10 JULY 1897

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The Spectator

T4 ITTLE further news has arrived from India this week, except that there was no connection between the snurders in Poona, the actors in which have not been dis- covered, and...

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The Spectator

THE SULTAN'S SUCCESS. T HERE is no reason whatever for believing that Thessaly will be evacuated by the Turks. The extraordinary being who reigns in Constantinople, who, while...

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The Spectator

W E are not so completely satisfied as to the wisdom of the arrangements made at Poona for stamping out the Plague as Lord Sandhurst and Lord George Hamilton evidently are. That...

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The Spectator

W E trust that in the very natural, and in itself very wholesome and pleasant, outburst of good feeling between the various parts of the Empire and the Mother- country which has...

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The Spectator

T HE moneylenders have given themselves away. Mr. Yerburgh must have smiled to himself when Mr. Isaac Samuel refused to deny that he might have charged a client 2,000 per cent.,...

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THE CONDITION OF GERMANY. T HE gifted economist Reacher declared that

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there were certain infallible signs of revolution in a country- when there existed a "well-defined confrontation of social classes" and when there was a prevalence of...

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The Spectator

B Y the side of the crowd from all parts of the Empire which made up and witnessed the Jubilee Procession the gathering of two hundred Bishops at Lambeth may seem but an...

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The Spectator

S INCE the time when, on the morrow of a British Foreign Minister's declaration that the Euro- pean firmament was cloudless, Germany and France sprang into deadly conflict, the...

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The Spectator

T HE extension of the Anglican Church which is visible in so concrete a form in the Lambeth Conference is hardly so interesting intellectually as the, limitations within which...

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The Spectator

W E wish the newspapers would leave what they call great social functions alone. It is all very well to publish the list of names of those present, but when it comes to "writing...

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The Spectator

T HE St. James's Gazette thinks that there is a brilliant future before the Irish donkey. He is the future beast of burden of South Africa, where he defies the tsetse-fly in...

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The Spectator

"Stray suns visit it, the callow moon hath found it, Sad seas circle it, a melancholy strand. Dreams impeople it, shadows are around it, And the Gods call it the distant Shadow...

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The Spectator

THE UNREST IN INDIA. [TO THIN EDITOR ON TEl " EPNCTATOR."] SIR,-I venture with all deference to dissent from the opinion expressed in the Spectator's article on July 3rd on...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "8PECTATOR:1 Sin,—Towards the close of your article on "Missionary Work"' which appeared in the Spectator on May 8th, you say :—" The missionaries, full...


The Spectator

SIR,—I am glad to see in your last issue a much-needed suggestion that free-trade in money-lending would be a benefit to borrowers. In 1854, under the reign of the £10...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] read with agreement your "Constant Reader's" letter in the Spectator of June 26th. My own experience, from having resided in and represented...

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The Spectator

[To TRH EDITOR OF TIM "SPRCT■TOR."] Sift,—On the night of June 22nd I was at Crowborough in a house close to the beacon, and with a very wide view on all sides. From the...


The Spectator

[ro TER EDITOR OP TER " SPROTATOR."] S111,—Anotber Jubilee reminiscence—in this case revealing a rustic child's mind—may perhaps be interesting. In a Gloucestershire...


The Spectator

[To VIZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIE, — I have not seen the fact noticed in speech or in news- paper—and our after-dinner orators in returning thanks for the Navy are not...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'BPI/CT/TOR'] Sfn,—In the Spectator of July 3rd you called attention to the demand made by American farmers for a bounty on wheat grown for export, and...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPHGTATOR.1 SIR,—The other night I heard a distinguished Scottish Pros fessor relate a curious coincidence which might add another to the many subtle,...

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The Spectator

JUBILEE VERSE.* A SURVEY of the verse that has been written on this occasion inclines one to think that Mr. Gladstone was perhaps right— if, indeed, it was his doing—in...

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The Spectator

THERE is an old story told of a gracious Sovereign who had to bestow the seals of office upon a venerable Minister of unblemished character in the place of a younger and more...

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The Spectator

THESE two volumes, separated as they are by nearly half a century, present, as may be supposed, an interesting con- trast. This contrast is to be found, not so much in increased...

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The Spectator

record of work with the Chinese Inland Mission for twenty-six years. The writer says :— "Many incidents have been forgotten ; others too sacred for the public eye necessarily...

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JOHNSONIAN MISCELLANIES. * DR. HILL'S life as a scholar has been

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devoted, as he himself states, and as most men of letters know, to the study of Johnson's life and works. The theme is a fruitful one. There were perhaps greater men, and there...

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SOUTH AFRICA AS IT IS.* THE inexhaustible mine of fact

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and fiction connected with recent events in South A. rrica has been bored with yet another shaft by Mr. Reginald Statham, who appears, from a phrase in his introduction, to be a...

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The Spectator

The Anti - Philistine is the title of a new sixpenny "magazine and review of belles-lettres," the main object of which, if one may gather from the first number, is to tilt...

