27 FEBRUARY 1948

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The Spectator

V IOLENCE in Palestine is rapidly destroying much more than life and property ; it is destroying the last vestiges of reason on which even a truce could have been built. Last...

Diplomacy in London

The Spectator

The talks between Britain, France and the United States on the future of Germany, which began in London on Monday, bear all the signs of the slow development of the era of peace...

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Service Estimates

The Spectator

The Service estimates, published this week, show considerable re- ductions in expenditure ; £98,000,000 for the Army, £41,000,000 for the RAY. and £43,000,000 for the Navy. In...

India and the United Nations

The Spectator

With the Indian Delegation to the United Nations Security Council back in Delhi for consultation, any attempts at a settle- ment of the dispute with Pakistan necessarily stand...

Two Views on • Taxation

The Spectator

Several cats were set among the pigeons by Viscount Samuel in his speech in Tuesday's debate in the Lords on the economic situa- tion. He said that he doubted whether a high...

The Economics of Refuge

The Spectator

The case for accepting refugees from foreign countries is based on their value as productive and industrious citizens, as well as on the humane duty to give political and...

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Coal's New Danger

The Spectator

Before the fuel crisis of a year ago the danger of insufficient coal production was obscured by ignorance and the mental confusion of Mr. Shinwell. Since then it has been...

- Yemenite Mystery

The Spectator

There is no country in the world, not even Tibet, which is so remotefrom the rest of the world as Yemen, and it is still impossible to say for certain what has really been going...


The Spectator

I HAVE referred before in this column to the tendency of the week-end's events to dwarf and dominate - the scheduled busi- ness of the week. Last week-end provided a sad and...

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The Spectator

1 HAT a Communist revolution should have achieved even initial success in Czechoslovakia, illuminated as that inherently democratic country is by the names of Masaryk and Benes,...

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I am glad to see that International Students' Service has

The Spectator

been investigating the question of students' health—a much more impor- tant question than may appear. A student is a man or woman at an age when timely medical attention in case...

A reply given to a supplementary question by the Parliamentary

The Spectator

Secretary to the Ministry of Food in the House of Commons on Wednesday casts a rather startling light on the whole bread-rationing system. " Are the apparently numerous bakers...

The Minister of State's reply to questions about Sir Oswald

The Spectator

Mosley and Italian Fascism on Monday suggests that a little more informa- tion on the subject would be desirable. Some documents inferring that Sir Oswald was -in the closest...

A SPECTATOR 'S NOTEBOOK N OT many people, I fancy, read

The Spectator

the House of Lords Hansard. That is a pity, for it often records discussions charged with far greater knowledge and acumen than commonly mark debates in the representative...

Whan that Aprille With his shoures soote warns us to

The Spectator

get mackintoshes and sou'westers ready, I always begin to look out for the new edition of Mr. Ashley Courtenay's invaluable guide to selected British hotels, Filled Let's Halt...

The preliminary contacts between party leaders regarding the reform of

The Spectator

the House of Lords are rightly being kept completely private, but it can at least be said that the opening talks were much more promising than had been expected. No undue hopes...

The process, to which the Barlow Committee on scientific educa-

The Spectator

tion pointed, of creating new university colleges and raising some of the existing ones to the status of universities develops slowly, but I hear most encouraging reports of the...

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The Spectator

By ALEC SPEARMAN, M.P. I T is obviously not possible to learn all about Canada in a short visit, but four things are at once apparent. First, that the Cana- dian people, like...

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The Spectator

By TONY GIBSON T HE Civil War between the Nationalist Kuomintang and the agrarian Communists has been dragging on for twenty years. But since the armistice with Japan the...

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The Spectator

By A STUDENT OF COMMUNISM A FTER much talk of Communism in the abstract (and who now- adays can escape it?) there is something to be said for attending an actual Communist...

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The Spectator

By NORMAN KIRBY A PACT per week appears to be M. Molotov's output target. Since last November twenty new treaties have been signed in Eastern Europe. The threads of Western...

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In the Garden Those who are thinking of extending their

The Spectator

cultivation of small fruit should' secure, if they can, the latest of raspberries, selected from some score of new hybrids. It is very prolific, and its berries are of increased...

Many details have just been published concerning the pioneer successes

The Spectator

of the brothers Wright in making the first aeroplane ; but I have seen no reference to their interest in the flight of birds. When years ago I visited Orville Wright at Dayton,...


