13 FEBRUARY 1953

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Mr. Dulles's Ten Days

The Spectator

Some minds are congenitally absorptive. It is to be hoped that that is true of Mr. Dulles's and Mr. Stassen's, for in their ten-days' European tour, which included visits to...

THE EAST COAST PERIL T HE tale of disaster from storm

The Spectator

and flood is not complete by any means, and it is impossible as yet to compute its cost in terms of money. Some slight indication of the amount that will have to be spent on...

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Over to the Sudanese

The Spectator

Disagreement on the Sudan has been such a chronic condition of Anglo-Egyptian relations for the past generation that agreement is a prospect which will require some adjust- ment...

Balkan Triple Entente

The Spectator

The Balkan defence talks have made rapid, and to all appear- ance completely successful, progress, and Mr. Eden's visit to Athens and Istanbul in April should prove even more...

Report on Federation

The Spectator

The White Paper on Central African Federation, published since the last issue of The Spectator went to press, adds little to what was known or surmised already about the results...

A China Blockade ?

The Spectator

Mr. Dulles has made it clear that no decision to blockade the China coast has been taken in Washington, and has left it to be inferred that recent discussion of the project was...

War on Neo-Nazis

The Spectator

The action of the Federal German Cabinet in banning the -" neo-Nazi ". organisation Freikorps Deutschland and issuing warrants for the arrest of four of its leaders is to be...

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Israel in Trouble

The Spectator

On Monday The Times published a comment by General Glubb, of the Arab Legion, on alleged Arab infiltration into Israel. On Tuesday tension in Jerusalem and at various points on...


The Spectator

The reduction of ten per cent. in the grants to the Universities Council for Adult Education and the Workers' Educational Association will mean a saving in 1953-1954 of...


The Spectator

p ARLIAMENT is involved in three issues at present— two of them temporary and the third permanent. The extent of the influenza epidemic is a daily concern to Government and...

Mr. Wilson Harris's editorship of "The Spectator" will end on

The Spectator

March 31st. He will be succeeded by the present Deputy Editor, Mr. Walter Taplin.

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The Spectator

T HOSE many forces that frequently have beaten against the resistance of all British Governments since the war to full membership of all the various schemes for European...

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Janus of course has two faces, for looking forward and

The Spectator

looking back. Last week he was so intent on looking forward that he got a little lax about looking back, and consequently failed to realise that the project for a new women's...

The suggestiorr which I made, in some ignorance, last week

The Spectator

that the loss of the ' Princess Victoria might have been largely due to the fact that the car doors in the stern were calculated to withstand heavy seas far less effectively...

A new form of camaraderie between men and *omen undergraduates

The Spectator

has, I observe, been inaugurated at Cambridge. It consists of the fulfilment of a vow taken by some members of a women's college to take baths, undetected, in every men's...

Some few 'weeks ago, in a street leading off Tottenham

The Spectator

Court Road, I noticed a venerable and massive figure standing stock-still in the middle of the pavement. As I passed him I observed that it was Dr.` Vaughan Williams. Looking...


The Spectator

R. EDEN's friends will have welcomed his decision to take a short rest in the country this week, for in spite of official reassurances he has looked very tired of late, and with...

The announcement that Mr. J. W. Wheeler-Bennett has been appointed

The Spectator

the official biographer of the late King comes a little unexpectedly, for Mr. Wheeler-Bennett's literary interests have'lain so far almost wholly in the field of inter- national...

Does everyone know how a 999 call works ? I

The Spectator

never did till I listened to a B.B.C..play on Saturday night, most of it consisting of calls to and from police-stations. If that was correct, and no doubt it was, the operator...

I understand that the Editor of this journal is included

The Spectator

in the list of those on whom the, University of St. Andrews proposes to confer honorary degrees at the Graduation Ceremonial in June; he is to get the degree of LL.D. Sir Evelyn...

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Theology and Life

The Spectator

By MERVYN STOCKWOOD T HE Bishop of Bristol has suggested that the Church must look to its intellectual roots and provide adequately equipped apologists. I am sure that he is...

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Formosa Argument

The Spectator

By The Rt. Hon. P. J. NOEL-BAKER, M.P. F 64 INAL determination (about a blockade of China) might hinge on how much fuss is raised by the Allies over the Formosa decision." So...

THE NATION'S HEALTH In view of the importance of the

The Spectator

nation's health, and the interest properly taken in it by the public, "The Spectator" offers three prizes of £15 15s. for the best article on each of the following subjects:...

Page 8

East Coast— January 3 r st

The Spectator

By W. W. WILLIAMS* I HAVE for two and a half years made a detailed study of a section of the East Coast between Lowestoft and South- wold, where coastal changes are very rapid....

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Truth in Kenya

The Spectator

By MARGERY MUMFORD Nairobi. W HERE does Truth live in Kenya ? Her whereabouts are hidden by the mists and gases of prejudice and susceptibility, prestige and egoism, racialism...

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An Engaging Assailant

The Spectator

By BRIAN INGLIS Dublin. S OME thirty years ago the headmistress of a kindergarten school in Bexhill used to warn recalcitrant pupils that, if they did not behave themselves,...

