1 MAY 1875

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M. Gambetta delivered a great speech on Friday week to

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his constituents at Belleville, defending his recent action in accepting a Constitutional Republic. We have analysed his speech else- where, but may mention here that he added...

.Mr. Biggar (M.P. for Cavan County) brought down fearful wrath

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upon himself on Tuesday night by calling the Speaker's attention to the presence of "strangers" in the House, at a time when the Prince of Wales was present, waiting to hear Mr....

Lord Barrington on Friday stated the resolutions with respect to

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"strangers" in the House of Commons which he intends to move on the 4th May. He proposes that the House should not enter- tain any complaint about the publication of its...

We have elsewhere given some acebunt of the encounter between

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Mr. Chaplin and Mr. Gerard Stull on British horse- breeding, but we may here add that what alarms Mr. Chaplin so much is the price which foreign Governments offer for good...


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T HE Viceroy of India has cut the knot of the situation in Baroda. By a decree, published on 23rd April, but signed apparently a day or two before, Lord Northbrook deposes the...

1 * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Mr. Fawcett gave notice last night that he should move

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as an amendment, on the second reading of the Public Works Loans Bill, "That the measures which have been introduced by the Government this Session relating to local taxation...

Government has consented to a very important change in the

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qualification of Justices of the Peace. At present no man can be appointed a county magistrate unless he possesses £100 a year in freehold. By a clause in Lord Albemarle's Bill,...

The Duke of Cambridge, in returning thanks for the Army

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at this dinner, made a very significant statement. He said that he regretted the youth of the recruits, but with voluntary enlistment a State must take its soldiers when they...

A German correspondent writes to us to-day in deprecation of

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what he regards as the hostile criticisms directed against Germany by the English Press. He should remonstrate first with the German Press. It was not the Note addressed to...

Mr. Bright then gave a most lucid and admirably graphic

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popular ,sisurni of the evidence which proves to demonstration that the Claimant and Sir Roger Tichborne were totally different persons, remarking on the occupations of the Jury...

Sir Stafford Northcote is developing his political humour late in

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life. At a dinner at Willis's Rooms this day week, given by the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Sir James Hogg, •M.P., the Chancellor of the Exchequer had to...

The speech was immediately followed by a variety of exposures

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of the rumours against the good faith of Lord Coleridge and Sir A. Cockburn, and by explanations from the Attorney-General on the absolute want of evidence to justify an...

Dr. Kenealy made his long-threatened speech on the Tich- borne

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trial yesterday week, and took three hours about it, to the grief of the House and the strangers, who attended in great force, but found the Member for Stoke exceedingly dull....

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A very curious revelation has been made by the North-German

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Gazette, Prince Biamarck's especial organ. It appears that during the German war, and while the German Army was still around Paris, Prince Bismarck endeavoured to induce the...

The Coal-owners' Association of South Wales resolved on Friday week

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to withdraw the lock-out, and admit all hands to work at a reduction of 15 per cent, on wages. On Monday, therefore, the collieries were reopened, and it is reported that a...

The Freemasons had a grand day on Wednesday. The Prince

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of Wales was installed as Grand Master of the English Free- masons at the Albert Hall, and the attendance of the brotherhood was amazing. There are said to have been 20,000...

We regret to notice the death on the 27th April

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of Lord Hobart, the Governor of Madras. Lord Hobart had given proof of financial capacity at Constantinople, and was expected to be a considerable Governor, but his reign of...

Papua must wait a little. An influential deputation, headed by

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the Duke of Manchester, waited upon Lord Carnarvon on Thursday, urging the annexation of the eastern half of New Guinea, lest it should fall into the hands of any European...

A public dinner was given on Thursday, at Willis's Rooms,

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to Sir George Bowen, the Governor of Victoria, in recognition of the ability he has displayed as governor, successively, of Queens- land, New Zealand, and Victoria, of which...

The election for Kilkenny ended on Wednesday in the return

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of Mr. Whitworth, a Manchester manufacturer, by a majority greater than the combined vote of his two opponents. He had 290 votes, Mr. Gray 120, and Mr. Marum 112, the total...

Consols were at the latest date 94-931-.

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M. GAMBETTA IN BELLEVILLE. S INCE Robespierre declared that Atheism was aristocratic, there has hardly been a speech uttered in Paris so adroit as that delivered by M. Gambetta...

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I T is hard to say what Lord Northbrook ought to have done in the Baroda affair, but harder to remain satisfied with what he has done. His decision of April 23rd rids India of a...

