11 APRIL 1868

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The Spectator

THE division of Friday week which we gave in a considerable part of our edition last week, was not absolutely correct. The real majority for Mr. Gladstone against Lord Stanley's...

Mr. Disraeli's speech on Friday night was very long, rambling,

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and, on the whole, feeble. He spoke from half-past ten till one, and really said nothing to the purpose all the time. One or two of his personalities were amusing, and one or...

The Debats publishes a letter from the Pope to the

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Emperor of Austria, which appears to be genuine, and to have been written by the old Pontiff, as the children say, " out of his own head." His Holiness alludes to the Emperor's...

Rumours as to the way the contest will go are,

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of course, flying thick, but we believe the following to be, as yet, very near the truth. Mr. Disraeli will not quit office until taken out by the collar. The Government,...

The India House published on Friday a telegram despatched from

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Alexandria on the 6th inst. In it Sir Robert Napier informs Sir S. Northcote that he reached Lat on the 21st of March, that he expects to arrive before Magdala on the 2nd of...

Mr. Gladstone was playful and confident in reply. He remarked

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that much of Mr. Disraeli's speech was irrelevant, and much due to the influence of a "heated imagination." He laughed at Sir Stafford Northcote's statement that a Free Church...

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Mr. Darby Griffith elicited an amusing reply from Mr. Disraeli,

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by asking him, before the debate yesterday week, whether he in- tended to advise the Crown to confer a title of dignity on one of the Members for Thetford, and whether that...

And partly also, no doubt, to the apparently rapid increase

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in the numbers of the class who attend the Universities, and who, therefore, interest their friends and connections in the great match of the year. The Times says that the...

Professor Brewer of King's College sends to the Times of

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Fri- day a letter in favour of the Irish Church which strikes us as ex- ceedingly fallacious and unworthy of his high reputation. The real gist of the letter is that a State...

Sir Colman O'Loghlen, Mr. Monsell, and Mr. Shaw Lefevre have

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brought in a singular Bill. It provides that no new Peers of Ireland shall be created, that representative Peers shall be elected for each session instead of for life, that...

The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland has advised the Corporation of Dublin

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not to illuminate on the occasion' of the Prince of Wales's visit. Lord Abercorn probably fears some political demonstration, but surely the true policy on such occasions is to...

It is stated that the Irish Tories are much divided

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on the sub- ject of the Irish Church. They dread Mr. Disraeli's scheme, which would, they say, endow Catholicism with 400,0001. a year, and think Mr. Gladstone's offer to leave...

On Monday night Mr. Fawcett, M.P. for Brighton, delivered an

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address at a church in Blackfriars Road in favour of women's suffrage,—of giving women general political power. We assent to much that Mr. Fawcett said as to the deplorable...

The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, this day week, terminated

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in what is now the usual way,—Oxford winning,—by three or four lengths. It is said that neither crew was up to their average standard of merit, though the race was rowed in the...

The Standard is in a state of such deplorable confusion

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of mind at the division of yesterday week, that it unsays one day what it said the day before, and that in the most explicit terms. On Monday our contemporary was sanguine :—"...

There has been an almost total absence of news from

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the Con- tinent this week. The only interesting though most sad fact is the sudden failure of M. Eugene Forcade's intellect, owing to overwork and excitement ; and the only...

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Letters have been received from Dr. Livingstone. It appears that

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he was deserted on the shore of Lake Nyassa by the Johanna men, who, to shield themselves, invented the circumstantial lie about his death. Thence he advanced northwards towards...

Mr. Whitworth, the well known engineer and manufacturer of artillery,

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has signified to Government his intention of founding thirty scholarships worth 1001. a year each, to advance industrial education. They are to be given by competitive...

There has been a correspondence this week in the Times

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on the possibility of flying. Somebody is going to fly somehow, but apparently like a kite, along the nave of the Crystal Palace. " Apteryx" writes to say he cannot do it,...

The women of the United States have put forward a

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new claim, 'which they will, we imagine, win. Most of the churches there are organized on the plan of the English Nonconformists, the whole body of communicants electing and...

Mr. Grimston, Chairman of the International and Electric Telegraph Company,

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protests against the Government Bill for the purchase of the Telegraphs. He complains that it is really com- pulsory, which is indirectly true, and ought to be true directly ;...

There has been increased firmness in the market for Home

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Stocks during the week, although the amount of business passing has been only moderate. We quote Consols 931 to 1, both for delivery and the 5th of May ; Reduced and New Three...

On Thursday and Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Great Eastern... Great Northern Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton ... London and North-Western Friday, April 3. 831...

Mr. W. V. Harcourt, the arbitrator in the suit brought

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by Madame d'Alteyrac against Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, has published his decision, which is of course very clear, and equally of course written in a tone which suggests that Mr....

The following advertisement appears in the Record:-

The Spectator

E ARLSWOOD IDIOT ASYLUM.—The Rev. J. W. Burgon, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, entreats the favour of proxies for a poor friendless idiot (W. T. Beale), whose election about...

Friday, - April 3. Thursday, April 9.

