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Unlicensed Amateurs

The Spectator

O N the eve of his departure for this week's International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington. Mr Callaghan de- scribed France's attitude towards the world's money problems as...

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Effective Politics

The Spectator

A Liberal pamphlet, Effective Politics, calls for a more militant attack. 'Naming the faceless ones, pin- ning down responsibility, helps to bring issues into focus.' Let's...

Mr Wilson's Voyage to Laputa

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY By ALAN WATKINS TN a recent speech Mr Enoch Powell, who has 'been at the top of his form lately, compared the present state of affairs to that prevailing...

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The Spectator

Moscow Prepares for the Clash

The Spectator

CHINA - From DEV MURARKA MOSCOW rri HE Soviet Union is just as alarmed and dis- 1 mayed by the `Great Cultural Revolution' in China as everybody else. But the Russian alarm...

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Life with Uncle Tito

The Spectator

YUGOSLAVIA By TIBOR. SZAMUELY Both this year's literary trials—in Moscow and Zadar—had many other features in com- mon: the undisguised prejudice of the judge, the abuse...

The Lonely Americans

The Spectator

UNITED NATIONS From MURRAY KEMPTON UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. W ASHINGTON put the best face it could on the opening of the General Assembly—Vice- President Humphrey radiating our...

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Rhodesia: Time to Change Direction

The Spectator

By ENOCH POWELL, MP iF VEN if the recent visit of ministers to Rhodesia proves abortive, as is feared, it does at least afford the nation a pause. as it were, for reflection....

Ebe %pcctator

The Spectator

September 29, 1866 An absurd story is going the round of the papers about a constitution to be granted to his subjects by the Pacha of Egypt. It is to be on the French plan,...

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A Party in Search of a Purpose

The Spectator

BEFORE THE CONFERENCE By DESMOND DONNELLY, MP 'I should like to ask my right honourable and honourable friends where they are going? [ttoN. MEMBERS: Where are you going?]...

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Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

rriwo questions have been raised by the I Government's decision to appoint Lord Mel- chett to the chairmanship of the proposed National Steel Corporation—effectively the head of...

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Filial Comment

The Spectator

By NIGEL NICOLSON O N December 22, 1938, Harold Nicolson re- corded in his diary : 'Lunch at the Reform with Wilson Harris. I agree to do a weekly article for him.' This was...


The Spectator

after you have read it each week, you may like to know that a comprehensive index to it is published twice a year. The index costs 7s. 6d. each issue, and that for the six...

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Reporting 'Mr A'

The Spectator

THE PRESS By DONALD McLACHLAN tures, and yet to achieve a unique effect by direct quotation. I find that people are puzzled about the limits within which editors decide. Some...

The Burial of Orpington Man

The Spectator

LIBERALS By GEORGE K1LOH 'TN a radical party there are no sacred cows,' 1Mr Jeremy Thorpe remarked prophetically before this year's Liberal Assembly. Delegates returning from...

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Disorder and Early Sorrow

The Spectator

By JOHN WELLS MR ANTHONY CHENEVIX- TRENCH, the tiny but ebullient headmaster of Eton, appears to have caused a mild rumpus among Old Etonian ele- ments in the afternoon...

The Suez Show

The Spectator

TELEVISION By STUART HOOD T HE BBC is notoriously addicted to com- memoration. There are the internal anniver- saries—Twenty-Five Years of Woman's Hour or A Century of Twenty...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Have we been fair to our 'kith and kin' in Rhodesia? Consider the following claims which are made by them: Firstly, that they were promised independence be- fore the...

No Room for Compromise

The Spectator

L. -J J - u - From: R. J. 0. Meyer, P. J. Middleton, Sir Joshua Hassan, QC, H. D. Sills, Angus Maude, MP, Tibor Szatmtely, Victor S. Frank, Israel Shahak, Franya Godhy, P. H....

The Treaty of Utrecht

The Spectator

SIR,—I do not think that Mr Ludovic Kennedy (in your issue of August 26) should he prepared to admit quite so readily that 'we do not seem to have much of a de jure case' in...

