22 JANUARY 1876

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Archbishop Tait, however, is not a Bishop of this class.

The Spectator

At the Diocesan Conference held on Tuesday at Canterbury, ho objected to the notion of imposing rates in order to furnish the Dissenters with fresh burial-grounds. The cry of "...

If the Government do not introduce a Burials' Bill after

The Spectator

all, it may still be true that coming events cast their shadows before them, but certainly not that advancing shadows, however osten- tatiously visible, and however unmistakable...

A meeting was held at Manchester on Thursday in which

The Spectator

the " amended " Fugitive Slave Circular was considered, and very warmly condemned by a vast majority of the meeting. Mr. Howarth, a barrister, in a speech made in favour of an...


The Spectator

frIHE Austrian Note to the Turkish Government, submitted by 1 Count Andrassy to the Five Powers and Italy, was considered at the Cabinet Council of Tuesday. It was decided to...

So confident is M. Buffet of success, that he has

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adopted quite a new and defiant tone to the Permanent Committee. They met on Thursday, and proceeded to question the Premier upon a Circular he had sent into Savoy, upon an...

The 36,000 Communes of France have this week elected the

The Spectator

Delegates who, with the members of the Councils-General, will, on 30th January, elect the 225 remaining Senators. From the returns which have reached the Home Office, the...

-3 ',„* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in anycase.

The Spectator

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The merchants of Odessa are in fear of a great

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diminution in• their corn trade. They say that America is beating them in the English market, and their supply of wheat to England is gradu- ally sinking—the reduction in 1875...

The appeal in the case of "Jenkins v. Cook,"—that is,

The Spectator

of the parishioner who was repelled, by the clergyman of his church, from Communion for holding heretical doctrine as to the Devil and eternal punishments,—has been going on...

Mr. A. Egerton, Secretary to the Admiralty, made a speech

The Spectator

at the annual soirée of the Conservative Club at Heywood on Thursday, in which he spoke of the Slave Circulars. He thought the first a "mistake," but the Admiralty was not so...

Sir John Lubbock, who is the model of a moderate

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Liberal, made a good speech to his constituents at Maidstone on Wednes- day, condemning the first Fugitive Slave Circular in the strongest language, declaring the second to be...

A case decided in the High Court on Saturday has

The Spectator

called atten- tion to the extreme harshness with which the Stamp Acts some- times work. Messrs. Sassoon insured some opium for any Chinese port north of Hong Kong for £30,000....

Mr. Goschen, in a speech at a dinner given to

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the Commissioners of Sewers on Tuesday, at the Albion Tavern, deprecated the policy of treating the strength of the Army as a party question. He was a party man, but he would...

The same Democratic majority breaks up upon the ques- tion

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of " hard money." The Inflationists thought they had a majority, but resolved to proceed cautiously, and accord- ingly, Mr. Holman, from Indiana, moved the repeal of the Act of...

The Democratic majority in the American House of Represen- tatives

The Spectator

have begun their work of reducing expenditure. They have appointed a Committee, which has decided to reduce the Foreign-Office expenditure by £60,000 a year. The Ministers to...

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It is announced in the Cape mails of 26th December

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that Lord Carnarvon's despatch announcing that the Conference would be held in London has been published. The Colonial Secretary believes that delegates in immediate...

Mr. Anberon Herbert sent to the Times of Monday a

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striking and very eloquent letter on the subject of Vivisection, in which, though anticipating a speedy report from the Commission ap- pointed to investigate that subject, he...

The Senatorial delegates of the Seine belonging to the Radical

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party have accepted a programme which, as they are French Radicals, ought to be very horrible, but is, except as to the Army, identical with that of all English Radicals who...

The Magistrates of Sittingbonrne, in Kent, disposed, on Monday, of

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a summons under the Cruelty to Animals Act, issued by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, against a publican and a veterinary surgeon, for causing to be...

A " West-Country Gaoler" points out in Wednesday's Times probably

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by far the worst scandal in the modem English system of so-called justice,—or injustice,—the extraordinary delay in trying prisoners after they are committed for trial, and...

The New York papers produce evidence that the man Thomassen,

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alias Alexander, did his best to get a box of specie, as he called it, insured on the White Star steamer ' Celtic,' from Liverpool to New York, which reached New York on the...

Is it really true that the Government intend to impose

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the tax for male servants on all who employ small boys for half-an-hour or an hour in the morning to clean shoes and knives? The Commissioners of Inland Revenue say so on the...

Consols were at the latest date 93/ to 93g.

The Spectator

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The Spectator

THE SECOND CIRCULAR ON FUGITIVE SLAVES. I T may be fairly admitted that the second Admiralty Circular on the mode in which British Commanders of ships-of-war are to deal with...

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THE decision of the British Government upon the Austrian Note was announced on Tuesday, by a sort of communiqué to the London daily papers, and is generally in favour of Count...

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AT BUFFET is cock-a-hoop this week, but M. Buffet's fore- I! cast of affairs has repeatedly proved to be erroneous. He believes, as is evident from his communications to the...


