18 JUNE 1853

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Although the subject of Turkey and peace, or Russia and

The Spectator

war, fills a large space in the public attention, that which remains substantially to be reported is not much. Throughout the week the newspapers have been victims to ic series...

When physical and political science had made little progress, wise

The Spectator

men consulted the movements of the heavenly bodies to gather the portents of coming events ; and we who have escaped from Francis Moore, with a rapid interregnum of Murphy, to a...


The Spectator

VOYAGERS traversing the smooth sea would little note the constant progress of the living creatures that are passing in their onward journey under the very keel of the ship, and...

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Faiths fru turtritiugs in arlituunt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Horn OF Loans. Monday, June 13. Russia and Turkey; Question and An- swer—India ; Lord Ellenborough's Speech. Tuesday, June 14. Royal Assent,...

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(ct 'r Cunt.

The Spectator

Ora Court record is more than usually eventful this week. On Tuesday, the Queen held a drawingroom, at St. James's Palace. There was a numerous attendance of distinguished...


The Spectator

The annual meeting of the National Society for promoting the educa- tion of the poor was held on Wednesday, in the Central School-room, Westminster. The Archbishop of Canterbury...

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tip puniurrg.

The Spectator

According to previous arrangement, and with military punctuality, the various regiments forming the Camp at Chobham arrived and took up the stations assigned to them, on...

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furfiga our Culutial.

The Spectator

FRANCE.—It would seem, by the character of the intelligence we get from Paris, that all the world is speculating on the probable and possible issues of the Turkish question....


The Spectator

There was an " aggregate meeting" in the Dublin Rotunda on Monday, to condemn the bill for the inspection of nunneries, brought in by Mr. Chambers. Sir Thomas Esmonde presided ;...


The Spectator

The Earl of Dalkeith has put out an address to the electors of Mid Lothian. He says his "conduct in Parliament will be guided by those large and liberal principles of...

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The Morning Herald preferred, on Monday, a serious charge against

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the Earl of Aberdeen and the Earl of Clarendon, and repeated it on Tuesday, in a condensed form- " The position that we laid down yesterday—that Lords Clarendon and Aberdeen...

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The Spectator

On the 9th June, at Cork, Somerset, the Wife of the Rev. W. Hulme, Hemyock Rectory, Devon, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Saltmarshe, Yorkshire, the Wife of Philip Saltmarshe,...

The latest accounts from Constantinople are to the 9th instant.

The Spectator

They announce the arrival of the note conveying the ultimatum from St. Peters- burg, insisting upon the unconditional acceptance of the convention de- manded by Prince...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. That Turkey, even Christian Turkey, can develop its destinies more freely and fully under the government of the Porte than under the truly less Christian or European...

Last night, in the House of Peers, the Marquis of

The Spectator

WESTMEATH re- newed his accusations against Mr. Keogh ; supporting them, in a long speech, by documents, and urging them with acrimony. The gist of his Last night, in the House...

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The Spectator

On the second reading of the India Government Bill, on the 23d instant, Lord STANLEY to move the following resolution-"That, in the opinion of this House, further information is...

The ease for the petitioners against the return of Mr.

The Spectator

Forbes Macken- zie and Mr. Turner for Liverpool was at length brought to a close yes- terday. The Committee appointed to inquire into the allegations of the petition against...

There was a field-day at Chobham camp yesterday. First the

The Spectator

whole of the troops turned out on private parade, and then went through a variety of evolutions against a supposed enemy advancing from Guildford. The troops went through their...


The Spectator

The English Stock Market has continued throughout the week in a very sensitive condition; which is likely to be the prevailing feature so long as the intelligence on the Turkish...

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tYt Chaim.

The Spectator

The week now terminating has been remarkable for two dramatic pro- auctions : we have been made acquainted with a fine play, and a magnifi- 'cent spectacle. The fine play is the...

The magnificent spectacle of the week is the Sardanapalue of

The Spectator

Lord Byron Produced at the Princess's Theatre. But does not this possess merit enough to be entitled a " fine play," as well as the Lady Tartufe of Madame Girardin ? We evade...


The Spectator

Two new courses of lectures have begun—both of the critical clap?, but otherwise essentially different ; the first artistic, the second literaz At Willis's Rooms, Mr. Pulszky is...

A poor little farce, in which the mysteries of "spirit-rapping"

The Spectator

are set before the audience in a very bald and inartificial manner, has been pro- duced with success at the Haymarket. But successes of this kind do no good to an establishment....


The Spectator

There is something like a squabble with respect to the Theatre Fran- cais. The reading committee which belongs to that establishment, and is armed with the formidable power of...


The Spectator

In describing the performance by the Cologne Choral Union, last week, we observed that though in beauty it could not be surpassed, yet we de- siderated more of grandeur; and we...

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The Spectator

IS IT PEACE ? IF the Turkish dispute be pushed to bloody extremities, the crime of wantonly provoking war will be due to Russia, and to her alone. Ambiguous voices have been...

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The Spectator

Tin Opposition appears to be imitating the grand manceuvre of Napoleon, which was to concentrate all his attack on a weak point of the enemy. The Conservative statesmen think...


The Spectator

ALTHOUGH the flourishing condition of commerce, of which we en- joy a large portion in this country, is so extensive that no import- ant commercial community can be without its...


The Spectator

the average understanding of the House of Commons so low as its own Members. We judge by the pains bestowed to give a verbal gloss to propositions which are made in the House,...

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The Spectator

A YORTRITTRy, paper contains a timely warning to the cloth-manu- facturers of England. The most important of our markets un- questionably is that of the United States ; one of...


The Spectator

" Taunt is stranger than fiction," as the newspaper-reader says every day of his life. It does not always happen that fact follows upon the heels of fiction to verify its...

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The Spectator

BURTON'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. * PERuers the history of Scotland since the Revolution of 1688 is rather one of manners and opinions, of social and economical changes, and of...

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itiTollER'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A MISSIONA.RY. a TIM; book belongs to a

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kind of fiction in which story and inci- dent, though not neglected, are kept subordinate to the higher object of depicting particular classes of society with the view of...

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ROBERTSON'S TA.SSO. * Ats the efforts of the critics seem ineffectual

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to persuade the writing public, and their patrons the publishers, that to translate well is not the gift of any and every man who can by hook or crook construe a foreign tongue...

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The Spectator

[From the Official Return.] Ten Weeks of 1813-52. Week of 1863. Zymotic Diseases 1,932 .... 228 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 441 Si...

MILITARY GAZETTE. WAS-OFFICE, June 14.—Mst Foot—Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. Leith, K.C.B.

The Spectator

from the 90th Regt. to be Col. vice Gen. H. Otway Lord Dame, C.B. deceased. 90th Foot- Major-Gen. F. Calvert, C.B. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. Leith, K.C.B. removed to...


The Spectator

Booms. .31ount Lebanon : a Ten Years' Residence, from 1842 to 1852. De- scribing the Manners, Customs, and Religion of its Inhabitants, with a full and correct Account of the...

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The Spectator

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 11th day of June 1853. 10805 DerADTMENT. Notes issued...

NAVAL GAZETTE, ADMIRALTY, June 6.—In consideration of the services of

The Spectator

the undermentioned of- ficers, while cooperating with the army during the war in Kaffraria, the following naval promotions have this day taken place : To be Capt.—Commander W....


The Spectator

Tuesday, June 14. gAafNExsHIpa DISSOLTED.—Jamieson and Taylor, Liverpool, ships'-store-dealers —Norton and Co. Lincoln, merchants; as far as regards W. Norton—Hurst and...