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11R. DISRAELI improves every year as a man of the world. VI Much the best speech which he has yet delivered this Session was that in which he criticised Dr. Kenealy's motion...

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T HE death of Lord Hobart at Madras on the 27th April throws a very important and rather difficult piece of patronage into the hands of Lord Salisbury, and his next selection...

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T HE Country party have evidently one cross to bear in their prosperity. They have got their majority, and know how to use it so as to keep everything comfortably dull; but...

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T HE Dean of Chester seems to have given a very thoughtful sermon on Fashion to his audience at St. James's, Piccadilly, last Sunday, if we may judge of it by the interesting...

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I N a lecture before the Society of Biblical Archeology, on December 3, 1872, Mr. Smith gave a translation and account of a recent discovery which he had made in the great...

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ENGLAND AND GERMANY—SUGGESTIONS MADE BY A GERMAN. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The English Press, with few exceptions, has for some time past, in treating German...


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(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—" An Irish Catholic" represents Bishop Milner as abso- lutely rejecting the Galilean doctrine "that the decisions of the Pope on points...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] have read with horror your High-Church correspondent's plan of mutilating the Athanasian Creed. What is to become of history, if its most...

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[TO THE EDITOR Or THZ SPECTATOR...) SIR,—On February 27, you wrote :—" The belief in the trans- - mission of grace in a physical channel by laying-on of hands from the time of...


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SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS. ALTHOUGH this year's exhibition does not strike us as a particu- larly strong one, exhibitors are more numerous than usual. Not counting...

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MACREADY'S REMINISCENCES.* WHETHER Macready's genius as an actor deserved the high praise he received from his friends and from a large portion of the public is a question not...

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READERS of Ranke will be probably surprised at the estimate he has formed of James I. The general notion of this monarch is that of a learned pedant, bigoted, incapable, liable...

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THE SANDWICH ISLANDS.* EVERY one who loves scenery and the

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more detailed beauties of nature, and especially those who do not shrink from the awe-inspiring marvels of natural phenomena on a grand scale, should read this remarkably...

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WYNCOTE.* Tars story opens in Rome, where we meet a

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rather querulous widow (Mrs. Cooper) and her two girls, one of whom, Rose, soon draws us towards her by the kindness of her heart and the in- terest of her dawning love. One...

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"SERMONS are such unsatisfactory things." Yet thousands crowd still to hear Spurgeon, tens of thousands are rushing to listen to the words of Moody. There remains still an...

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"THE Lews," which, however, is more familiar to us under its English denomination of the "Island of Lewis," has lately come in for no small share of notice. A little while ago...

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An Hist°, ical and Statistical Account of New South Wales. By John Dunmore Lang, D.D. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This is the fourth edition of a work which originally appeared in...

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The Story of a Fellow-Soldier. By Frances Awdry. (Macmillan.)— This

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is a short biography, intended for younger readers, of Bishop Patteson. Miss Yonge's "Life," admirable as it was in many respects, was certainly in its first form a somewhat...

Politics for Young Americans. By Charles Nordhoff. (Sampson, Low, and

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Co.)—There is no reason why Mr. Nordhoff's letters to his son, of which this admirable little volume is composed, should not be valuable and useful to young Englishmen, as well...

Clarice Adair. By Mrs. Randolph. 3 vols. (Sampson Low and

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Co.) —Certain novelists seem bent on making us see the high uses of rail- way accidents. It is thus that Nemesis follows the guilty, and not, as the old poet fabled, cloud°...

A Manual of Botany ; Anatomical and Physiological. By Robert

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Brown. (Blackwood and Son.)—This is a most complete and admirable manual, which we can heartily recommend to the students for whose use it is intended. It is divided into four...

History of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age. By Edward

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Reuss. Translated by Annie Harwood. VoL IL (Hodder and Stoughton.)—As we reviewed the original, as well as the first volume of the translation of this work, some time since, we...

The Law and the Lady. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins.

The Spectator

(Matto and Windus.)--Mr. Wilkie Collins, presenting himself to the public as the autobiographer of a young bride, full of gushing faith in a bridegroom who has given her the...

A Woman to be Won. By Athene Brame. 2 vols.

The Spectator

(S. Tinsley.)— How are we to interpret the words "to be won ?" If in the strict sense of "that which ought to be, deserves to be won," we cannot agree with the author's...

A Foregone Conclusion. By W. D. Howells. (Boston, U. S.:

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Osgood and Co. London : Triibner.)—Mr. Howells's tale has at least all the fine qualities of humour and pathos and delicate drawing of character - which we expect to find in...