21 JULY 1950

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Sabotage ?

The Spectator

Accusations of sabotage should be very circumspectly considered before they are bandied about in the Press—or anywhere else for that matter. But the Admiralty has now gone back...

The Big Lie

The Spectator

No student either of psychology or of sociology can fail to be interested in Senator McCarthy, upon whose ambitious attempts to pollute decisively the atmosphere—seldom very...


The Spectator

p RESIDENT TRUMAN'S message to Congress shows that he, at any rate, has realised the simple truth that an emergency requires emergency measures to deal with it. In many ways the...

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The Coal Danger

The Spectator

The fuel crisis of 1947 was preceded by several months of dangerously low coal stocks during which experts and other authori- ties issued frequent warnings of trouble...

Monarch of Arabia

The Spectator

The capture of Riad fifty (Moslem) years ago, which Ibn Saud and his subjects have been celebrating this week, was an act of inspired buccaneering. By it Ibn Saud seized the...

Groundnut Revision

The Spectator

So the groundnut scheme is to go on—but not as the groundnut scheme. Mr. Maurice Webb on Tuesday was anxious to make clear that so far he was giving only " my own very general...

Broken Paper Promises

The Spectator

- The Newsprint Supply Company, Limited, which on Monday issued a statement setting out the miserable story of newsprint supplies in the past six months, is no doubt capable of...

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Schools and Teachers

The Spectator

If the general level of education in this country was lower the task of the educationist would be easier ; if there was more agree- ment as to what was wrong, there could be...


The Spectator

T HE recess is only a few days off and the House approaches it in circumstances that confound all anticipations. When the session began and it seemed possible that the influenza...

The Road Slaughter

The Spectator

Lord Lucas, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, told the House of Lords on Tuesday that the Govern- ment hoped shortly to be able " to introduce...

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The Spectator

T HERE has never been any real doubt as to what was the most important and most heartening result of the Communist attack on South Korea. It was the immediate crystallisation of...

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* * * * Every now and then the hack

The Spectator

whose business it is to comment upon the way of the world is bowled a googly, a ball that breaks both ways, cannot be left alone, and is exceedingly difficult to play. Into this...

* * * * Walking down the Charing Cross Road

The Spectator

late the other night, we overtook a Sikh with a blonde on his arm. They were talking about the Faroe Islands. " That," I said to my friend, " is the sort of thing that makes...

The other day The Times published a Fourth Leader (it

The Spectator

was bout something to do with ramblers and hikers) in which the titer quoted from " the White Paper recently produced by the oyal Commission on Leisure." The quotation—taken,...

When, several years ago, I chose the pseudonym of Strix

The Spectator

(mean- ing, as you all know, a screech-owl) in which to cloak the identity of Janus's stand-in, I did not foresee that my private life would one day be dislocated by a real,...

North Korea is—among a good many others things—one of he

The Spectator

homes of Felix tigris mongolica, commonly known as the Iberian tiger (the Russians call it tigre Ussuriski, after the Ussuri iver). It is easily the biggest of the tigers, and...


The Spectator

T HE Daily Express started the week by announcing, under a headline, " The Press is in Danger," that the Government's policy over newsprint will--if there is a further cut in...

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War in Korea

The Spectator

By PETER FLEMING N ORTH KOREAN forces have forced the Kum River line by direct assault. Very few of the tanks used in this operation appear to have got across, but the American...

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The Second German Aftermath

The Spectator

By ELIZABETH WISKEMANN A FTER the First World War the German reaction against it, and against the German regime which had waged it, was violent, but it was also violently...

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Unique Hibernia

The Spectator

T T school—in England, this was—the debating society used occasionally to discuss whether Ireland ought not to be towed out into the Atlantic, and sunk. The motion, which would...

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If Music Be . . .

The Spectator

By Professor D. W. BROGAN T HE President of the Board of Trade is up to the minute as usual. He has refused to put another nickel in the Odeon, thus showing familiarity with...

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The Spectator

By VIRGINIA GRAHAM I T must not surprise the inhabitants of the British Isles too much if, during the month of July, they meet a flushed Girl Guide with a dedicated look in her...