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Poems of Independence and Liberty. By William Wordsworth. With Introduction

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by Stopford A. Brooke. (Isbister and Co.)— The rapid movement of events has somewhat belated our notice of this book, in which a set of poems, published by Wordsworth himself...

The Dome. (Unicorn Press.)—This is another of the many quarterlies

The Spectator

which include literature, art, and music. The pastoral play, "Near Nature's Heart," by J. E. Woodmeald, is an amusing idea cleverly worked out. Among the best of the...

Decorative Illustration. (Bell and Sons.)—In this remark. ably pretty little

The Spectator

volume Mr. Walter Crane traces the art of book illustration from the earliest times until to-day. We are given reproductions of typical examples, as well as a great deal of...

English Portraits. — This is the first of a series of lithographs

The Spectator

by W. Rothenstein, published by Grant Richards. This number contains portraits of Sir F. Pollock and Mr. T. Hardy. They both show their author's undoubted cleverness and...

The Magazine of Art. (Cassell and Co.)—This bound volume for

The Spectator

the first half of 1897 has many interesting articles and well- produced pictures, notably the photogravure of Lewis's " Lilium Auratum." It is a pity that second-rate...

Of the Deepest Dye. By Colonel Cuthbert Larking. (Hurst and

The Spectator

Blackett.)—Some familiar "properties" of the tale-writer, never very valuable, and now somewhat worn by use, are employed by Colonel Larking in the construction of his story. We...

Mcissonier : his Life and his Art. By Vallery C.

The Spectator

0. Gre'ard. Heinemann.)—No trouble has been spared in making the illustra- tions to this bulky book worthy of its subject. A profusion of reproductions both of the sketches and...

English Society. Sketched by G. du Maurier. (Osgood, McIlvaine, and

The Spectator

Co.)—In the preface Mr. Howells deals with Du Maurier more as a novelist than as a black and white artist ; and in it seems inclined to recant his former heresy as to the method...

Plastering, Plain and Decorative. (Batsford.) — In this volume of

The Spectator

some six hundred pages Mr. Millar deals with the whole art of plastering. The author tells us that in the course of his career he saw the need of a treatise on the subject, and...

To Kumassi with Scott. By George C. Musgrave. (Wightman and

The Spectator

Co.)—This is a very lively, entertaining, and not rosin- structive account of the last Ashantee Expedition. We have not found elsewhere so vivid a description of the final scene...

The Old Italian Masters in the National Gallery. By A.

The Spectator

S. Hewlett. "Goodwill Art Series," No. I. (Hibberd.)—This little book is illustrated with good process reproductions of fourteen pictures. The notes upon these are for the moat...

Hepplewhite's Cabinetmaker's Guide. (Batsford.) — This is a facsimile reprint of the

The Spectator

third edition of 1794, and contains a large number of drawings of the spindle-legged furniture of the end of the last century. The designs here shown are remarkable for their...

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Thomas Ken. By F. A. Clarke, M.A. (Methuen.)—We are glad

The Spectator

to have a life of Bishop Ken so well written and of so con- venient a form. Dean Plumptre's work gives all that has to be said, and gives it excellently well, but its magnitude...

The Kadambari of Bana. Translated by C. M. Ridding. (Royal

The Spectator

Asiatic Society.)—This is a Sanskrit romance, dating from some- where in the seventh century of our era. It is constructed after the common Oriental fashion of tale within tale,...

The Long Walls. By Eldridge S. Brooks and John Alden.

The Spectator

(G. P. Putnam's Sons.)—An American boy goes with his uncle to Athens for the purpose of exploration. Their adventures and successes are recorded here in a pleasant fashion. The...

To ensure insertion, Advertisements should reach the Publishing. Office not

The Spectator

later than the first post on Friday.

The Autobiography of Karl von Dittersdorf. Translated by A. D.

The Spectator

Coleridge. (R. Bentley and Son.)—Karl Dittersdorf—he won his nobility by the exercise of his musical genius—was born at Dresden in 1739, and died late in the century (the exact...

Intaglio Engraving, Past and Present. By Edward Renton. (G. Bell

The Spectator

and Sons.)—This little book is the work of an expert, by which is meant not a connoisseur but one practically acquainted with the art, and this by inheritance as well as...

Whispers of Truth from the Stars. By the Rev. Septimus

The Spectator

Hebert. (Nisbet and Co.)—Mr. Hebert has put together in this volume a number of illustrations of doctrine and practice which he has gathered from observations of astronomical...

The SPECTATOR is on Sale regularly at MESSRS. DAHRELL AND

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UPHAM'S, 283 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; Taw INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY, 83 and 85 Duane Street, New York, U.S.A. ; MESSRS. Baxmrawo's, Union Square, New York,...


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NOTICE.—The INDEX to the SPECTATOR is published half- yearly, from

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January to June, and from July to December, on the third Saturday in January and July. Cloth Cases for the Half- yearly Volumes may be obtained through any Bookseller or...

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Cheques, and (Post-Office Orders 369 Strand) payable to "John Baker."

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Applications for Copies of the SPECTATOR, and Communications upon matters

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of business, should NOT be addressed to the EDITOR, but to the PUBLISHER, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.