Sn&,—The article `No Room for Compromise' was an interesting one

The Spectator

to me, because I have taught in a wide spectrum of schools from a preparatory boarding school to a state primary in Scotland and a boarding establishment for army apprentices....

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The Professions Under Pressure

The Spectator

Sta,—It is a pleasure to try to help Mr J. R. Scott in his 'confused and uncertain state of mind,' and for- tunately the specific question he asks me (Letters, September 23) is...

Down On The Collective Farm SIR,—It was most gratifying to

The Spectator

see that Messrs Wood and Henry, however strongly they disapprove of my choice of words (September 23), could find no factual faults in my quotations or my résumé of From the...

SIR,—Messrs Wood and Henry argue in your last issue that

The Spectator

your contributor, Mr Szamuely, has mis- interpreted the new Soviet novel on a Soviet farmer's tribulations under the kolkhoz system. They point out that the action of the novel...

Men Off The Beat SIR,—The article by Donald McLachlan and

The Spectator

the sub- sequent letter by T. A. Sandrock, chairman of the Crime Reporters' Association, seem to us to miss one important point. Each of the Metropolitan Police Divisional...

SIR,—It is a psychological truth that when man hates the

The Spectator

sin, he hates the sinner—only God can separate the two. Mordecai Richter's views are indisputable; anything else is self-delusion, especi- ally when one is personally involved....

The Universe of Hatred SIR,—I have been shocked and astonished

The Spectator

by Mr Richter's article, 'Universe of Hatred.' As one who had some experience of Nazi rule—including almost two years of Bergen-Belsen—I can, safely say that Mr Richter's...

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The Office Boys

The Spectator

Sta,—Your contributor, Donald McLachlan, in his article 'The Office Boys,' credited me with having built up the information department at Economic Affairs. He flatters me indeed...

Baron Stonybroke

The Spectator

Sta,—In 'Baron Stonybroke' by Simon Raven (August 26): 'Now. of all men living the one who must know most about Boswell's journals is Professor Frederick A. Pottle of the...

An Edinburgh Notebook

The Spectator

SIR, — No doubt many of your readers will have shared my pleasure in Mr Ludovic Kennedy's account of his nostalgia on revisiting his childhood haunts in 'Edinburgh Notebook'...

The Dispossessed

The Spectator

RA D 10 By HENRY TUBE Pro take the temperature of a newspaper one I need only read its letters. Sharply and with uncompromising truthfulness they reflect the pre- vailing...

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Tussaud's Time Machine

The Spectator

WAXWORKS F . % NE does not expect Madame• Tussaud's to jproduce a new art form—and yet here she is with The Battle of Trafalgar . . . as it hap- pened. It is a new, hybrid,...


The Spectator

Bile and Spleen Jorrocks. (New.) — Three Men for Colvertotz. (Royal Court). — Volpone. (Oxford Playhouse.) O NE liver, two kidneys, three good reasons for drinking Spa water,...

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The Spectator

Odd Man Out The Group. (London Pavilion, 'X' certificate.) O rro PREMINCER recently sued Columbia Films because, he claimed, the insertion of as many as fifteen commercials...

In Steppe and Out

The Spectator

,1 I ("S I C S HOS TAKOVITCH was sixty last Sunday, as good an age for a problem child as any. On the night before the birthday, his String Quartet No. 7 (1960) and slenderer...

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The First Madame Bovary

The Spectator

LiU D) D) By ANTHONY BURGESS G USTA \ E FLAUBERT was the protomartyr of fiction but, the world being what it is, there have been plenty of people ready to regard his...

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Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

The Spectator

Being young and handsome once, we had the run Of Summer's broad estate; and fast and free We spent our time hobnobbing with the sun, And on Love's fashionable gadgetry. Then...

Instant Ithyphallic

The Spectator

Under the Hill. By Aubrey Beardsley. Completed by John Glassco. (Olympia Press, Its. 6d.) IN the library at my college was a copy, yellow with age and sweat, of a privately...