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The Spectator

Oxford Portrait RN D. J. MAY (Lincoln College, Oxford) 66 LFRED paints a gloomy picture of conditions in England before his accession," said the lecturer. " Still," she...


The Spectator

THE SPECTATOR readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold...

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MARGINAL COMMENT By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE Library Association have issued

The Spectator

a pamphlet in cele- bration of the centenary of the first Public Libraries Act, which received the Royal Assent on August 14th, 1850. It is a neat little booklet, enriched with...

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The Spectator

THE Promenade Concerts start at the Albert Hall on July 22nd, and run for eight weeks until September 16th. The orchestras concerned are the London Symphony, the London...


The Spectator

CINEMA " The Furies." (Plaza.)---cc A Ticket to Tomahawk." (Rialto.) THERE is; no doubt, some significance in twentieth-century America's preoccupation with all the trimmings...

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Hidden Coveys Those friends and denizens of the harvest fields,

The Spectator

the partridges, are also early. I saw coveys strong on the wing in June ; but not even game. keepers can prophesy with any confidence whether it will be a good or indifferent...


The Spectator

WE shall see—perhaps are now seeing—harvest , scenes in July. On early lands — for the soileas surely as the latitude affects the date—a good deal of grain is already ripe, and...

A Floriferous Season

The Spectator

Seasons have their distinctions. This summer, as it seems to me, is remarkable for the size of its flowers. The harebells, those bluebells of Scotland, now blooming on Southern...


The Spectator

CONSTANT PERMEKE, now in his middle sixties, is the best-known figure in modern Belgian painting after Baron James Ensor and, perhaps, Paul Delvaux. But Ensor had...

In the Garden When I saw that the Royal Horticultural

The Spectator

Society were holding a joint show of lilies and roses, a host of quotations floated up into memory. It would, I should say, be little trouble to collect a great many score of...

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A SHIPWRECKED BODY Who buried you ? A stranger who

The Spectator

found here My shipwrecked body, and he shed a tear For himself too, remembering that he

ERASIPPUS The tomb of Erasippus is not stones Nor his

The Spectator

grave dust, but all this ocean-swell: He perished with his ship, and where his bones AMANUENSIS.


The Spectator

Report by Peter King When Hamlet was performed in its natural setting at Elsinore, an insensitive spectator Was annoyed by the noise of swallows and steamships. A prize was...


The Spectator

Set by R. Kennard Davis A prize of £5, which may be divided, is offered for an essay, in not more than 250 words, on The Fascination of Man-watching, by a Bird. Entries must...

"Tbe ippettator," juip 20th, 1850

The Spectator

Tun long deliberations as to the building to be erected for the Exhibition of 1851 have been terminated by a decision in favour of Mr. Paxton's design and estimate. Mr. Paxton...

From the Creek

The Spectator

ETEOCLES I am Eteocles who left the plough For profit by the sea. Vain hope! A gale Shipwrecked and drowned me. I can tell you how The wind that winnows sounds upon the sail....

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SIR,—I am glad that the headmaster of St. Olave's has

The Spectator

called in question the comments made by the headmasters of Harrow and Mill Hill on this subject, and Janus's endorsement of them. It has become popular to criticise the...


The Spectator

Sin,—In his review of Mr. Greig's book on Thackeray Dr. Garrod sniffs professorially at the words' ambivalent and ambivalence: observing that the reader " will not be helped by...

View of South Africa

The Spectator

SIR,—As a supporter of General Smuts's United Party, which, as its name suggests, aims at the unity of South Africans whether once Boer or Briton, may I express regret at the...


The Spectator

LETTERS Spectators in Court expected that Dr. R. D. Reid would draw somebody when he declared that the public galleries at the criminal courts are " attended for pornographic...

Examination- Age-Limits

The Spectator

SIR, —May I say how cordially I agree with Mr. Carrington in his criticism of the recent remarks of the headmasters of Harrow and Mill )11ill? And may I add that no boy or girl,...

