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the first nine months of 1833, exceeds that for the

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same period last The Belgians appear to be a thriving people. Their revenue, for year by about two millions of francs; and, what is of more impor- tance, every quarterly return...

The proclamation attributed to Don CARLOS is now allowed to

The Spectator

fain intelligence as to the immediate cause of the decree by which his Spanish estates were confiscated. Neither are we better in- formed than last week as to his present plate...


The Spectator

THE Portuguese news this week, which reaches to the 20th of October, is favourable upon the whole to the Queen ; but no fighting of consequence has occurred between the...

The Dutch Minister for Foreign Affair, *e*I.Itt ektO4 dress to

The Spectator

the States-General on Thursday week. The matter of itis so old and dull,—being a detail of the negotiations carried on by the London Conference on the Belgian question,—that...

• The Parisians are in excellent temper just at present.

The Spectator

The King and Queen of the Belgians have arrived to pa their first visit since their marriage. On Monday, they went - to the Opera, in company with Louis PHILIP, and several...

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A party in New York have been endeavouring to organize

The Spectator

so- cieties to effect the immediate abolition of slavery in the United States. The Southerners are exerting themselves in opposition to the project, and have Succeeded in...


The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL, 29111 October MI—The King has been graciously pleased to ordain and declare that Dame JANE, the wife of Sir Iluw DALRYMPLE HAMILTON, of...

erbe C,ourt.

The Spectator

THE King and Queen arrived at the Palace at Brighton on Satur- day evening. Several other arrivals took place immediately after- wards; comprising the Earl and Countess Howe,...

Cr...rbc gietraptai#.

The Spectator

There was a pro Aria meeting of the House of Lords on Thurs- day ; when Parliament was, in accordance with the late proclamation, further prorogued until the 12th of December....

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Mr. Archer, a wine-merchant of Philpot Lane, appeared at the

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Man- sionhouse on Monday, to give evidence against Charles Gwynne, who represented himself as being in the employ of a respectable distilling house in Chelsea, and who had...

The St. Simonians have - made their appearance in London. On

The Spectator

onday evening, there was a meeting held at the Burton Rooms ; Burton Crescent, at which Al. Fontania, a missionary of the oeder, was present, and delivered a short address in...

Colonel Evans has written a letter to a portion of

The Spectator

his constituents residing in St. George's pm ish, Hanover Square, in reply to an applica- tion from them to attend a

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Great curiosity prevails in the Metropolis to see Captain Ross

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and his brave companions. On Wednesday afternoon, the gallant Captain was observed to pass through Cranbourne Alley, and having been pointed out by some persons acquainted with...

el)tt Country.

The Spectator

The Earl of Durham dined with the electors of Gateshead on Wed- nesday week. A portion of the inhabitants, of whom Mr. Charles Attwood, President of the Northern Political...

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In consequence of a dispute about a right of common

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in the parish of Llanfachroth, Merionethshire, two aged farmers, mid two sons out each side, met to settle the dispute by combat, unknown to their neigh- bours, on Friday lest;...

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The Spectator

The Omnge.Journals are very angry with Mr. Littleton for having ordered the release of ten Catholics wbo were sentenced at the Ferma- nagh Assizes in Janoary last, some to...

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The Spectator

£2,24 18 7 e,498 6 9 81" 4 ^ 1,844 IS 3 [Lords Ellenborough and Kenyon should strive to their utmost to make Lord Lyndhurst Chief Justice of the King's Bench, or, at all...


The Spectator

Considerable excitement was created in Edinburgh, on Saturday, by the appearance of posting-bills on the walls, intimating that three sales by auction are to take place for...


The Spectator

On the Ji1u ult., in Eaton Square, the Lady AGNES Dime, of a daughter. On the 25ill alt., Lady PHILLIMORE, of a sou. At Ilerhertshire, the Lady of the Hon. Lieut.-Colonel...

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We have received German Papers to the 28th of October.

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In one of them we find the speech made by the young French Carlists to the Duke of Bone:Aetna, and his reply: he says that he shall not be happy until he unites his efforts with...