Tough Old Bluestocking

The Spectator

Montagu. Volume 2, 1721-51. By Robert THIS volume, like the first, is edited with firm, unobtrusive scholarship by Robert Halsband. He has added two important series of letters...

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Pushkin's New Dress

The Spectator

The Complete Prose Tales of Pushkin. Trans- lated by Gillon R. Aitken. (Barrie and Rockliff, 42s.) THIS new version presents Pushkin's entire prose fiction, excluding certain...

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The Spectator

By HUGH SETON-WATSON D URING nearly ten years as the leader— though not quite the absolute ruler—of the Soviet Union, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev became a familiar figure to...

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Blood and Plunder

The Spectator

By M. L. ROSENTHAL Though Lowell does acknowledge his indebted- ness in a one-sentence preliminary note, it is perfectly true that, by borrowing Hawthorne ' s and Melville's...

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Some Lives

The Spectator

YOUNG John Reith wanted to make a mark on the world. He particularly wanted to wear spurs; to walk up the aisle of his father's church in Glasgow, wearing them. In Wearing Spurs...

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Wells--the Gloomy Dreamer

The Spectator

By MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH H G. WELLS is now, on the centenary of his birth, a persistently underrated, neglected and, above all, misunderstood writer; yet fifty years ago he was...

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The Age of Faith

The Spectator

The Flowering of the Middle Ages. Edited by Joan Evans. (Thames and Hudson, 6 gns. to December 31, then 8 gns.) The Great Pilgrimage of the Middle Ages. By Vera and Helmut Hell....

CHESS by Philidor

The Spectator

No. 302. H. W. BARRY (1st Prize, La Strategie, 190I) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 301 (McIntyre): 1 Kt B x, P - Q 7 ; 2Q- Q 4 and now...

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A Single Skill

The Spectator

For a Sick Friend The fingers of the left hand: eyes In a smoky forest, straining, with Zang! as a slack string jumps on the fret, Or suddenly anchors and the Forest clears. But...


The Spectator

A Circle of Friends. By Julian Mitchell. (Con- stable, 25s.) The Eye. By Vladimir Nabokov. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 18s.) Men at Work. By Honor Tracy. (Methuen, 25s.) Burster....

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The Spectator

I 61 3 MINIMA ill WI Eli III 1 :7 lii ii I 2/ • 22 23 1 i v 26" 1 24 27 k• ACROSS 1. Researches to discover those damned fairies! (6)...


The Spectator

ACROSS.-1 Budget. 4 Log-cabin. 8 Lachesis. ro Grandi. 12 Inset. r3 Eradicate. 14 Giver. 16 Indolence. 17 Polonaise. 19 Moses. zi Concealed. 22 Targe. 24 Stilly. 25 Idolater. z6...

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Cold Roast Boston

The Spectator

By D. W. BROGAN Q UITE recently, the once famous and opu- lent Boston banking house of Lee Higgin- son finally closed its spider-webbed doors. The purchasers of what was left...

For a Wine Festival

The Spectator

Now the late fruits are in. Now moves the leaf-starred year Down, in the sun's decline. Stoop. Have no fear. Glance at the burdened tree: Dark is the grape's wild skin. Dance,...

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Productivity Talk

The Spectator

By JOHN BULL W I1AT is the point of talking about produc- tivity—even to the Prime Minister at Lancaster House—if the demand for your pro- ducts is collapsing and expensive...

World Bank: World Hunger

The Spectator

L NI MACAW arlr By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT rrHE World Bank—its proper title: the Inter- I national Bank for Reconstruction and Development—has just issued its twentieth annual...

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Market Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS TOCKBROKERS are not actually starving but on 3Monday this week the number of bargains marked-7,352— was the lowest turnover since December 1957. This was partly due...

Viennese Counter-offensive

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST By PETER GOLDMAN These magazines, however, are handicapped in one important respect. Unlike the other sources of consumer information mentioned, they lack...

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The Ex-Celebrity

The Spectator

By STRIX THE Labrador, curled up under my desk, gave a low growl. 'What's the matter with you?' I muttered absently. Then my nostrils recog- nised, tardily, the acrid,...