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The Spectator

Bottled By PETER UNWIN (Christ Church, Oxford) HE idea occurred, in Solihull of all places, to a beer- drinker and a tomato-juice enthusiast who were drinking tea together. The...

Intercepted Signals

The Spectator

Calling all rooks in Wellhead Parish. Urgent. Nimbus, vedette of second squadron, speaking. Scarecrow observed beyond the southern hedgerow, Grounded but mobile, steadily...

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ON Saturday night MoiraShearer returned to Covent Garden after an

The Spectator

absence of some eighteen months. She made her reappearance in Symphonic Variations, and stood out from the indifferent performance of her companions by reason of her extra...


The Spectator

OPERA AND BALLET Orpheus. (Royal Opera House.) Tins is the last of the revivals of the 1952-3 season at Covent Garden, and the opera company now goes on tour. Gluck's Orpheus...


The Spectator

Oedipus. By Sophocles. (King's Theatre, Hammersmith.) MR. DONALD Wourr has, prefaced his Shakespearean season at Hammersmith with King Oedipus and Oedipus at Colonus, in the new...


The Spectator

We will post the SPECTATOR to any,of your friends residing in any part of the world at the following rates :— 52 weeks, 35s. ; 26 weeks, 17s. 6d. In addition a Birthday Greeting...

The Ballet in " Orpheus " : Two Views Is

The Spectator

Orpheus an opera or a ballet ? What did it look like in Vienna in 1762 or in Paris twelve years later ? Does the fact that we don't really know what it looked like matter one...

Unlike some operas, in which it acts simply as a

The Spectator

form of divertisse- ment, the ballet in Orpheus plays an integral part of the whole. The Furies and the Blessed Spirits set the key for the Underworld - and the Elysian scenes...

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The Spectator

Les Belles de Nuit. (Rialto, February 12th.)—La Minute de Verite. (Rialto, February 15th.)—Springfield Rifle. (Warner.) —Appointment in London. (Leicester Square.) THE French...

ipertator, februarp 12tb, 1853

The Spectator

V1LLETTE, BY CURRER BELL• Villette is Brussels, and Currer Bell might have called her new novel " Passages from The Life of-a Teacher in a Girls' School at Brussels, written by...


The Spectator

Turner. (Whitechapel Art Gallery.) THE moment of Turner's reassessment is now close, and the White- chapel Art Gallery—very spick and span in its new grey and white—has...

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Sporting Aspects

The Spectator

Immortals at the Oval By J. P. W. MALLALIEU S a cricket-ground the Oval means little to me. It has none of the graciousness of Lord's; little of the'majesty of Old Trafford....

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The Spectator

Set by M. H. Middleton It is often suggested that industry must now exercise in the arts the patronage that was formerly the duty of the nobility. Competitors are to imagine...


The Spectator

• Report by J. M. Cohen The usual prizes were offered jar a translation of Jean-Baptiste Chassignet's sonnet ; " Qu'est-ce de noire vie ? ..." in equivalent English form. The...

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The Spectator

The Coronation Oath Sia,—The Bishop of Monmouth's original statement in his sermon was that " when the State thought it desirable to include in the Coronation oath a single...

"An Italian Visit"

The Spectator

Sit,—It has frequently been observed that Mr. C. Day Lewis is the only poet - to hold the Chair of Poetry at - Oxford since Matthew Arnold. Mr. Garrod's review of his...

Sut,—What a breath of fresh Jibwas_ your _review of An

The Spectator

Italian Visit! Although considerably Professor H. W. Garrod's junior, I too have lived all my life in a different kind of poetry. But I would submit that, for all that, it...

Views on Formosa

The Spectator

Sm,—The article Tire President's Policies contains a statement which is not in accordance with fact. The statement is: " There is no difference of opinion in .this country An...


The Spectator

Slit,—In all the discussion about Formosa I have seen no mention of the Formosan people. In the tables of the area and population of the world in Whitaker's Almanack for 1948...

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Parliament's Rights

The Spectator

SIR, —One question of urgent public importance arises from the unhappy Bentley case. It is whether the High Court of Parliament—made up as is it of 600-odd men and women, each...

Jordan Valley Irrigation

The Spectator

Sut,-1 am glad to see that you have raised once again, through Mrs. Barbara Castle's article, the question of the settlement of the Arab refugees, and that she reveals so...


The Spectator

SIR,—The attack made by E.H. on Janus smacks of the spirit in which murders are committed. Nor certainly does it express the view of ordinary thoughtful folk. A keen and...

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Objective History

The Spectator

SIR, —In his admirable notice of Macaulay: Prose and Poetry. your reviewer makes a remark so astonishing that a protest seems permis- sible, " I know," he says, of no objective...


The Spectator

SIR,—AS you have a passion for collecting horrible words, the following extract from an advertisement may interest Lyou: "National Coal Board invite applications for the...

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The Spectator

I have often been fascinated to see how birds make use of their wings and tails to brake and turn in the air. Many water-birds slow themselves before alighting by keeping their...

