21 JUNE 1845

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The Spectator

PARLIAMENT has given three days to the Colonies l And though the immediate topic brought before the House of Commons was the grievances of the youngest and remotest of them—New...

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If parties in Spain were not in a perfectly debilitated

The Spectator

state, it is evident that there would be more civil war. Don Carlos's ab- dication of his thine and prison, and the equivocal manifesto of his son, have received further...

Dtbatrs an proceetrings in parliament.

The Spectator

NEW ZEALAND In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, Mr. Custaxs Btrumt moved, " That this House will resolve itself into a Committee, to consider the state of the Colony of New...

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gbe 4SOUrt.

The Spectator

THE circle assembled at Windsor Castle has been quite dispersed. On Saturday, the Queen and Prince Albert, with the Duke and Dutchess of Nemours, the Prince of Leiningen, and...

Zbe _Metropolis.

The Spectator

The Sheriffs of London and Middlesex gave a splendid entertainment, at 'Girdlers Hall, on Saturday, to the Judges. A General Court of East India Proprietors was held on...

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rbe Vrobincts.

The Spectator

A vacancy in the representation of the Western Division of Suffolk has been aimed by the decease of Colonel Rushbrooke; who died on Tuesday evening. The late Member was a...

,Jordan anb

The Spectator

brinta.—The over-land mail brings intelligence from Bombay to the 12th May. The Punjaub still occupies the conspicuous place; and the intrigues appear once more to have taken a...


The Spectator

" It is stated here," says the Dublin correspondent of the iforning Chronicle, " in quarters likely to be well-informed, that several more bills, founded upon the report of the...

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The Spectator

Prince Henry of Holland, after a hasty visit to some i n in the immediate neighbourhood of Edinburgh, sailed from Leith Roads an his frigate the Rhine, on Friday morning, for...


The Spectator

THE sultry weather has not thinned the Theatres; and, their temperaturi heightening with their attractions, the thermometer becomes an index of popularity. The Italian Opera is...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. In one way or another, the House of Commons " disposed of" no small amount of business last night; but in some cases the disposal was of that easy character...

Another accident happened on the Great Western Railway, yesterday afternoon.

The Spectator

An express-train was on its way from Exeter to London, and had reached Cuck- held Bridge, about half-way between Maidenhead and Slough, when a luggage-van got off the rails. The...

The Paris National of Thursday states that M. Gnizot bad

The Spectator

had a new attack of illness, which caused some alarm to his friends. The other journals, however, represent that eminent statesman acting as witness in the civil marriage of the...

Yesterday, the anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession to the throne

The Spectator

was marked, in town and country, by the usual rejoicings—bell-ringing, flag-display- ing, holyday-making in public offices, and so forth; with a loyal public dinner here and there.


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The business in the English Funds has been of the usual unimportant character, and we cannot notice any transactions of moment. The market, in...


The Spectator

ARRIVED. — At Gravesend, 17th June, Harriet, Duthie. from Algoa Bay ;:and 19th, Lame, Wilson ; and Jeremiah Garnett, Davies, from China. In the Downs, Tasmania, Black, from Van...

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The Spectator

4 ' HONOURABLE Members who do not accept hostile messages ought to be especially guarded in the language they applied to others." This is one of the many commonplaces which are...


The Spectator

THE wisdom of a coroner is u roverbial : of course when two coro- ners lay their heads togeth , some very uncommon instance of sagacity may be looked for The Coruiier of the...


The Spectator

RESULTS OF THE NEW ZEALAND DEBATE. A FULLER House has voted on Mr. Charles Buller's motion than on any question that has been submitted to the Commons this session except the...

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The Spectator

HISTORICAL lhosrAser„ The Fall of Napoleon ; an Historical Memoir. By Lieut. -Col . J. Mitchell, H.P. Author of " The Life of Wallensteln," " Thoughts on Tactics," Scc. &c In...


The Spectator

Tim friends of education are apt to lay too much stress on the scaffolding. Not satisfied with schools, they must have schools upon a certain plan. The masters must teach, not...

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The Spectator

THESE sermons, preached on the occasion of ordinations by the Arch- bishop of Dublin, and published at the request of Dr. Whately or the clergy to whom they were addressed,...

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The Spectator

Is the first of a series, intended to paint, in order to preserve, colonial manners during three periods of time, and to point a moral touching the " great New York question of...

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The Spectator

From June 13th to June 19th. BOOKS. Scripture and the Authorised Version of Scripture : being the substance of two Ordination Sermons; with an Ap pe ndix, containing Notes, and...

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The Spectator

SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY. THE long-promised Atha/Ia. of Handel was produced at Exeter Hall last night, with very great success. The performance of this music—abounding in...


The Spectator

OLD PICTURES AT THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE annual exhibition of the works of Old Masters and deceased modern painters at the British Institution presents this year a medley...


The Spectator

On the 13th Juue, at the Manorhouse, Crediton, Mrs. John George Smith, of a son. On the 13th, at Escot, Devonshire, the Lady of Sir John Kennaway, Bart., of a sea. On the 14th,...


The Spectator

Wax-orrtca, June 20.-4th Light Dragoons—Ensign C. B. Molyneux, from 434 Foot, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Colston, appointed to the 15th Light Drags. II th Light...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Monday. 71nesday . shirt 995 ex d. 102 99 1 211 shut 61 pm. SHARES. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday...


The Spectator

Tuesday, June 17. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Mosel and Co. Portaea, navy.agents—Sugden and Redfern, Manchester, stone-masons —Overbury and Harris, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry,...