The Jubilee Bonfires.
[To TRH EDITOR OF TIM "SPRCT■TOR."] Sift,—On the night of June 22nd I was at Crowborough in a house close to the beacon, and with a very wide view on all sides. From the windows......
Missionary Work.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "8PECTATOR:1 Sin,—Towards the close of your article on "Missionary Work"' which appeared in the Spectator on May 8th, you say :—" The missionaries, full of......
Jubilee Reminiscences.
[ro TER EDITOR OP TER " SPROTATOR."] S111,—Anotber Jubilee reminiscence—in this case revealing a rustic child's mind—may perhaps be interesting. In a Gloucestershire......
One Hundred Years Ago.
[To VIZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIE, — I have not seen the fact noticed in speech or in news- paper—and our after-dinner orators in returning thanks for the Navy are not......
American Wheat.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'BPI/CT/TOR'] Sfn,—In the Spectator of July 3rd you called attention to the demand made by American farmers for a bounty on wheat grown for export, and for......
A Curious Coincidence.
[To THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPHGTATOR.1 SIR,—The other night I heard a distinguished Scottish Pros fessor relate a curious coincidence which might add another to the many subtle,......