A correspondent has furnished us with the following particulars of

The Spectator

the career of ZEA BERMUDEZ ; which possess some interest at the pre- sent time. " The father of N. ZEA BERMUDEZ was a brohen-down tradesman of Male- ga. The Eon paSSA his youth...


The Spectator

STOCII EXMIANDE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The prices of ell descriptions of Strode have improved matte hilly in the course of tile week. The extensive sales of Stock and Exchequer...

The Spanish Ambassador here is very angry at a stockjobbing

The Spectator

re- port of his having received an account of the dismissal of ZEA BER- MUDEZ. - hie has given it a lei mal contradit tion. One of the Paris Papers which arrived this morning...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. Further accounts from Portugal are hourly expected at the Forti n gpese Embassy ; hut tap to a lat.. boar this evening they bad not arrived. The Africaine sta...

The members of the Marylebone Association did not go in

The Spectator

proces- sion to Lincoln's Inn Fields this morning ; but shortly before two o'clock, Air. Savage, Mr. Brain, and about 150 associators, marched from Charing Cross to...


The Spectator

• • to• • • ***** • • "You seem to have a pause in pulities ; but it is not really so. The Whigs are losing ground, sloWly but surely. And then only think of their managing so...

Page 11

we e " Any tow who has the oppurtuoitv, and

The Spectator

takes the trouble, to watelt the item- !inflation of lawmaking througlom t .; . !,:odern Parliamentary session,• %eill.wouder that those who speculate and :IA in h affairs...


The Spectator

esome mole of " posive resistanre " ttrthe tax as it stands, to insist upon an LEGISLATIVE FUNC.TIONS OF THE HOUSE OF equitable assessment. la that case, the Aristocracy,. who...


The Spectator

THE St. Simouians, not content with their limited success and : notoriety in Paris, are sending out missionari. s to make piselytes in . other countrii : s, and Englaud.ofeourse...


The Spectator

-Ate the dinner given to the Earl of Durham at Gateshead, b Loidship ternied Corporation Reform " that great win k by which the pestilential Toryism which has overshadowed the...

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The Spectator

THE evidence given betbre the Committee on Manufactures, Shipping, and Commerce, establishes this fact beyond question— that at the present time men of very large capital and...

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The Spectator

GOLDSMITH ' S Deserted Village has furnished the title and part of the subject for a, domestic melodrama at the Adelphi; but the spirit of • the poet has not inspired the...


The Spectator

AT the last election of a President of the United States, it is will known that the successful candidate, General JACKSON, had to encounter the powerful and active hostility of...

Page 14

Captain Ross was made Lieutenant in March 1805; advanced to

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the rank of Commander in February 1812, and appointed to the Briseis brig, of 10 guns, on the Baltic station, March 2Ist in the same year. In the night of June 28th following,...

The much-puffed melodrama of Prince Le Boo, at Drury Lane,

The Spectator

is a wretched and tiresotne affair; with nothing so remarkable in the beauty of the scenery as to atone for the badness of the piece. The ship-launch and the Indiainan in foil...


The Spectator

rzeleeted by time FA.rilps Ocirterly Th.ricw, from the De4h,lter Musen Almanich, for p:il. a new p9oticfellmroduction of his Bav ar i an M a j es m v :m Th e inane or the tram,-...

• colours, that the Widow never suspects " himself to

The Spectator

be the great sublime he drew." She is pleased at the idea of finding such a husband for her (laughter, although disappointed that Mr. Mimms • makes no proposals to her. He is...

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The Spectator

WE fulfil a don We pledge, and return to the joint. consideration of England and America. and Lieutenant Be ki'oN ' s Excursions. in New South Inleg, Western Australia, and Fan...


The Spectator

tti.,verv n . • Excur...ions in Nov Root!. Wales, We ;tern A11 , 3tratih. awl Van Dif.tnan's Law!. durIng the years t. LSD, aull 1S33. ny I:icatenant itvton, R.N. .........

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The Spectator

WHEN a British force was sent to Portugal by Mr. CANNING, Miss PARDOE accompanied her father, who was attached to the Army. She followed the regiment to its various...