21 SEPTEMBER 1878, page 1

News Of The Week.

N EITHER the Berlin Treaty nor the English Convention is pro- ducing much result. The Austrians have been fighting all this week in Bosnia, the Arnauts keep up anarchy in......

It Is Announced, By A Telegram From Pere, Dated The

19th inst., and forwarded to the Theyraph, a pro-Turkish journal, that the Sultan has finally rejected the Convention with Austria sub- mitted by that Power and accepted by his......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


M. Gambetta Is Making A Kind Of Royal Progress Through

the South. At Valence he delivered a most striking speech, in which he stated that " the true way to establish something durable is to be of the opinion of France, and not of......

The Ameer Of Afghanistan Has Received The Native Agent Of

the Indian Government in a friendly manner, and it is believed that Sir Neville Chamberlain's Mission, with its infantry and cavalry escorts, will be allowed to reach Cabal. The......

We Should Not Be Surprised If Another Coup De The'atre

were in store for the country. Lord Salisbury has been closeted with M. Waddington, the Italian Ministry has been explaining about Tunis, the Fanfulla makes assertions about......

The Greek Government Has Addressed A Formal Circular To The

Powers whose representatives signed the Treaty of Berlin, demand- ing their mediation. The Foreign Minister of Athens points out that the Porte, in signing the Treaty, pledged......