A Spectator Puzzle Solved

The Spectator

SIR,— With your leave (to satisfy The idle curiosity Shown by F. M.) I must insist I positively do exist. The evidences all agree That I was born in '83. A pedagogue upon the...

COUNTRY LIFE STANDING on the bank at the side of

The Spectator

the road, I looked into the coppice at the hazels and blackberry bushes; the blackthorns and the holly. The few larger trees, one or two oaks and beeches, had made a carpet of...

Celery Trenches February is a good month in which to

The Spectator

prepare. trenches for celery. Take out the soil to a depth of eighteen inches, and make the trench fifteen inches wide, spread a six-inch layer of manure mixed with top soil,...

The Dead Tree

The Spectator

In the centre of the little wood, where I often used to go to gather nuts or pick blackberries a few years back, there stands an old dead tree. It is a chestnut, I think. The...


The Spectator

It has been said that reading Greats Makes men improve their thinking-rates. Will not a brain run even faster When it's a super-ex-headmaster ? Add " Balliol Scholar," and...

The Bard Old Willie wears a thing known as. a

The Spectator

dicky, with a ready-tied tie and cuffs to match. It is not that he is a dressy man, for he does not bother to hide the heavy flannel shirt that peeps from behind the starched...

Mr. R. S. Thacker SIR,—With respect to the comment: "

The Spectator

What is virtually a cause célèbre lays a heavy responsibility on the District Magistrate concerned, who by the nature of things has little experience in affairs of such.magni-...

Page 21

EvEN more than the biography of any living figure, the

The Spectator

biography of AT the General Election of 1880, the Liberal Party was returned a Communist must be an interim appreciation. Not only are the with an assured majority. Lord...


The Spectator

21s.) Howard. (Batchworth Press. 21s.) Netherlands was not a member of Benelux, with the words: "When I The great new novel from Africa say no' it means NO." The other is of...

Page 22

A Tragic Document

The Spectator

ET NUNC MANET IN TE is the title Gide gave to the confession in which he poured out the first agony of his grief and remorse after the death of his wife in 1938. Later he...

In next week's " Spectator " Peter Fleming will review

The Spectator

" Sir Francis Younghusband : Explorer and Mystic " by George Seaver, Rex Warner " Divine Horiemen : The Living Gods of Haiti " by Maya Deren ; and Professor D. W. Brogan "...

Page 23

The Music of Poetry

The Spectator

Selected Poems. By Wallace Stevens. (Faber and Faber. 12s. 6d.) WALLACE STEVENS is the most musical poet of this century. Not only does he write poetry about music, but his...

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Curiouser and Curiouser

The Spectator

The White Knight. A Study of C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). By Alexander L. Taylor. (Oliver and Boyd. 16s.) THIS book is a fresh and learned tribute to the vitality of a...

Artist as Critic

The Spectator

Books in General. By V. S. Pritchett. (Chatto & Windus. 12s. 6d.) MR. PRacuErr is a short-story-writer with a heaven-sent talent for making his characters betray themselves from...

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The Amateur Astronomer

The Spectator

Astronomy for Everyman. Edited by Martin Davidson. (Dent. 18s.; IN the preface it is claimed that this book provides an up-to-date and authoritative outline of our knowledge of...

The Spectator


The Spectator

The Time of the Assassins. By Godfrey Blunden. (Cape. 15s.) Blanket Boy'a Moon is, informatively speaking, an interesting book, telling about the impact of South African...

Page 28

Temptress Returns. By Edward .AlIcard. (Putnam. 12s. 6d.) IN this

The Spectator

book Mr. Edward Allcard proves that he is not only an intrepid sailor, but also an efficient journalist who almost invariably finds the telling phrase. This well-produced volume...

THIS remarkable book elaborates a theory of time, finds confirmation

The Spectator

for it from a number of sources, Egyptian, Greek, Biblical, mediaeval and more recent, and explores its implications for the man or woman in search of a wisdom to live by. It is...

A Ray of Darkness. By Margiad Evans. (Arthur Barker. 12s.

The Spectator

6d.) A Ray of Darkness. By Margiad Evans. (Arthur Barker. 12s. 6d.) MARGIAD EVANS is a poet. She greets with modest surprise a comment that site had unusually keen senses, and...

Shorter Notices

The Spectator

The Smaller English House. By Reginald Tumor. (Batsford. 42s.) IT was an excellent idea of Mr. Tumor's to write a history of the smaller English house from 1500 to 1939. The...

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The Spectator

[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week. February 24th. addressed Crossuord. 99 Gower Street....

Solution to Crossword No. 715

The Spectator

• 13 El =MI - r 1313151313_el 13 E II 11=1E1313 HOU 0 13 (2 111 10 F-1 1"113r111 MIMIC! 111113111113n1313 El 13 GI kilEMEILIGIUGIVIO 410 We 1t1 a 13 1113121131IIIIEMICI MEMO...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS MR. CHARLES CLORE, whose bid for control of J. Sears & Co. has been successful, has become a market portent. We shall probably hear more about the economic...