Am—Neither Mr. J. M. Sinclair nor myself can know the

The Spectator

proportion of spectators who attend Assize Courts for pornographic or educative reasons. I am unrepentant in that I am convinced that the former out- number the latter. If,...

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Newsprint Shortage

The Spectator

SiR,—It would be a pity if Janus's strictures on the contents of some daily papers should in any way condone the Government's cut in news. print. For in the first place any...

SIR.—Dr. Garrod says that the reader who does not know

The Spectator

what ambi- valence is will not be helped by Webster. He will if he consults the edition dated 1934. Can it be that Dr. Garrod uses an earlier


The Spectator

SUBSCRIPTION RATES e / • South class mail • South Africa-2nd class mail • India and Pakistan ... • Hon g kon g ... I I ORDINARY EDITION by post to any part of the World...

The Impact of Korea

The Spectator

SIR,—" Cantabrian " writes that M. Vishinsky " is said " to have cautioned against the invasion of South Korea. "Is said " by whom? Iron and other curtains apart, how can we...

Meals on Trains

The Spectator

Sta,—Among the diminishing number of simple pleasures I count, or counted, leaving my book in a stuffy third-class carriage and moving ta the dining-car where, although this...

Private Patients

The Spectator

SIR,— Attention has been called at the meeting of the B.M.A. to the penalising of private patienti by making them pay for their medicines. This is stupid as well as obviously...

Realities in Burma

The Spectator

SIR. —It was kind of you to publish the comments of " Onlooker" on my letter of June 6th. I am sorry that my letter failed to convey its simple theme to the correspondent: this...

Postage on this issue: Inland and Overseas If d. ;

The Spectator

Canada (Canadian

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The Spectator

S AINTSBURY left directions in his will that there should be no biography of him, and that his letters should not be pub- lished. About his letters I think he judged wisely. I...

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Reviews of the Week

The Spectator

Mr. Churchill's Panorama Ma. CHURCHILL, pursuing, and anything but faint, in this his third volume carries his war-history from January to December, 1941. It was a dramatic...

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Two Poets

The Spectator

The Swarming of the Bees. By John Heath-Stubbs. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 7s. 6d.) MR. RONALD DUNCAN appears from this volume of his poetry—as distinct from his poetic drama—to...


The Spectator

Broken Thread. An autobiography. By Maj.-Gen. F. S. G. Piggott, C.B., D.S.O. (Gale and Polden. 2 Is.) Kakemono. A sketchbook of post-war Japan. By Honor Trac y . (Methuen. 12s....

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Ballet : Doubtful Judgements

The Spectator

Modern English Ballet. By Fernau Hall. (Melrose. 203.) PART of the value of Mr. Fernau Hall's book lies in its insistence upon the fact that the art of the dance travels...

Christian Socialist

The Spectator

Frederick Denison Maurice. By H. G. Wood. (Cambridge Univesity Frefs. ios. 6d.) DR. WOOD was surely wise to devote his Dale Lectures to the teaching of Frederick Denison...

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Bees in the Bonnet

The Spectator

Somewhere South of Suez. By Douglas Reed. (Cape. 12S. 6d.) HITLER did not die in the bunker, says Mr. Reed ; he was spirited away by his Soviet confederates. His Soviet...


The Spectator

The Flowering Cross is about love and tenderness, and tit difficulty of deciding:not only between appearance and reality, bu between different levels of reality. It considers...

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The Spectator

Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct s, ;anon to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 1st.] II • • • • • MINIM E•••111•••1111• • • •...


The Spectator

EIRP36111m MAT , IC AIL 111 11111E113110 OBE R IA I-- Ill In n El MI In EIGIREICI IS II ' N 0 N , 1 CI pi n EICIPIEIM a 121 filnlirillrlial MI N A T 12 Piti 0 ERA m Ari114143 1...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS Ir says a good deal for the toughness of investment morale and for the trim condition of\ markets that prices are standing up well to the onslaught of the political...


The Spectator

THIS is the second monograph on Bewick to appear within two years ; and Mr. Reynolds's appreciation is no obvious improvement on Mr. Rayner's King Penguin of 1947. It includes,...