The Spectator

ONE of the specialists has offered most ingenuous advice to those inquiring how to convert their country gardens into market gardens, and so to qualify for the professional's...

More Gardens Several pleas for more allotments have been raised

The Spectator

of late, and let no one deny the value of the allotment. But it is to be roundly condemned if badly placed. In my neighbourhood the only field that is waste, though the soil is...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON A FRIEND has sent me a somewhat tragic publication entitled The Lithuanian Weekly. It is a small newspaper printed in London and circulated to the five...

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The Spectator

THE THEATRE " The Cockpit " By Bridget Boland. (The Playhouse.) "THE tragedy of the displaced peoples of Europe" is one of the clichis to which we have got accustomed—one...


The Spectator

"Blanche Fury." (Odeon.)—" Cry Wolf." (Warner;) MR. STEWART GRANGER and Miss Valerie Hobson come together in a new Technicolor, Blanche Fury, produced by Mr. Havelock- Allen...

" Family Portrait " By Lenore Coffee and W. Joyce

The Spectator

Cowan. (Strand.) To be worth while any fresh presentation of the life of Jesus. must in some way add to our enlightenment. Family Portrait, which tells the story through the...

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The Spectator

VERNON LEE says somewhere that when you enter Wagner's world you have to accept the fact that the unit of time is a much larger one than in any other composer. Ten minutes of...


The Spectator

THE newly formed " Institute of Contemporary Arts," which has- thus far existed only in the form of letters to the Press, has embarked on its initial venture at the Academy...

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Sm,—Canon Lloyd's article on Church publicity in your last number

The Spectator

has some valuable general observations on the subject. But as a criticism of the Church Assembly Publicity Commission it is not altogether relevant. That Commission was not...

Snt,—On page 216 of your issue of February 20th you

The Spectator

urge that in existing circumstances increased earnings must be made conditional on increased output. On the next page, however, Janus is allowed to dis- regard your editorial...

Sm,—Your comments on the Government's belated wages policy and the

The Spectator

procrastinating reaction to it of the T.U.C. suggests an aspect of the matter that is, it seems, generally overlooked. Union officials may see a gradual tendency towards their...


The Spectator

PROFITS AND SALARIES Sm,—In his speech during the debate in the House of Commons on personal incomes, costs and prices, Sir Stafford Cripps referred to one of the salient...


The Spectator

Sm,—Having observed during a long professional life and in many lands the inner working and the outer effects of engineered publicity, I should like to endorse Canon Roger...

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The Spectator

, SIR,—The most dangerous part of an argument lies in its assumptions. At the present time there is nothing so fraught with danger to world peace as the assumption that by...

ELECTORAL REFORM SIR,—I believe it is generally acknowledged that the

The Spectator

University Members of Parliament, past and present, have always earned the reputation of men who made a notable contribution to the debating strength of the House and, what is...

BLACK MARKET IN ROME Snt,—Mr, Geoffrey Godwin's disgust at the

The Spectator

black market in Rome is to be understood, and he rightly points out that it has become an almost essential part of the Roman life, where the official ration scale is entirely...

PARTY POLITICAL BROADCASTS Sta,—I have read what Sir Stafford Cripps

The Spectator

has said about the present economic abyss under the edge of which we stand, and I have read the Government White Paper on balance of payments with a stunned sense of the...


The Spectator

SPECTATOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES : — 52 weeks. 26 weeks £ s. d. £ s. d. Great Britain and Overseas by ordinary mail 1 10 0 15 0 Air Mail to Members of the Forces in any...

NEWS EMBARGOES . SIR,—The issue raised by the premature public a tion of

The Spectator

the B.M.A. announcement by The Evening Standard is not as•simple nor as clear- cut as Janus suggests. The ballot result was not comparable with intri- cate reports , published...

" REDUNDANT ULSTER M.P.s " SIR,—I must plead guilty to

The Spectator

being ignorant of Ulster affairs, but I never said in my letter that Ulster should be unrepresented. I merely sug- gested that the Government in the Representation of the People...

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The Spectator

Sta,—Last week's issue of The Spectator announces that the winner of Crossword No. 463 was Canon Houghton of Farndon. It will interest you and your readers to know that Canon...


