10 MAY 1856

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The Spectator

Born; Houses of Parliament have had a grand talk upon the Peace address, and all that relates to the Conference in Paris ; but the talk was without result, as with respect to...

In Turkey, the Hatti-scheriff has already occasioned difficulties in various

The Spectator

places. The British Consuls and merchants report their fears of a Mussulman outbreak against the favour shown to the Christians, with probably some vindictive personal out-...

When Ministers rose in both Houses, on Thursday night, to

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propose the thanks of Parliament to the British Army and Navy, they had at once the advantage and disadvantage of stating facts! which everybody knew, and of expressing feelings...

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Vtiatts auh turtrhiugn in at-Haunt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Horns OF Loans. Monday, May 5. Debate on the Treaty of Peace ; Address agreed to. Tuesday, May 6. County Courts Acts Amendment ; Lord...

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On Sunday, the day appropriated to the special solemnity of national thanksgiving, all the churches were filled. The Queen herself, with her husband and children, attended the...

'Or (nut.

The Spectator

THE QUEEN has held a Court and a Levee ; she has received addresses from the Houses of Parliament and the City of London ; and she has .given a State Ball. At the Court., on...

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The prominent event in the intelligence from Scotland is the death of Sir William Hamilton, Edinburgh's most distinguished Professor, and most regretted scholar. Sir William...


The Spectator

The election of a new Member for Cheltenham, in the room of Mr. . Grenvillt Berkeley, began on Wednesday. There were two candidates.. Mr. Monro proposed and Mr. Doming seconded...

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Peace was proclaimed in Dublin yesterday week with all due form and ceremony. The Lord Lieutenant, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Mayor, and other distinguished persons, were...


The Spectator

The Queen will honour M. Musurus, the Turkish Ambassador, with her presence at a ball to be given at the Embassy in Bryanston Square on the 27th. As the house is small, the...

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The Spectator

II1LUIL—A decree in the Moniteur places in the reserve all the soldiers of the class 1849 not there already. Their number is 52,000 ; of whom there are " at home, 27,468 ; in...

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The Spectator

On the 21st April, at Beaufort, near Killarney, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles E. Law, Sixty-sixth Regiment, of a son and heir. On the 1st May, at Butleigh Court, the...

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Present—the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, Prince Albert, the Royal The

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Sydenham Palace had a fete yesterday in celebration of the peace.. Present—the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, Prince Albert, the Royal The Sydenham Palace had a fete yesterday...


The Spectator

The business transacted in Parliament last night was of a very varied character—in the House of Commons no fewer than eleven topics were started on the motion for the...

The Army and Navy Estimates, as reduced by the peace,

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show an aggregate saving of 17,558,9811. The Army Estimates have been re- duced from 34,998,6041. to 20,747,5741. - the Navy, from 19,876,6651. to 16,568,614/. Towards the Army...


The Spectator

Lord Wodehouse, now appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to St. Peteiv- burg, is thirty years of age ; and has filled the post of Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs since...

At the sitting of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives on

The Spectator

Wednes- day, M. Orta called attention to the speech of Count Walewski at the Conference in Paris touching the Belgian press. He denied the truth of the accusations ' • he denied...


The Spectator

Of postponed Communication: already in type, we may promise insertion next week to three : " The Alliance with France," by Hr. Philip Howard; "The nrtne of Peace," by B. A. F.;...

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Her Majesty's Theatre reopens this evening. We had an opportunity

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of seeing tho house yesterday morning during the rehearsal of the Cenorentola ; and its appearance at once gave the lie to all the tales that have been told of the dilapidated...

11,4t tOtairts.

The Spectator

This week there has been no novelty at any of the dramatic establish- ments ; but a " new and original romantic drama of modern life, in four acts," will, according to...

Peaintat Tfisevarcets.

The Spectator

There have been almond revivals lately in the -French metropolis. The debut of Mademoiselle 'Celine Hugon, a new tragic actress, at the Theatre Francais, has brought to light...

