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The Spectator

N EITHER the Berlin Treaty nor the English Convention is pro- ducing much result. The Austrians have been fighting all this week in Bosnia, the Arnauts keep up anarchy in...

It is announced, by a telegram from Pere, dated the

The Spectator

19th inst., and forwarded to the Theyraph, a pro-Turkish journal, that the Sultan has finally rejected the Convention with Austria sub- mitted by that Power and accepted by his...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


M. Gambetta is making a kind of Royal progress through

The Spectator

the South. At Valence he delivered a most striking speech, in which he stated that " the true way to establish something durable is to be of the opinion of France, and not of...

The Ameer of Afghanistan has received the Native Agent of

The Spectator

the Indian Government in a friendly manner, and it is believed that Sir Neville Chamberlain's Mission, with its infantry and cavalry escorts, will be allowed to reach Cabal. The...

We should not be surprised if another coup de the'atre

The Spectator

were in store for the country. Lord Salisbury has been closeted with M. Waddington, the Italian Ministry has been explaining about Tunis, the Fanfulla makes assertions about...

The Greek Government has addressed a formal Circular to the

The Spectator

Powers whose representatives signed the Treaty of Berlin, demand- ing their mediation. The Foreign Minister of Athens points out that the Porte, in signing the Treaty, pledged...

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Lord Dufferin made his final speech in Canada on the

The Spectator

5th haat., and devoted it to smoothing the path of the future Viceroy. The literary and artistic tastes of Lord Lorne, his wide travels, and his experience of the House of...

The correspondent of the Daily News in Batoum complains that

The Spectator

the Sultan is very selfish. The troops in this place have not been paid up for four years. They receive only advances of pay, and these in paper so depreciated that it will only...

The Greenback-Labour party, which has shown such strength in Maine,

The Spectator

has gained a sort of triumph in Massachusetts. The Democratic Convention which met on the 17th inst. in Boston contained a heavy majority of members, said to amount to...

The Opposition in Canada has completely crushed the Govern- ment

The Spectator

at the elections, obtaining a majority of seventy. The Ministry is expected to resign, and it is believed that a new one, probably headed by Sir J. Macdonald, or Dr. Tupper,...

The German Parliament has accepted Prince Bismarck's Anti- Socialist Bill

The Spectator

6. in principle," but has referred its details to a Committee of twenty-one. This Committee, it is believed, will seriously modify its provisions, more especially as regards the...

It is believed in Vienna that Count Beust, the Austrian

The Spectator

Ambas- sador, will not return to London. That is a loss to the diplo- matic circle, but we are not sure that it is a loss to Austria. If we can read aright a very notable...

There is a rare muddle in Cyprus. Sir Garnet Wolseley

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does not clearly know whether he serves the Queen or the Sultan, and hesitates to take the State lands, and to remedy the admitted defects in the administration of justice. The...

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The really important portion of the inquest on the victims

The Spectator

of the Thames catastrophe commenced on Monday last, the pre- ceding meetings of coroner and jury having been devoted entirely to the identification of the dead. The evidence at...

A summary of the Report of the Egyptian Commission of

The Spectator

In- quiry has been published, and reveals, besides the well-known financial imbroglio, extraordinary instances of fiscal oppression. No tax, for instance, in Egypt is regulated...

The Government of India has rejected a Factory Bill proposed

The Spectator

in Bombay for the regulation of the cotton mills. This Bill, there can be little doubt, is mainly supported by the desire of Manchester to hamper the dangerous competition of...

Mr. Sclater, the Secretary to the London Zoological Society, in

The Spectator

a letter written to the Times, makes a suggestion which, if successfully acted upon, will greatly reduce the labour and ex- pense of African exploration. Hitherto it has been...

Mr. Baxter on Thursday addressed his constituents at Mont- rose,

The Spectator

in a speech remarkable for boldness and vigour. He declared that he had never expected to live to see so many millions of people liberated from that worst of all Governments,...

Consols were on Friday 951 to 951.

The Spectator

A correspondent of the Times, who was present at the

The Spectator

trial of Cornelius Spillane, declares that the Judge was right, and that the man's wife was killed almost by accident. Spillane was angry with her for drinking, but only struck...

The latest report current is that the French Minister of

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Finance, M. Leon Say, has resigned. He wishes to convert the Five per Cents., but M. Gambetta holds that the operation will injure credit with the peasantry.

