12 AUGUST 1966

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A Question of Standards

The Spectator

EIEW Members of Parliament will be sorry to have their deliberations brought to an ,end by the summer recess. Few mem- bers of the public, either. In little more than four...

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The Spectator

The economic committee of the Trades Union Council is conducting a study for its executive on the Wage Freeze. Blow, blow, thou rising price. We do not find it nice To...

Rt. Hons. and Rebels

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY By ALAN WATKINS smoke signals emanating from No. 10 earlier in the week should have put us all on our guard. Mr Harold Wilson, it was re- liably reported,...

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The End of Another Incomes Policy

The Spectator

AMERICA From MURRAY KEMPTON AMAGANSETT. LONG ISLAND H ERE the descendants of the immigrants who irritated Henry James by littering Central Park with their Russian newspapers...

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Could Any Man Do More?

The Spectator

INDIA From CHANCHAL SARKAR DELHI T HE other day I rode a train a thousand miles down the sweltering Indo-Gangetic plain. And it came home to me that Mrs Indira Gandhi's real...

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America Fights the Wrong War

The Spectator

VIETNAM By SIR ROBERT THOMPSON I V the end of 1964 the Vietcong were winning hands down in South Vietnam. While main- taining their control over the villages in the Mekong...

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The Spectator

By JOHN ROWAN WILSON I T'S over fifteen years now since I first acted as a judge at a baby show. I was newly qualified and I was trying to broaden my experience as well as earn...

Tories and the Pound

The Spectator

By HUGH FRASER, MP A s Parliament goes into recess and the crisis deepens it is impossible to feel much optimism either for the country or for any politi- cal party. Least of...

be Zpectator

The Spectator

Aukust 11, 1866 '10 per cent.' which a few weeks ago was only a nuisance. is becoming a calamity, checking not only speculation, but ordinary trade. No one will do anything he...

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Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

T HE most notable name in Mr Wilson's Cabinet reshuffle is that of the man who didn't move: Mr James Callaghan. It was, of course, rather tactless of the Chancellor to have...

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The Last Bastion?

The Spectator

JURIES By JOHN TERRAINE The first disagreeable discovery was the exis- tence of a phenomenon known as a 'spare jury.' These exist to maintain the continuity of action in the...

John's Gospel

The Spectator

THE PRESS By DAVID FROST HE Beatles, ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles. .. .' Mr Tommy Trinder announced to a television audience, 'They're going to have Ringo for Pope . . ....

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The Shabby Death of 'Assistance'

The Spectator

By a Correspondent* T HERE is nothing revolutionary about the new Social Security Act which became operative this week, and little that is new that is not also retrogressive....

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S*x Behind the Curtain

The Spectator

RUSSIA By TIBOR SZAMUELY Yet there still exists a country where the 'sexual revolution' of our time has made no headway, a country which has neither birth con- trol clinics...

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The Spectator

By JOHN WELLS DOOMED by the Lady Palmist of Seaton Carew to cross the water, I found myself last Tuesday evening on the time-worn steps of the Acropolis. The air was heavy and...

The Case for Devaluation

The Spectator

Era From: Nigel Vinson, Ken Geering, J. M. Ramp- ton, Quentin de la Bedoyere. Mrs Constance Daw, L. A. Smith, John Vaizey, J. E. M. Gunning, R. A. Collier, Julian Budden, R....

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SIR,—I have followed the correspondence on BEA The Line That

The Spectator

Leaves You Behind with growing be- wilderment. The prudent traveller, in this case my- self. finds a good travel agent. Having done this, he has his file marked, 'Never Flies...

Ted MacWilson

The Spectator

SIR,—What is the difference between Ramsay MacHarold and (forgive me, Brecht!) Ted

BEAstly Journeys

The Spectator

SIR,—Could you request Mr Cyril Ray to be good enough to pipe down? His BEAstly letters are really becoming tedious. Can he not say one appreciative, even adult, word? I always...


The Spectator

SIR,—I feel that I must take up the cudgels in defence of the mid-Victorian ghosts of Grub Street which have by implication been besmirched in your columns by Mr David Frost...

Two-Way Mirror

The Spectator

SIR,—Does Mr Frost really believe that the Daily Mirror is one step ahead? Surely, if so, it would have campaigned for the Conservative party and not the Labour party at the...

The Abortion Bill

The Spectator

SIR,—In my previous letter to you I mentioned that it was difficult to assess the view that the foetus is only a potential human being because the Bishop of Exeter made no...

The 'Forgotten' Island

The Spectator

SIR,—I know that the general public loses interest in Cyprus, the 'forgotten' island, until the guns start spitting death and destruction; and I know it is the British...

Moral Superiority

The Spectator

Snt,—Like Strix, I have an idea that we English are not as astute at looking after our financial affairs as we flatter ourselves. At the moment, the nation's monetary matters...

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Failure on the Left

The Spectator

SIR,—No doubt Arnold Beichman's dismissal of the American New Left ('Failure on the Left,' July 22) was based on considerable knowledge of the sub- ject, but why didn't he...

