4 AUGUST 1866

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The Government, we regret to see, feel it necessary to

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extend the Act suspending the Habeas Corpus in Ireland, which expires in three weeks. It appears from the explanation given by LorolNaas i that Lord Kimberley arrested 756...

The last report of the Registrar-General is a terrible one.

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In the week ending Saturday, July 28, the deaths rose from their average of 1,387 to 2,600, the increase being entirely due to cholera. The deaths from the epidemic amounted to...

All these arrangements depend in part on the votes of

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the German Parliament, which will be elected in September, and meet on some day not fixed, in some city not yet announced. The old Prussian Parliament meets meanwhile on Monday,...

The "free trade in States" which Count von Bismark prophe-

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sied two years ago has thus been accomplished, but the ultimate form to be taken by Prussian supremacy is still uncertain. A thousand rumours are current in Germany, and the...

The Government got a gentle rebuff on Monday night. General

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Peel had brought in a Bill authorizing the expenditure of 50,000/. on fortifications at Tilbury, not included in the general scheme. Mr. Gladstone, however, objected, first,...


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rilHE Kaiser has given way. On the 26th of July the prelimi- naries of peace offered by the Prussians were accepted, and an armistice for one month was signed. During that month...

Mr. Napier, the deaf judge to whom the office of

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Lord Justice of Appeal was offered by Lord Derby, has declined the post. In a very disinterested letter read by Lord Naas on Monday night, he repeats that his friends think him...

THE PROVINCIAL HISTORY of EN &IND.—A Series of Articles will

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be commenced in the SPECTATOR of next Saturday, containing the history of each province in England so far as it is separate from that of the nation, its geography, its...

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The Italians have accepted the armistice, but with unconcealed irritation,

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as the Austrians are still in the Quadrilateral and Venice, and but a small portion of the Tyrol is in the hands of General Medici. The people believe that Prussia has deserted...

The Hyde-Park riots have ended, but they seem to have

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given the "roughs" a new audacity. Respectable people are stopped and robbed with complete impunity, not only in the Park but in North London. The outrages are generally...

The Emperor of the French has signed the bases of

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a decree creating a fund for the maintenance of workmen incapacitated for work by wounds. The wording of the decree is a little obscure, but its meaning appears to be that the...

The Tory Ministry dined on Wednesday with the Liberal Lord

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Mayor, and doubtless liked their dinner, Mr. Phillips keeping up the repute of the City for hospitality in a style which ought to procure him the costly honour of a second term....

The great Reform meeting at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, on

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Monday, was in one way a success. From twenty to thirty thousand persons attended, all'well dressed, and the most complete order was maintained in the streets. In the Hall of...

Mr. Gladstone's Church-Rate Bill passed its second reading on Wednesday,

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but it is of course understood that it has no chance this session. We begin to doubt if any bill has or will have, until some compromise is taken up by a Government and made a...

The Jamaica affair has been brought to. a conclusion. in

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both Houses of Parliament. We have analyzed the debate in the Commons elsewhere, but must mention here that in the Peers Lord Carnarvonwas indefinitely more conciliatory,...

Mr. Watkin, a very painstaking and accurate member of Par-

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liament, tried hard on Tuesday to obtain a Commission of Inquiry into the working of the Bank Act of 1844. He made out easily enough that 10 per cent. was a very high rent for...

The most powerful speech of the night was made by

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Mr. Bernal Osborne, who pointed out that the Habeas Corpus Act had been suspended in Ireland nine times since the Act of Union. He held that the responsibility for that state of...

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The tenantry of the late Duke of Wellington have raised

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a wally splendid monument to his memory, a monolith 30 feet high, S ft. 6 inch. in diameter, resting on a block of granite 9 ft. 6in. high and 7 ft. square, with inscriptions on...

We publish to-day the only trustworthy account we have yet

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-seen of the brutalities so freely attributed to the police in the Hyde-Park riots. The Force, on their side, have published a tatatement showing that upwards of 250 policemen...

Lord Carnarvon on Tuesday gave some information as to the

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exact position of the project for confederating British North America. The colonies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have -given -way, and delegates are now in London to arrange...

The Consol market has been heavy during the week, at

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droop- ing prices. Yesterday the market closed at 871, 1, for money, and 871, -1„ for account. On Saturday last the closing quotations were 881, 1, for delivery, and 88, f, for...

The Daily News thiuks it eeceesary to warn the Italians

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not to *hoot Admiral Persano pour encourager les metres. The Daily News may be right, and until some evidence is brought forward more substantial than-gossip eertaialy is eight,...

The latest accounts from America are not very reassuring. The

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President is determined that the Southern representatives shall be admitted to Congress, and the Liberals that they shall not. At present even their admission would not give Mr....

The military correspondent of the 7 inies in the Prussian

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army, whose letters are perhaps the very best ever written by any one in that position, gave on Thursday- a most epieieestiesing. account of a cavalry charge at Tobisobau, some...

Either we have been very near a general European war,

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or the French Government is trying very hard to conceal a complete defeat. Papers in its interest assert that peace was only secured by a threat of armed mediation, that...

