19 NOVEMBER 1881

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Tile programme of the new Ministry is very colourless, and,

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indeed, is made up of phrases. It would seem to promise a limited revision of the Senate, a further expurgation of the judiciary, a reduction either of the Army or of the term...

Colston Day in Bristol,—that is, last Saturday,—gave occa- sion to

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so many considerable speeches on both sides of politic-, that we can hardly even mention them all. At the Anchor dinner, Mr. Coleridge, in an eloquent speech which attracted...


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1VI GAMBETTA did not find it so easy to form a Ministry as • was expected. He first asked M. de Freycinet to accept the portfolio of Foreign Affairs, but after an interview of...

The most marked and decidedly the worst feature of the

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new Government is the appointment of M. Bert, an unusually cruel -vivisectionist, and an atheist of the most violently aggressive type, as Minister not only of Instruction, but...

The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any case.

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The Attorney-General, Sir Henry James, followed, in a speech of

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remarkable power, in which he declined to attempt an answer to "too numerous gutter children of politics, who delight themselves in casting dirt on the reputa- tions of...

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Mr. Gibson's speech was in strong contrast to his brilliant

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chief's. He quizzed, indeed, Sir William Harcourt's speeches, as those of a man at peace with himself who belongs to a saintly Cabinet,—a Cabinet which never has a dark séance,...

The Egyptian Government has published a despatch addressed to it

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on November 4th by Lord Granville. In this. document, the Foreign Secretary disclaims any design on Egypt, except to promote the prosperity of the country ; denies. that Rita...

At the Dolphin dinner, Lord Salisbury and Mr. Gibson were

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the chief speakers,—the former, though a great party leader, charging his antagonists like a free-lance, the latter, though comparatively irresponsible, speaking with all the...

Mr. Bright completed his seventieth year on Wednesday, and was

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honoured by great demonstrations in Rochdale, to which he replied in two separate speeches, devoted to the chronicle of a iew of the political victories he had won, and their...

The German Parliament was opened on Thursday by a mes-

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sage from the Emperor which shows that Prince Bismarck intends to persevere. The total result of the elections is a deci- sion that the country dislikes his projects for a...

Mr. Goschen made a striking speech on Tuesday to the

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members of the Watford Liberal Club, in which he declared the continuance of Mr. Gladstone in power to be absolutely essential to the success of our Irish policy, since no other...

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It appears that the diamond merchants of Hatton Garden are

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in the habit of sending quantities of diamonds in registered letters through the Post Office, insuring them with insurance offices at the rate of ls. 3d. per £100. Some members...

Mr. Walter made a notable speech to his constituents on

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Tuesday. He has been travelling in America, and be says the wheat cultivation is being driven northward by that of Indian corn ; but that Dakota, a new State, larger than...

The interest of the news from Ireland still centres in

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the Land Courts. Some 47,000 cases have been introduced, and the landlords are beginning to make compromises outside. Tb ey have reason. Many large estates in Ireland are...

Consols were on Friday 1004- to 1001,.

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The eminent journalist and essayist, Mr. William Rathbone 'Greg, died

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on Tuesday, at Park Lodge, Wimbledon Common, after a long illness. We have given an imperfect estimate of him as a thinker, writer, and politician elsewhere ; but may add here...

The University of Aberdeen on Saturday last elected Dr. Alexander

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Bain, formerly Professor of Logic in the University, her Lord Rector, by majorities in every " nation" into which the University is divided. The candidate set up in opposition...

The Times, rarely successful of late in being first with

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its news, has scored a success at Kairwan. Its correspondent has been all over the holy city, and penetrated to the holy of holies, the tomb of Syed Abdullah, the " Companion "...

The summons brought by the Anti-Vivisection Society against Professor Ferrier

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was dismissed by Sir James Ingham, on Thursday, for want of any evidence connecting Professor Ferrier with the mutilation and nervous stimulation of the monkeys attributed to...

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M. GAMBETTA'S MINISTRY. T HE tone of half-concealed alarm with which M. Gam- betta's Ministry is criticised all over the Continent, though it may prove to be ill-founded, and...