M. Philadelphe 'Maurice Alhoy, one of the founders of the

The Spectator

French Figaro, and the author of several - dramatic and other works, is recently deceased. His funeral was attended by many celebrities of Paris.

Tamberlik had a farewell benefit at the Royal Italian Opera

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on Wed- nesday, previous to his departure for Rio Janeiro. He will be succeeded by Mario; who, it is expected, will make his appearance next week. Tamberlik, nevertheless, will...


The Spectator

. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Ministerial Bills Introduced, 61. Received the Royal Assent 1$ Withdrawn (Partnership Amendment Bill—for which No. 2 has been substituted ; Local Dues on...


The Spectator

STOCK ETCH/INGE, FIUDAT AFTERNOON. The postponement of the Budget until the 19th instant and the expected reduction in the Army-Estimates have caused renewed buoyancy in the...

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WE must admit the force of much that Mr. Phillimore said as to the importance of the rights which are ceded by the second and third of the four points in the recent diplomatic...


The Spectator

FINALITY. • PALMERSTON is doubly certificated as "the man of the situation." Last week the House of Commons rejected the Tory proposal ; this week the House accepts the...

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BY degrees Parliament will stumble upon the true method of law-reform. At the present moment we hardly over notice a debate upon the subject that does not bring out the...


The Spectator

Ties Gazzetta d'Augusta announces that " the Italian question has no existence " ; prophesies that " Italy will never be inde- pendent"; and at the same time declares that " the...

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Tut Horse Guards has been- sitting in judgment on the War Department ; and the proceedings at Chelsea Hospital go dead against the younger, less courtly, and more businesslike...


The Spectator

TICE status of woman in her conjugal relations is the subject of much solicitude to longer heads than that of the ingenuous Mr. Dillwyn, and we need not wonder if he fails. The...


The Spectator

THE grand net totals of the loss or gain by the late contest, to. each party in the Paris Conference , may be tabulated. Turkey. Termination of Mussulman tyranny over...

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The Spectator

MEMOIRS OF THE REGENCY. * THIS continuation of the Buckingham Papers, under the title of "Memoirs of the Court of England during the Regency, 1811- 1820," has more original...

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ROSS'S BED RIVEE SETTLEMENT. ° IN this book there are faults

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of arrangement, of treatment, and of temper • but the subject is novel, curious, and not without inte- rest, while a strong sense of the real obtains throughout. Scotch...

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AMOS'S RUINS OF TIME. * A LEADING object of Professor Amos

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in this volume is to assist in forwarding " the adoption of a code of Criminal Law ; by which is meant, a consolidation conjointly of the Common Law and of the Statute Law with...

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BOOKS. The publishing world was very slack in the early part of the week, but towards its close several long-talked-of works arrived. Foremost among them are two with a bearing...

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The authorities of the National Gallery have expended 16321. 15s.

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at the Rogers sale in the following purchases : the reduction from Rubens's " Horrors of War " in the Pitti Palace , 2101. ; Rubens's " Triumph of Cesar," after Mante ' a,...

lint Ids.

The Spectator

The third exhibition of the French School of the Fine Arts opened on Saturday last, at the gallery in Pall Mall where it has already received two years' cordial welcome. It may...

Our review of the Academy Exhibition is interrupted for a

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week, by reason of the inordinate space required for the proceedings in Parliament.


The Spectator

WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, May 9.—Caratry-6th Regt. of Drag. Guards— Cornet S. W. Stevenson has been permitted to resign his commission. 7th Drag. Guards—Lieut. A. G. M. Moore...


The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZhriE, MAY 6. Partnerships Dissolred.—Mallory and Cowley, Warwick, grocers—Steegman and Co. Nottingham, merchants ; as far as regards H. T. Zimmern—Clarke and...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS 8aturd. (Closing Motaday. Prices) Tuesday. Wednes. Thum Friday, 3 per Cent Consols 929 93 93 93 93 929 Ditto for Account 929 929 921 939 931 93 3 per Cents...