13 MAY 1848

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The Irish news of the week records characteristic traits rather

The Spectator

than stirring events. Lord Clarendon, whom the Dublin Corpo- ration had treated with an impertinent lecture on the expediency of being "constitutional," has replied in a...

Matters are going on untowardly at Rome. It appears that

The Spectator

the Romans chose to assume the Pontiff to be under some kind of coercion. He had abstained from a formal declaration of war against Austria, through the fear of provoking a...


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Orrice would go begging just now, or the new Ministerial em- barras would have ousted Lord John Russell's Cabinet. The in- terest of the last Spanish correspondence has been...

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Dcbates an Agrocetbings in Varliatnent.

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THE SPANISH CORRESPONDENCE. In the House of Lords, on Monday, Lord STANLEY called attention to the Spanish correspondence now laid upon the table, and to the additions which...

A week's proceedings in the National Assembly of France is

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now before us ; and upon the whole it may be said that orderly organization has advanced with reasonable smoothness. The As- sembly has received the government surrendered to it...

The Germanic part of Europe continues to be in an

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unsettled state, especially in the mixed provinces that border it. In Posen, Prussians and Poles are waging what looks very like a war of mutual extermination. It is not easy to...

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Zbt eourt.

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THE Queen held an investiture of the Order of the Bath, in Buckinglnas Palace, on Saturday; the first which has occurred under the new ccnsutu- tion of that order. Lord Fitzroy...

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gig Vrobintes.

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A meeting of electors of North Cheshire has resolved that Mr. Francis Dukenfield Palmer Astley is a fit person to succeed to the seat vacated by Mr. E. J. Stanley, on his...

ebe IfIttropolts.

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The British and Foreign School Society held its meeting at Exeter Hall on Monday; Lord Morpeth presiding. In the course of his opening speech, Lord Morpeth gave some ex...

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iFortiaa anti oaiai.

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FRANGH.—The National Assembly elected its officers on Friday. The state ofthe vote for the President's chair was as follows—M. Belches, 383; M. Trete, 234; M. Recurt, 91; M....


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The Corporation of Dublin lately resented an address to the Lord'- Lieutenant, intended by its tone to counterbalance the loyal declarations of the County Magistrates who...

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ffilistellantous. We understand that the Earl of Granville has been

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appointed Paymas- ter-General; the salary of which office will be reduced to 2,000/. per an- num. Lord Granville will fulfil at the same time the duties of Vice-Pre- sident of...

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The advices of yesterday morning from Paris state that General

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Ca- vaignac had arrived in that capital from Algiers. The following are the Ministers officially appointed by the Executive Committee of the National Assembly— Foreign...


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SATURDAY. In the House of Lords, last night, Lord BROUGHAM brought "the state of the law, judicially and legislatively," under the consideration of the House. He divided the...

The Irish Court of Queen's Bench has granted the Crown's

The Spectator

special application to fix Mr. Mitchel's trial for the 29th instant. [This indicates, we hope, that the law authorities in Dublin have at last turned over a new leaf, and will...


The Spectator

On the 19th April, at Brussels, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Erskine, of a daughter. On the 2d May, at the Hirsel, N.B., the Countess of Home. of a son. on the 4th, prematurely, at...

Extreme pressure on our space has forced no to omit

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several papers; and among them; to defer the long Indian communication from R. Di. M.; the Fifth Letter on the Obstruction to Public Business; and the letter of K W. F. on...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FILIDAT APITNNOON. The scarcity of Stock upon the settlement of the Consol Account, on Tuesday last, was such that the price of Consols for Money was from * to...

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The debfit of Madame Pauline Viardot Garcia, at the Royal Italian Opera, on Tuesday, took place under very unfavourable circumstances, and was not attended with the success due...

At Her Majesty's Theatre, Jenny Lind, having repeated Amine on

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Sa- turday, in some respects with increased power, appeared on Thursday in her very popular part of Maria in La Figlia del lieggimento; which proved as captivating, and was...

Two translations, both obviously from the French, have been produced

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this week at the Princess's. One, called A Day at Dover—a paltry mea- gre affair, in which a grisette is made to pass off for-Catherine of Braganza —is just relieved by Madame...

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TUE AIWIENT omicEetts.

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When we find in the programme of an Ancient concert the name of Prince Albert as the acting Director of the night, we know that the office is to be, for that night, not merely...


The Spectator

IRELAND AND THE BRITISH C (JOVE • THE Easter recess having ended, and ParlIant ot tre." gether again, Lord John Russell comes forward a remedial l measures for Ireland. A...


The Spectator

The large circle formerly occupied by the panorama of - London is-now Ailed with a panorama of Paris, seen by moonlight The effect is very Nautili:1: the buildings—the abundant...

M. Aoharcl has reappeared at the St. James's as Christophe

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le Cordier ; a character which he makes more probable, and leis comical, than Buckstone's version. Be is supported by Mademoiselle Desiree, a pleasant actress; who in her turn...

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WILL his Lordship go along with us in the following practical reflection, and anticipation of what can be from what is; which ought to prove consolatory to governors of men, in...

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CERTAIN ingenious and philosophical politicians wish to reduce the management of sanatory affairs to the condition of being "everybody's business": They call any attempt to make...

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Pitoat being burdens our Colonies might be converted into sup- ports for the Mother-country ; but the great obstacle to such a truly "blessed change" is the Colonial Office : we...


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"To make a dike is a great plot of state," in Holland ; but in this country, it seems, the great officers of state turn their atten- tion to the making of dresses; and...

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6PECTA 111 it bLThitAIL f r . - ... zio - roi;;13e1; Th4 feswe. AtIfinwitaL,—

The Spectator

POLITICAL ECONOMY, Brteciples of Political Economy. With some of their Applications to Social Philoso- phy. By John Stuart Mill. In two volumes Parler • VOYAGES AND TRAVELS,...

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LIEUTENANT BARNARD was employed during the years 1844, '45, and '46, on the Eastern coast of Africa between the Cape of Good Hope and Zanzibar. The principal object of the...

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Is an able work ; extensive in its knowledge, full in its matter, close though sometimes rather heavy in its style, with touches of a sardonic humour, and much rationality of...


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Faceir some letters of Albert Purer himself, it is- inferred that his max- ried h.& was not a happy one : it is pretty well proved from an epistle of Firkheimer, his friend and...

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The Spectator

ROYAL A CADEMY EXHIBITION : THE HISTORICAL l'ICT CBES. THE " progress of British art "must not be sought in the historical brandy of painting; for with the cultivation of taste,...


The Spectator

BOORS. rhe .etrtists Married Life; being that of Albert Darer. Translated from the German of Leopold Schefer, by Mrs. J. R. Stodart. South Australia, its Advantages and its...

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Aitsrvsn-At Gravesend, 10th May, Southampton. Bowen; and Monarch, Weller, from Calcutta ; 11th, Agincourt, Neatby ; and Indian Chief, Noble, from Sydney ; Bucephalus, Bell ; Sea...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, May 12.-9th Light Drags. Utary College, to be Cornet, by purchase, Foot-Lieut. D. Gerahty, from half-pay of promoted. 16th Foot-Capt. G. Douglas, vice Dante, who...


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Tuesday, May 9. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Whitty and Ellis, Liverpool, printers-Mackem and Fitzpatrick, Booth, Lancashir e, surgeons-Noble and Co. Liverpool. shipwrights-W. and...

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BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prleee.) 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account $ per Cents Reduced 3} per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock,9 per Cent . India Stock, 104 Exchequer Bills,...