With Net and Score

The Spectator

SIR,—Your music critic, who was invited to listen to the broadcast of Parsifal from the Royal Albert Hall on the stereo wavelength, complains that he 'loyally tried to imagine a...

The Catholic Marxists

The Spectator

Father Laurence Bright writes to say that a remark attributed to him in this correspondence last week ('the only body of thought that the Christian could support today was the...

Changing Taste at Buckingham Palace

The Spectator

By ROY STRONG A RIOT of opulence holds court at the moment in the Queen's Gallery under the title 'George IV and the Arts of France.' Without doubt one of the best exhibitions...

The Silver Strand

The Spectator

SIR,—Mr John Wells, in your issue of July 29, praises the Irish Tourist Board for being 'devils for detail.' It is a field in which he might have dabbled himself whilst on his...

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The Spectator

Clay-cauld Bogies Macbeth. (Chichester Festival Theatre.) TN happier circumstances, John Clements's 'Macbeth must have been the perfect general. All the right heroic virtues...

Snap Plom for Vigour

The Spectator

PICCADILLY CIRCUS By TERENCE BENDIXSON A RECTANGULAR mushroom with 95,000 vehicles swirling underneath every day and people strolling on top. This is what Lord Holford, the...

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The Odd Hitch

The Spectator

CINEMA Much of Hitchcock's mastery of suspense derives from his astuteness in picking the order in which he presents us with information. Here any inkling we may have of...

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A Calendar of Critics

The Spectator

Han By C. B. COX I N literary criticism we have always understood the pleasures of kicking our opponents. In 1925 the first issue of a new journal, The Calen- dar of Modern...

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Against Religion

The Spectator

God and Philosophy. By Antony Flew.. (Hut- chinson: paperback, 12s. 6d.; hard Over, 30s.) ANTI-RELIGIOUS polemic seems to have been muted in the last few years by 'the...


The Spectator

Down Among the Meths Men. By Geoffrey Fletcher. (Hutchinson, 30s.) FOR more than a year I lived in Spitalfields, once the heartland of the London Jewish community, but now an...

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Mozart's Light and Darkness

The Spectator

The Letters of Mozart and His Family. Trans- lated and edited by Emily Anderson. Two volumes. (Macmillan, 8 gns.) OVER 600 letters by (and most of them between) Mozart, his...

Nobody's Province

The Spectator

BELFAST LETTER By PHILIP HOBSBAUM N ORTHERN IRELAND, Ulster, the Six Counties —yet another of the difficulties that beset us here is that we have no real name. Those who are...

The Map

The Spectator

I smooth out a map of where you live, Run my finger along your street, Feel your will in the fibre of the sheet; But remember you said, I hate home! It is so far to come; And...

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Perse's Verse

The Spectator

Saint-John Perse: A Study in his Poetry. By Arthur Knodel. (Edinburgh University Press, 35s.) 'THE performance is worth beholding,' runs the concluding sentence of Professor...

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Rake's Progress

The Spectator

Not Honour More. By Joyce Cary. (Michael Joseph, 25s.) Hell. By Henri Barbusse. (Chapman and Hall, 30s.) Rusty. By Jessamy Morrison. (W. H. Allen, 18a) A Leavetaking. By George...

Cricket in Dreamland

The Spectator

' duction by Alan Ross (Alan Ross, 36s.) ALAN Ross has collected the cream of R. C. Robertson-Glasgow's writing and has produced a pleasing book for any cricketer. There does...

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The Price of Partnership

The Spectator

C - 7 E 0 11 7 !trU rECIRIChviV By JOHN BULL S o the Confederation of British Industry has decided to implement the Big Freeze. It is the crucial accord of the campaign. Wage...

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Milking the Public

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST By LESLIE ADRIAN Poor consumer, too. He/she is going to have to pay more for even less. Where milk deliveries used to be twice a day, with dairies competing...

Market Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS I NVESTORS who have been hoping that the mar- ket has now grounded have had a somewhat unnerving time this week. On Monday and Tues- day prices fell over a wide front...


The Spectator

ACROSS s. It's a fair way to get taken for a ride, on this (so) 6. Sign of the blues in the desert? (4) so. Met to become tribal symbol (5) IL The burning bright flower (5-4)...

SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1233 ACROSS.-x Deck-hand. 5 Mob-cap. 9

The Spectator

Consomme. so Stance 12 011112011. 13 Overall. 24 Egalitarians. 17 Eternity ring. 22 Nattier. 23 Wercome. 24 Inrush. 25 True blue. 26 Endear. 27 Isotherm. DOWN.-2 Doctor, a...

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The Spectator

By LORD EGREMONT 'Which is your partickler.wanity?' asked Sam Weller : wanity do you like the flavour on best?' I RECENTLY g ot a rasp- berry from one of my i tailors. There...

CHESS by Philidor G. GUIDELLI No. 2 95 .

The Spectator

(Good Companions, 1 9 1 5) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 294 (Lan g staff) : Q— Kt 8, no threat. I. . . B—B 2 or B x Q; 2 Kt—Kt 4- •...