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The Spectator

THE AMERICAN LABOUR PARTY. IT is well to study carefully the ideas of this American Labour Party, for while they will not "establish Social- ism," or " enthrone the Commune,"...

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The Spectator

T HAT is a question which greatly interests English Taxpayers, for the answer may make the difference to them of 3d. in the Income-tax for five years at least. The Ministry have...

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The Spectator

TN a contribution of extraordinary interest in the North- American American Review, Mr. Gladstone has recorded his experience of Cabinet Government. He has given his paper a...

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The Spectator

A MORE indecent spectacle of mingled anger and terror than is presented by the first article of Blackwood this month has seldom been seen. Presbyterianism—above all, Scottish...

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The Spectator

T HE politicians of to-day, and especially the publicists of to-day, are beginning to use this word in a very special and restricted sense—to express by it an imperfect mode of...

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The Spectator

who have been lately holding a Congress at Christiania, appear to have thought Trial by Jury a much simpler kind of machinery than it really is. To them, it is only a means of...

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The Spectator

IN acknowledging a resolution of the West Ham Liberal Association the other day, Mr. Gladstone referred to the dangerous character of the present Government's finance. The...


The Spectator

W E have sometimes wished that in small social matters it were possible that private persons should be made aware of the impression they produce on their neighbours to the same...

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The Spectator

W E English are not beloved in Norway. The grievances of the people against us are that we have spoiled their pleasant, simple, happy country, destroyed their game, corrupted...

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The Spectator

M ISS AUSTEN has left us an outline of the very remarkable novel which might have been written if she bad worked out the suggestions of her would-be counsellors. At this dis-...

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The Spectator

Zitrich, September 6th, 1878. AT Heiden, one Sunday, I went to the service at the parish, which is also the so-called Liberal Church. It takes place at nine o'clock (the hour is...

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The Spectator

GREEK CRUELTY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—Your excellent article on atrocities, published in your issue of the 31st ult., but which, being absent from town, 1 have...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OB THE SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—May I suggest that much of the force of your argument anent Mr. Brooke Lambert's resignation is lost upon people who discriminate between...


The Spectator

LASSALLE'S MEMOIRS.% THE interest aroused by the sudden manifestations of an apparently formidable and remarkably organised Socialist movement in Germany, must invite attention...

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The Spectator

Tins book is sure to interest connoisseurs in the difficult art of writing well. In reading it, we have been constantly struck with the testimony it bears to the disciplined...

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" SIX TO ONE." * " the inhuman dearth "

The Spectator

of anything in print which can make us laugh, in these days of preternatural dullness, when, if any one * Sis to One : a Nantucket 141. New York: Putnam and Sons. kind of...

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OLD ENGLISH PLATE.* CONSIDERING the very great interest taken in

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the precious metals by most persons, it is strange that the making and marking of gold and silver plate have not been adequately discussed hitherto in any special treatise. The...

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Christian Politic.% By the Rev. Julius Lloyd, M.A. (Ball and

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Sons.) —We trace very distiuctly the influences of the late Mr. Maurice's writings in this little vohnue. We do not mean to imply that Mr. Lloyd cannot think for himself, but...

Monarchy Defended. By John Vickers. (Wyman and Sons.)— "Political systems

The Spectator

grow, and are not made ;" this is the text of Mr. Vickers' book, which aims at showing that revolutionary opinions, which are, we suppose, rife in our day, are the product, not...


The Spectator

Iceland. By C. A. Vansittart Conybeare, B.A. (Parker and Co.)— Iceland and its institutions are, we cannot doubt, well worth the careful study which Mr. Conybeare has bestowed...

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Hilford-on-Aire. By Martin Weld. (Tinsley Brothers.)—The style of this novel

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is good, several of the persons introduced into the story are interesting, and in certain respects the author deserves a fair meed of praise, so that we fool a real regret for...

The Origin of Nations. By Professor Rawlinson. (Religions Tract Society.)—These

The Spectator

essays originally appeared in the Leisure Hour. They are certainly worth republication in their present form, and make up a little volume which in a very moderate compass...

Barrows and Bone-Caves of Derbyshire. By Rooks Pennington, F.G.S. (Macmillan.)—Mr.

The Spectator

Pennington's book is not meant to be a learned manual of arclueology, but merely a plain and simple account of such results as he has picked np for himself on the hills and...