The Spectator

T AE very curious general impression abroad that this Session is likely to be a lively one has at least this much justifi- cation. The difficulties of the Government in debate...

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THE CLERGY AND THE BURIALS BILL. T HE Archbishop of Canterbury

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is evidently quite willing to educate his Clergy. He has always been at least as much of a statesman as of an ecclesiastic, though his statesman- ship failed him, to our minds,...

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S IR HARDINGE GIFFARD'S adventures in search of a seat may melt the heart of the bitterest Liberal who has ever nursed his wrath in Opposition. Here is a gentleman, confessedly...

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D R. CARPENTER is one of the most moderate, as well as one of the most learned of the exponents of the doctrine of automatic mental work. In his interesting lectures just...

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B ENJAMIN WILLIS, carman in Billingsgate Market, is not a "poor, helpless victim" of Justices' justice, or a man deserving any special sympathy from the public, on account of...

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THE QUALIFICATIONS REQUISITE FOR CHESS. (TO THE EDIT011 OF THE “SPEOTATOR." read your most able and ingenious article on " Chess" with extreme interest, but, like your...

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am glad to find, from the courteous letter of Mr. Carvell Williams, that on one point at least he and I am agreed. It is this,—that the present Burials agitation is simply a...


The Spectator

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,— " Will you allow me to call your attention to some observa- tions in a review of Mr. Forster ' s " Life of Swift " contained in your...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—When Mr. Hall says that only the "national " Burial Service, read by the "national " clergy, can rightfully be demanded for the dead...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—All—and they are many—who have the pleasure of Mr. Oscar Browning's acquaintance must have been startled by a paragraph which...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I observe in your issue of January 15 that Professor Ramsay strengthens his argument by a quotation from Dr.. Donaldson's evidence...


The Spectator

DECAY. 0 LUSTRE Of decay ! The day-light glides away In glow of richer glory than at noon ; Autumn, that steals the flower, Gives the tree golden dower, And crimsons walls...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In your last number you comment on what you state to be " a mistake into which I fell " when addressing a public meeting last Saturday...


The Spectator

THE WALKER EXHIBITION. THE Monday before last there opened, at 168 Bond Street, an exhibition of the late Fred Walker's works, which has excited a good deal of interest amongst...


The Spectator

(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIB,—In your last number you suggested that it would be unwise on the part of the Liberal electors of Dorset to support the tenant-farmer,...

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MRS. PFEIFFER'S POEMS.* THERE is a touch of genius in Mrs. Pfeiffer which comes out most distinctly in her more thoughtful poems, but does not fail to show itself, for the most...

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WORDSWORTH'S PROSE WORKS.* Tux publication of these three volumes reminds

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us how much remains to be done for the greatest poet of this century. Words- * The Prow Works of William Wordsworth. For the First Time Collected. with Additions from...

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Tars is a book of considerable power, and though it is the work of a Roman Catholic, in this part of it at least, in which Mr. Allies contrasts the gospel of the Stoics,...

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PHILANTHROPISTS have been accused—with what justice we will not now stop to inquire—of indifference to the well-being of any creature save man. Great animal-lovers have, on the...

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The Age of Pericles. By W. Watkiss Lloyd. 2 vols. (Macmillan.) —This is the work of an industrious and well-informed scholar, and, what is more to the purpose in the case of...

Squire Harrington's Secret. By George W. Garrett. 2 vols. (Samuel

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Tinsley.)—One would think, after reading this book, that Mr. Garrett bad never written a novel before. The incidents are of the most familiar kind (we mean familiar in novels,...

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The Economy of Thought. By T. Hughes. (Hodder and Stoughton.)

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—Tho title of this book strikes us as somewhat misleading. It would seem to suggest a work on the most effective methods of applying thought to any given subject, whereas the...

We have to notice a very handsome volume, The Art

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Journal for 1875 (Virtue). It contains nearly four hundred pages, and furnishes the reader not only with much valuable and interesting matter relating to art, but with an...

Stanley Meredith : a Novel. By Sabina. (S. Tinsley.)—This is

The Spectator

an extremely foolish book. The hero of it is a poet, of whose insanity the reader is persuaded from his very first appearance. He makes wild love to his publisher's daughter, is...

Is he the Man? By W. Clark Russell. 3 vols.

The Spectator

(Tinsley Brothers.) —Mr. Russell belongs to the school of novelists of which Mr. Wilkie Collins may be said to be the representative. He even uses that gentleman's device—which...

We have to acknowledge the first volume of The Plays

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of William Shakespeare, edited and annotated by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke, and illustrated by H. C. Selene. (Cassell and Co.) The names of Cowden Clarke and Selena seem...

Wonders of the Physical World, the Glacier, the Iceberg, the

The Spectator

Icefield, and the Avalanche. (T. Nelson and Sons.)—Physical geography is now a universally recognised subject in the curriculum of our schools. The object of the present work is...