The Spectator

Sat,-:-Through a misunderstanding into which there is no need to enter, there was a slight derangement of Harveys in my review of Mr. J. A. Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses in'...


The Spectator

SIR,—Were you intending to praise Mr. Wilson when you wrote that "he hit the biggest nail on the head " ? Hitting the nail on the head. surely denotes skill and precision. The...


The Spectator

Sta,—I am glad Janus has struck hard—and right (the best clocks also strike right)—for using as adverbs words which are normally described as adjectives. This, I venture to...


The Spectator

Sm,—It is fair that Janus should draw attention to the misleading leaflet issued by the Labour Party on the subject of food prices. It is surely unfair, however, to suggest that...


The Spectator

SIR,—Not five minutes' walk from my home is a house which, some three months ago, had been empty for the previous twelve months. Is not this a crime . just as great as that...


The Spectator

Sta,—The Editor of The Spectator, in his article on university M.P.s, speaks of W. E. H. Lecky, the historian, as a professor of Trinity College, Dublin. He is sometimes...


The Spectator

Sta,—" Graduate (Ex-Lieutenant-Colonel) " need not be repentant con- cerning his active support of the League of Nations Union Peace Ballot before the war. This indicated by a...

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The Spectator

Telescoping History Between the Wars. By D. C. Somervell. (Methuen. 4s. 6d.) MR. SOMERVELL provides a competent account of international relations between the two world wars,...

Private Collection

The Spectator

A Norfolk Gallery. By R. W. Ketton-Cremer. (Faber and Faber. 21s.) THIS is a companion volume to Mr. Ketton-Cremer's Norfolk Portraits. Again Norfolk is the common factor which...

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Christianity Today

The Spectator

THE late Archbishop Temple, on the day of his enthronement at Cafiterbury in 5942, used these words : " As though in preparation for such a time as this, God has been building...

A Soldier in the Middle East

The Spectator

Middle East Journey. By Richard Goold-Adams. (John Murray. 15s.) MAJOR GOOLD - ADAMS, son of a former High Commissioner of Cyprus, is audacious. Between Christmas, 1942, and...

An Italian Dancer .

The Spectator

Carlotta Grist. By Serge Lifar. Translated by Doris Langley Moore. (John Lehmann. 21s.) THE attractive appearance of this book is reviving to the spirits. Print, paper and...

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The Spectator

Another Year. By R. C. Sherrill. (Heinemann. 9s. 6d.) IN The Fortnight in September Mr. R. C. Sherriff caught faithfully and memorably the poetry of ordinary lives. The main...

The History of Holidays

The Spectator

The Englishman's Holiday : A Social History. By J. A. R. Pimlott. (Faber and Faber. 16s.) Figaro at the Edinburgh •F4stival, bear-hunting in the Caucasus, a Wakes week at...

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Leaves in the Storm. Edited by S. Schimanski and H.

The Spectator

Treece. (Lindsay Drummond. 10s. 6d.) THIS is a book of diaries covering the war years, and anyone who has ever kept such a repository of private thoughts and secret reflections...

THIS is the story of music in England from 1844

The Spectator

to 5944, as told in the pages of The Musical Times, which was founded in the former year. It is, in fact, a remarkably detailed historical survey, which leaves no side of...

Shorter Notices _ Early Netherlandish School' Plates. (National Gallery Catalogues.

The Spectator

25s.) STUDENTS will be aware that the National Gallery authorities, profit- ing by the exceptional opportunities for study arising out of the war, are issuing a new series of...

Sussex. By Reginald Turnor. (Paul Elek. 9s. 6d.)

The Spectator

Tins is not Mr. Belloc's Sussex, nor Mr. E. V. Lucas's, but in its way it is quite as good as either. Mr. Tumor knows his county through' and through $ and his descriptions have...

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FORTY years ago the stories of Leonid Nikolaievitch Andreyev aroused

The Spectator

violent public controversy ; he was accused of contaminating Russian youth by his " deliberate choice of loathsome subjects," and for a time his fame rivalled that of Gorky....


The Spectator

By CUSTOS ONCE stock markets have begun to fall it is hard to predict when a recovery will set in„ So much depends not merely on the kind of news in store but on how •investors...

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The Spectator

[A Book Token Jar one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct s olution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week March 9th. Envelopes...


The Spectator

12th The winnei of Crossword No. 464 is: G. E. ROXBURGH, 22 Edinburgh, 4.