A Parliamentary return has recently been published, ahowiog the amount

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of insurance dety paid-in 1865. It appears that the Royal Insurance Company shows an increase of business in 1865, as compared with 1864, of 17,708/. The business of the Phcenix...

The half-yearly meeting of the shareholders of the Loudon and

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County Bank was held on Thursday. The report stated that the net profits amounted to 85,4101., which, with 11,527/. brought for- ward from last account, produced a total of...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Securities left

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off at the annexed quotetion.s :— Friday, Aug ist 8. .. .. 12 ,. 14 11 .. 50 .. 42 k .. esi The closing prices of the leading British Railweys yeaterday and GB Friday week...

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THE NEW DANGER IN GERMANY. P EACE, we mean a genuine peace, one which will allow of a European disarmament, depends now mainly upon the action of the German Convention. This...

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T HE House of Commons "deplores the excessive punish- ments which followed the suppression of the disturb- ances of October last in the parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica, and...

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Tat MEETING IN THE AGRIOUL.WEAL RAIN, popular gathering in the

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Agricultural Hall on Monday evening is variously described as a complete success or a grotesque failure, according to the political tastes and sym- pathies of the reporters,...

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riE mass of Englishmen, it seems clear, have made up their minds that the triumph of Prussia is an almost un- mixed blessing. The old dislike and distrust of Austria, which had...

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T HE diplomatic correspondence respecting the Extradition Treaty with France includes a memorandum by M. Drouyn de Lhuys, in which the French Minister, being hard pressed by the...

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T EN per cent. is a nuisance to everybody except bank share- - holders. We may admit that much, we suppose, without much risk of raising a hornet's nest, but then so is the...

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FIBOLOGIANS and poets, physiologists and metaphysicians 1 ha - re all and to write profoundly on the phenomena of sleep, and have all more or less lost themselves in a...

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"H OW do you feel amidst all these events?" said a friend the other day to a member of the Athenmum, supposed to be recreant to the character of his Club, suspected of thinking...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Lincoln's Inn, July 30, 1866. Sin,—The Spectator seems to assume that the outrages in Ilyde Park on Monday, the 23rd of July, took place...

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SIGNBOARDS.v IT is not odd that signs should be odd. The oddity is that they should not be odder. The first object of a sign, in the present day the sole object, is to attract...


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THERE he goes, as you say, like a madman— His clothes all awry, And a fine lofty scorn for things human In forehead and eye. Poor man, that scarce owns an acquaintance— If he...


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OFTTIMES the mighty mountains at their hearts Are sick and woeful in their majesty ; Then is each one forlorn as Niobe, And from all sight and colloquy departs. Then in...

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SERVICE in the East Indies leaves its mark on the Englishman, sometimes for the worse, sometimes happily for the better. Regi- ments transferred from Mahratta to Maori...

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AMONG the proximate sources of the English language there is none to which it seems indebted for a larger proportion of words of complex significance and rich in fancy-wakening...

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Fraser this month has at least three noteworthy papers, the review e Dean Stanley's Jewish History, Miss Cobbe's "Sketch of the Brahmo Samaj," and the "War in its Political and...

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History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. By George Smith, M.D. (Philadelphia

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; Trubner, London.)—This is a voluminous but interest- ing chronicle of the progress of the fertile district watered by the Delaware from the days of Henry Hudson to the present...

The Spectator

CURRENT LITERATURE The Liturgies of 1549 and 1662. Edited by Rev. Orby Shipley, M.A. (Masters.)—In a convenient form and with all the graces of sumptuous type and paper, this is...

Lyra Fidelium. Twelve Hymns on the Twelve Articles of the

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Apostles' Creed. By S. J. Stone, B.A., Curate of Windsor. (Parker.)—This is to some extent a praiseworthy book. Doctrinal precision and fulness of statement are good things in...

The Calendar of the Prayer Book. Illustrated with an Appendix

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of the chief Christian emblems, from early and medizeval monuments. (Parker.)—This most comprehensive and carefully compiled little volume contains every fact likely to be...

Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the Possession

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cf the Society of Antiquaries of London. Compiled by Robert Lemon, Esq., F.S.A. Published by the Society.—It appears that the able and patient antiquarian who undertook the...

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The Coal Question. By W. S. Jevons, M.A. Second edition,

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revised. (Macmillan.)—We took up this new edition of Mr. Jevons' famous work with the hope that he might have seen reason to modify his Cassandra cry. We regret to find that he...

Practical General Continental Guide. By an Englishman Abroad. (Simpkin and

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Marshall.)— This is an excellent five-shillings' worth. The editor is thoroughly practical, condescends to very small minutiss, is, as far as we have observed, correct in his...

Ecclesia Del. (Strahan.)—These thoughtful views on "the place and functions

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of the Church in the Divine order of the Universe and its relations with the world," though not altogether new, have a charm of language and method that renders them...

A Treatise on Astronomy. For the use of colleges and

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schools. By Hugh Godfray, M.A., St. John's College, Mathematical Lecturer at Pem- broke College. (Macmillan.)—This treatise is intended strictly-for the use of the senior...