadlee tribe, either...

Meek •• •• • Do. Coupons ... Karina Spsuiall PI/waive

The Spectator

• . • Do. Certificates Tdrirleir6 per Ceuta.; 13111.4.. 1362.. •• • . •• ••• • • • • 01.• am ••• • • Fiirdspre6t2. 12.-• 5 2 2 .; 70; • 63 • Friday, Fob. 9. la • 21.!'...

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THE DEBATE ON THE CATTLE PLAGUE. P ARLIAMENT has met and has lowed. Our readers, though not usually silly persons, will probably suspect us of an absurd and personal pun, but...

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T HE Cabinet is, we believe, the stronger for the resigna- tion of Sir Charles Wood. It has never been weak from want of power so much as from the appearance of that want, and...

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111HE Jamaica-papers, coolly considered, impress.us more pow- .", erfully with the mischiefs of intellectual weakness in menin authority, than even with the barbarities and...

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TT is upon Education that the debates in Convocation are I most important, for it is at this point they touch most nearly the concerns of practical life. When the dispute is on...

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FEUDALISM IN GEORGIA. T HE American House of Representatives has recorded

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for- mally its conviction that nothing short of the suffrage can protect the freedom of coloured citizens against the attacks of citizens without colour. In the district of...

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House of Lords has been lately described by an able- essayist as one of those dignified' elements of the Con- stitution the value of which resides, in great measure at least,...

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THE moral of this Fitzgerald case seems to us a singularly _L. commonplace and vulgar one,—that the leading idea of Protestant tuition works on the whole better than the leading...

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iT will not have escaped the attention of the readers of these papers that there is an essential difference between the social history of the Butlers and the Fitz-Geralds. In...

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[Fnost A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Washington, January 22, 1866. THE line of fire and desolation carried by General Sherman from Chattanooga to the sea was undoubtedly the deepest...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—In an article which appeared in the Spectator of the week before last, I am numbered among those who deny the possibility of a miracle,...

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THE GENERAL EXHIBITION OF WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. THE promise of last year's Exhibition at the Dudley Gallery has been thoroughly well kept. It is satisfactory to find that...


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ITO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] February 5, 1866. SIR,—Is a man who attributes the evil in himself to his own nature, and not to a Spirit of Evil distinct from that nature...

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Some ten years ago (more or less) there was exhibited

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at the Royal Academy a series of pencil drawings by Mr. Maclise, in- tended to illustrate the Norman Conquest. It was extremely difficult at that time to understand why the task...

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RAPHAEL SANTI.* THIS is a poorer book, much poorer, than Grimm's Life of Michael Angelo. Indeed it is rather an essay than a life, the Baron von Wolzogen in his horror of...

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lin.. EDWARDS had the honour of being Times' correspondent in Poland during the last insurrection, and the still greater honour. of -being turned out of Poland by the Russians....

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ThE attractions of Homer for all who can read him in Greek is a standing mystery to most of those who cannot. Readers of Pope's Iliad are often left with the impression that the...

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SOME four or five weeks ago, a strange procession made its way through the north-western suburbs of London, from Camden Town to Highgate Cemetery, the Pere-la-Chaise of the...

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Ana ly sis of the History of Germany. By Dawson W. Turner,

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D.O.T., - (Longmans.)—This little volume is constructed on:. a principle- which has been already employed -by the author in various historical works. The novelty-in it...

Biographies of Good Women. Edited by the- Author -of The

The Spectator

Heir of .Redelire. Second Series. (Motley;" Masters.)—We can speak with un- qualified praise: of the spirit in which the contributors to this volume have entered upon their...


The Spectator

- The Contemporary Review. Nos. 1 and 2, January and February. (Strahan.)-We welcome this new periodical. It is intended, it -seem; to be an organ of theological, literary, and...