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T HE Times, in writing on the celebration of Mr. Bright's seventieth birthday, warns him that he is in danger of estimating a great deal too highly the significance of the...

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T HERE is a question of great historic, as well as political, interest raised by the appointment of M. Paul Bert to be Minister of Public Worship, as well as Instruction. What...

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W HEN Mr. Goschen first returned from the Mission to Constantinople, we rather feared, from his first speech to his constituents, that he was about to assume towards the present...

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I T was impossible in an editorial note to deal exhaustively with the letter from Mr. Llewelyn Davies which we published last week. We return, therefore, to the subject....

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W E cannot approve Sir William Harcourt's action in the matter of St. Paul's Industrial School. Upon one grave point, no doubt, he is manifestly in the right. The School Board...

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WILLIAM R1THBONE GREG. of your difficulty,-even when you differed most

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seriously with him, as no one else could do. And that alone is one of the greatest services which a writer can perform for his readers. Many, however, who never really knew Mr....

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T HE worst feature in recent news from Ireland is not the lawlessness of the country. That lawlessness is, in the main, the result of the break-down in the Jury system, produced...

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THE jackdaw in iEsop's fable who adorned himself with peacock's feathers and sought to pass himself off as one of those birds, is commonly considered only in the light of a...

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ST. PAUL'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") Sra,—Referring to your article in your impression for November 12th, will you allow me to state that the...


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A ROYAL HUNTING-GROUND. [Ficom A CORRESPONDENT.] Ix has often been remarked in these columns that the late King Victor Emmanuel was by nature a mountain hunter. It is not...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your critic must have overlooked the expression in "Macbeth" (Act v., scene 3) :— " The mind I sway by and the heart I bear, Shall...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") SIR, —Being out of England, I only saw your issue of the 5th inst. to-day, or I should have asked sooner the favour of your inserting the...


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THE FIRST OF MAY : A FAIRY MASQUE.* THERE is one drawback to the use of blank verse by minor- poets and amateurs,—the fact, namely, that in unskilful hands it so readily ceases...

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DEMOCRACY: AN AMERICAN NOVEL.* Tuts is a very brilliant little book, of the authorship of which we have no knowledge whatever. Its chief object is, of course, to attack the...

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THE question whether it was necessary or desirable to add to. the number of the published letters of Charles Dickens is one- which will meet with very diverse answers, even...

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Jr seems that Germans are rather apt to complain of the little notice that their light literature of the present day meets with from English critics, a few lines being all that...

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DR. MIVART ON THE CAT.* COINCIDENCES are always curious, and

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it is not the least of them that two leading English zoologists have been almost simul- taneously induced to put forth their opinion on many of the generalities of their...

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there could hardly be found a more sharply defined contrast than that presented by Mr. Tennyson's most recently published poem and this volume, in which the thoughts of our...

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THE majority of books about India are certainly not attractive to the general reader. Two causes in particular conspire to this. One is the very greatness and, at the same time,...

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MR. ALFRED AUSTIN'S NEW TRAGEDY.* To many readers, this tragedy

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will be all the more welcome— as we confess it is to us — because it has been written primarily to be acted, and only secondarily to be read. Mr. Austin tells us in his preface...

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Julian Karslake's Secret. By Mrs. John H. Needell. (Smith, Elder,

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and Co.)—Julian Karslake's Secret is a book that promises more than it performs. The first volume is the best, and the last is the worst. The opening incidents have a freshness...


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Aunt Judy's Volume for 1881; and Aunt Judy's New Series, First Number.—It is a year since we noticed Aunt Judy. Her Christmas volume is before us ; not a Christmas volume in the...

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Text-book of Systematic Mineralogy. By Hilary Bauerman. .(Longmans.)—This volume gives,

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in ten chapters, a detailed account of the forms of crystals and of the several crystallographic systems. The optical and other physical properties of minerals are discussed, in...

POETRY. — Fancy and other Rhymes. By John Sibree, M.A.

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tTriibner.)— Mr. Sibree's " rhymes," as he modestly calls his poetical efforts, if they can scarcely hope to live (and the "sur- vival of the fittest" is a law that acts very...