The Spectator

Mexican m ... 151 ... 151 Spanish New ... ... 351 ... 871 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 ,.. ... 60 ... 60 ,■ 1862 ... 631 ... 631 United States 5.20's ... 721 ... 721

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SHALL LIBERALS TAKE OFFICE YET W E do not complain of those who assert that the Liberal effort to abolish the Irish Church, to replace ascendancy by equality, and to convince...

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M R. DISRAELI has at last not merely satisfied the Record, but made it almost hysterical with rapture. There is , every reason to believe that " Gamaliel himself" rejoices over...

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E UROPE has missed a good deal in missing the details of the Paraguayan War, which, had they been forthcoming, would have been followed with unfaltering interest. The scene, it...

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UR. COLERIDGE is the most mellifluous orator in the I House of Commons. Without either the massiveness of Mr. Bright or the eagerness of Mr. Gladstone, he has a persuasive- ness...

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A GROSS job has recently been perpetrated at Winchester College, not perhaps equal in enormity to those which were common among the old Foundations, before they were submitted...

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T HE Government scheme for the absorption of the Telegraphs will need a great deal of explanation before it passes the House of Commons. The Bill has been drawn up so as to give...

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A RATHER remarkable poem, not without fire and not without imagination, which was sent to the Pall Mall Gazette of Monday by some warm friend of aristocratic politics and fierce...

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M R. WHITWORTH, the well known gun manufacturer, has just presented the nation with 100,0001. as a free gift. He proposes to found Thirty Scholarships, at a cost of 3,0001....

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LIX:SUFFOLE AND NORFOLK :—NORMAN AND EARLY PLANTAGENET PERIODS. W E have no special records of any resistance offered by the Anglo-Saxons and Danes of Suffolk and Norfolk to...

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The Spectator

* Linn of the Archbishops of Canterbury. By Walter Farcighar Hook, D.D., F.Ft S., Dean of Chichester. Vol. L, New Series Reformation Period. London Bentley. 18GS. DR. HOOK'S...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—While thanking you with all sincerity for your review of my book, may I at the same time request permission to say a few words in your...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —I am glad you acknowledge that the popular argument against the Irish branch of the United Church—the argument, viz., that it ought to...

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THE NEW HUNGARIAN NOVEL.■ WE do not pretend to appraise

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the absolute literary merits of Maurice Jokai on the strength of having perused, and that in translation, one only of his novels. The pleasure of entering for the first time a...

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LIFE OF PASTOR FLIEDNER.* IT almost seems as if it

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were the Bethlehems of the world, its small, half-forgotten villages, which were destined to be the nurseries of ideas whose earlier growth would be stifled in the hot- house...

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THE author of the volume before us has to deal with a subject which, while of great commercial importance, is not without elements of general literary interest. We are bound,...

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THE history of the remarkable political crisis, which com- menced with the death of Lord Palmerston and has not yet ex- pended all its force, deserved to be written while the...

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the reader of Mr. Chapman's travels great novelty of scenery or incident, and, indeed, we must admit that in this, as in all books of the same kind, there will not be found that...

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The whole period with which this book deals is of

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a distinctly mythical nature, though it is divided into portions of more or less probability, and they are honoured with names implying more or less certainty. But all is a mass...

Essays from " Good Words." By Henry Rogers. (Strahan.)—The papers

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in this volume are unequal, and while some are worthy of the ability of The Eclipse of Faith, others will not add to the author's reputa- tion. The dream on which the second...

back on the whole, the affect is bewildering. All the

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first volume is• taken up with the story of the Barnards and the Deerings, and that is more or less complete in itself. But with the second volume we plunge into the story of...

of these sermons deal with questions that have given rise

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to much con- troversy of late years, and are still working and fermenting amongst us. Purely theological quarrels they may seem, but they have not been left to theologians. The...

The Spectator

Count Montalembert's great work contain the history of St. Oswald

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and St. Wilfrid, St. Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede, or rather of the gradual conversion of England by their means, and of the way in which Christianity and civilization were...

Abyssinia, Mythical and Historical. By Richard Chandler. (Skeet.) —While our

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expedition was on its way to Abyssinia, Mr. Chandler seems to have gone to the British Museum. The results are before us. They have already appeared in a magazine.


The Spectator

Vittoria Colonna; Her Life and Poems. By Mrs. Henry Roscoe. (Macmillan.)—This sketch of Vittoria Colonna is elegantly and taste- fully written, and Mrs. Henry Roscoe has entered...

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Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. By James Hutchison Stirling, LL.D. (Edmonaton

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and Donglas.)—We should find little to say about these essays, if we had not to make particular objections to the one on Tennyson. Dr. Stirling is neither profound nor original...

A Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Book

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of Common Prayer. By J. H. Blunt. (Rivingtons.)—We cannot but think this book would be more useful if it did not constantly obtrude Mr. Blunt's own notions, or those of his...

Boom OF VEasa—When we say that we have here eighteen

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volumes of verse, and that not more than two or three of them would bear a separate notice, our readers will not be surprised at the occasional savageness of our expressions....

The Parables of Jesus. By John Page Hoppa. (Simpkin and

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Marshall.)—The discourses contained in this volume are what their name implies, and no more. They are short, sensible, and practical.