24 AUGUST 1861

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The only home events of the week have been the

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defeat of the Liberal candidate in South Lancashire, and the speech of Mr. Roe- buck at Sheffield, both indicating the increased carelessness of the Liberal party to its own...

The horrible epidemic of murder continues to rage fiercely, and

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a wretch named Harvey, of Fen Ditton, a place near Cambridge, has contrived to surpass his numerous rivals in crime. He claimed some property which his mother was willing to...

The Right Honourable Frederick Peel has the credit of having

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discovered a new and unobjectionable form of political influence. He has chartered an excursion train to bring his constituents from Bury to enjoy themselves at his country...

The last intelligence from Italy, if it be only true,

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is the most dis- heartening received this year. It is positively asserted by no less an authority than the regular correspondent of the Times, that General Cialdini has let...

The Social Science Session at Dublin has been a brilliant

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and useful one. The discussions on all classes of subjects—but especially Jurisprudence, Penal Legislation, and Social Economy—have been as practical as they have been...

The Emperor of Austria has taken his course, and resolved

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to risk all for a worthless centralization. Availing himself adroitly enough of the Diet's refusal to continue negotiations, he despatched Count Haller to Pesth, to dissolve the...


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T HE Irish are always loyal to the person of the Monarch, and are preparing an enthusiastic reception for her Majesty, who landed at Kingstown on Thursday morning. Royal...

Tile harvest of Europe seems doubtful, though that of Great

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Britain will be up to the average. In France the reports of drought are only partial, but in Northern Italy the crops, more especially of Indian corn, are supposed to be...

The American War is no nearer to a conclusion; General

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McClellan is reorganizing his army as well as he can, but so is General Beaure- gard, and the latter has two points greatly in his favour : his men are in camp, and not in a...

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,frain.—Nothing of the slightest political interest has been re- ported

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from France, the Emperor being occupied with reviews and new manceuvres at Chalons. In a report made by " the superior commission for the dotation of the army," it is stated...

ihamark. — A rumour is current that the King of Denmark, who

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has no legitimate children, indignant at the menaces of the Prussian Go- vernment, has resolved to set aside the European arrangement, under which Prince Christian was declared...

arksq. — Mehemet Kiprisli Pasha has been dismissed from his office as

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Grand Vizier, and succeeded by Ali Pasha. According to the correspondent of the Times, he was dismissed because be refused to agree to the increase of military expenditure, but...

11554.—The people of Warsaw continue their demonstrations. On the night

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of the 12th of August, the anniversary of the union of Poland with Lithuania, all signs of rejoicing were forbidden. The popula- tion, therefore, lighted up their rooms, so that...

Maly, — The Roman Government has declined to dismiss M. de Merode,

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and has, it is said, been warned by the Emperor in an auto- graph letter that the protection given to bandits and incendiaries within the Roman States- must cease, or the...

libtlnitaa.—.A. great Art Congress has been held at twerp on

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the 18th inst., attended by representatives from all Euro e, in the midst of a popular festival such as has rarely been witnessed even in Bel- gium. The guests spent some...

Indrig. — The Emperor has made up his mind for conflict, and

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on the 22nd instant Field-Marshal Count Haller, a Transylvanian, read to the Diet, as royal commissioner, the following message : " Seeing that the Hungarian Diet has not...

The masons, we understand, are on the point of withdrawing

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their men from all the country jobs of the hour-system masters (now 25 in number). The men are, it is said, in high spirits ; their funds are better than ever, and their...

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MONDAY, AUGUST 19TH. THE London and North Western Railway Company, who are to have the honour of conveying her Majesty and the Royal Family to Holyhead on her way to Ireland,...

larrira.—The intelligence from New York, which comes down to the

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10th instant, is of exceedingly little moment. General M'Clellan is reorganizing the army, and there is incessant fighting in Missouri and Tennessee, but it is unimportant. The...

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A PRISONER WITH A MISSION.—At the Marylebone police-court yesterday, a man, who has been frequently brought up at this court for defacing the walls and hoardings, by chalking...

(60 Court.

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OSBORNE, AUG. 16.—The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia, Princess Alice, and Princess Helena, drove out yesterday. AUG....


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(By British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph.) DUBLIN, Friday, Aug. 23, 1p.m. IN expectation that the Queen would visit the Art Exhibition today, the line of streets leading from...


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Subscriptions to the " OVERLAND FRIEND or Isms," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at 1, Wellington-street, Strand. Terms : Per Annum, payable in advance £2. Postage free.

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Friday. BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Friday. 3 per Cent Consols 911 Bank Stock, 10 per Cent. 235 Ditto for Account 9I1 India Stock, 104 per Cent 220 8 per Cents Reduced 914...


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Bankruptcy Annuffed.--John Laws, New Church-street, Ifarylebone, chemist and druggist, and omnibus proprietor. Bankrupts.-James Randall, Byfieet, Surrey, licensed...

The trial of the Baron de Vidil took place at

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the Central Criminal Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Hill and Mr. Justice Blackburn. The prisoner had previously elected to be tried by a jury composed entirely of...


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On the 14th inst., at 36, South-street. Viscountess Hardinge, of a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Brampton Ash Rectory, Northamptonshire, the lion. Mrs. Sidney Smith, of a...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Busumss remains at a complete stand in the City, and the demand for money for commercial purposes has consequently been very light. There was...

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A HINT FROM SOUTH LANCASHIRE. T HE Liberal candidate for South Lancashire has been beaten by a majority of six per cent. on the total con- stituency present at the poll. He was...

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T HE Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha has just published a pamphlet for which all European politicians who wish for a little insight into the petty difficulties of German society and...

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C HIVALRY, eloquence, the graces, the muses, and the nymphs of Huntingdonshire, will all drop a tear over the tomb wherein is laid that remarkable speech of Lord Robert Montagu,...

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. Disraeli gives us, in Tancred, an admirable scene describing the sort of political gossip which cir- culates incessantly in a Levantine town. Barizy of the Tower vies with his...

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T HE meeting of the Social Science Association this year has been singularly practical. M. Michel Chevalier's propositions for a domestic law of nations, under which every...

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A N English Minister performs one function for which we are never sufficiently grateful. He answers questions on matters of fact, gives us distinct and official accounts of...

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TT is easy to understand the moral diseases which spring from the .I. unmeasured intensity of religions impressions—for the super- natural world is a great and awful world. But...

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THE outcry about servants, which has been periodic for the last twenty years, is just now in full operation. If we may believe the all but unanimous voice of employers, the...

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Sint grt5.

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Tile Fine Arts are out of town for the season. No amplitude of silken skirts disturbs the dust on the scorching stairs of the Royal Academy portico, and solitude sits brooding...

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MADAME DE POMPADOUR.* THE reasons offered by Dr. Challice for writing this book are nearly as eccentric as the book itself, the object for which it was compiled, and the means...


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THE new play of Mr. Falconer's, Woman; or, Love against the World, was produced at this theatre on Monday last—a drama of ingenious and complicated plot, in which sentimental...

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LORD LINDSAY ON SCEPTICISM.* Tins is a very learned, amiable,

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and eloquently written book, with a little too much fanciful imagery in style, and something of anxious feebleness in the substance of the thought; the book of a man who expects...

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THIS is a clever novel, of the class of ability falling short of genius —a good hardy annual, but not a perennial. Up to a certain point, all the drawing and colouring is...

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Tax interior of Africa is a perverse region : travellers there always find something they did not expect, and miss or fail to find what they do expect. The present book of...

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Smith's History of Wesleyan Methodism will, we suspect, have but a secondary interest, even for the members of the community whose organization and action he describes, and...