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The SpectatorA GENERAL description of the week's proceedings in Parliament, may be given in one sentence : Ministers have been defeated on a bill by which.tbey declared their determination...
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In looking over extracts from Indian papers, we find contra-
The Spectatordictory accounts of the condition and prospects of the army marching against Affghanistan. It is said that numbers of men, straggling from the main body in search of food, are...
The news from Constantinople and the seat of war, for
The Spectatorsuch it has become, in Syria, is important and interesting. The Turkish Sultan has openly declared war against Egypt. The grand Mufti was conducted on the 9th of June in state...
Dante% anb 113rombings in 113arliament.
The SpectatorGOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA. The second reading of the bill to provide for the temporary govern- ment of Jamaica, was moved in the House of Lords on Monday, by the Marquis of...
French politicians arc almost entirely occupied with " the Eastern
The Spectatorquestion." The Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 287 to 26, have voted ten millions of francs, required by the Minister of Marine to defray the cost of increasing the navy....
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Zbe court.
The SpectatorTHE Queen, accompanied by the Princess of Leiningen, dined with Queen Adelaide, at Marlborough House, on Monday. The Duke of Sussex, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and the...
We have catalogued every-day occurrences in the Royal existence— rides,
The Spectatordinners, audiences, and visits to the Opera ; but now conies the record of an event of graver character, which, taken in connexion with attendant circumstances, casts a dark...
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The trial of the prisoners Lewin Caspar, Ellis Caspar, Emanuel
The SpectatorMoses, and Alice Abrahams, in the Central Criminal Court, was brought to a close on Tuesday, the eighth day from its conimencement. The evidence consists chiefly of a great...
Zbe „Metropolis.
The SpectatorA numerous party of Tories dined together on Wednesday, in the Hall of the Goldsmiths' Company, Foster Lane. Among them were— the Duke of Cambridge, Sir Robert Peel, Lord...
The annual prizes were delivered to the students of University
The SpectatorCollege on Saturday, by Lord Brougham ; who, after the business of the day was completed, addressed the meeting with much applause. From a statement of the accounts of the St....
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Zbe probincts.
The SpectatorMr. Gibson has resigned his seat in Parliament ; for reasons stated in the following letter to his constituents at Ipswich : " 48, noon Square, 2l .fitly 1839. "...
On Monday, the day appointed for the reassembling of the
The SpectatorDelegates of the National Convention in Birmingham, about a dozen members met at a publichouse in Aston Street. Feargus O'Connor was there, and in the evening addressed a...
The plan for the erection of time new Protestant College
The Spectatorat Bath, to be called Queen's College, has been decided on. It is a very beautiful specimen of the Elizabethan style of architecture, with an elegant s lure tower in the centre....
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It having been fbund impracticable to put the Canadian prisoners
The Spectatorupon their trial in England, in conformity with the suggestion in the judgment of the Court of Exchequer, the Government has notified to them, that. upon entering into personal...
The SpectatorFrom a published correspondence between Mr. Wallace, M.P. for Greenock. and Mr. Phillips of the home Office, it appears that four- teen of the persons commonly called " the...
The SpectatorThe Judges have by a majority decided that all persons seeking to register, or reregister, must make a new affidavit before the Registering Barrister, to entitle them to a new...
The SpectatorThe noose of Commons, last night, having been resolved into a Committee on the Post-office Acts, Mr. S:TIM: linen: rose to make his financial statement, and to pro- pose...
Lord Charles Somerset Manners, M.P.,the Duke of Rutland's brother, succeeds
The Spectatorthe late Lord William Bentinck as Colonel of the Eleventh Regiment of Light Dragoons. The deaths of Dr. Butler, Bishop of Lichfield, is announced. Sir Hussey Vivian has left...
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The Tories appear to be about to take a course
The Spectatorrespecting the Penny Postage, for which we believe the country is very little prepared, and which will not add to their popularity. Hitherto this question has bad the singular...
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Private accounts from Birmingham, dated at eleven o ' clock last night,
The Spectatorhave reached us this morning. They represent the alarm of the inhabitants of Birmingham as very great ; and it would appear, not without reason. Although no general conflict had...
The Revenue Accounts, for the quarter ended 5th July 1839,
The Spectatorexhibit an increase of 308,175/. over the corresponding period of last year. The yearly comparison also shows the considerable increase of 4 ,076,659/. over the receipts of...
The SpectatorAbstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue at Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1838 and Sth 1839, showing the In crease or Decrease on en head thereof: YEA itS...
The SpectatorSTOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The usual weekly meeting of the Bank Directors, held yesterday, was re- garded in the City with considerable anxiety, as it was generally...
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The SpectatorFORCED to relinquish the Irish Railway scheme, and having . shuffled out of a settlement of the Irish Bank question, the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer concentrates his energies...
The SpectatorWHAT THE MINISTERS EAT. THE Whig Ministers give us continual cause for enlarging the dk- tionary. So remarkable a career is theirs, that the bold individual who would chronicle...
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The SpectatorJuser this day four weeks, we whispered a warning in reference to certain persevering exertions to force up the price of cotton by re- presenting the stock in the United States...
The SpectatorJr is one of the peculiarities of our present condition, that there are few political questions of importance the discussion of which is not either posthumous or premature. All...
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The SpectatorWEBSTER has speculated on a supplemental " farewell engagement" of CHARLES KEAN, who is playing for a few " more last nights" at the Haymarket; but the scanty attendance on...
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The last night of the present season of Covent Garden
The Spectatoris definitively announced to be Tuesday week, the 16th ; when MAtmEamt gives up the management into the hands of Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES Manniwt6.
The SpectatorIF not the most philosophical or pretending work on America which has yet appeared, Captains MAintrAT's is the most readable and one of the most valuable. In the descriptive...
The SpectatorTRAVET.S, A Diary in America, whir Remarks on its Institutions. lly Captain Marryat, Author of *. Peter Simple," &e. &c. lu 3 lots Longman and Cu. Mist,ELLartFan'S LITERM'eltE,...
The SpectatorTO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. Quadrant, ettlt July. Mn. Sece.—Ilow is it that the newspapers evade or neglect all notice of the Italian Opera, the great focus of art ? The...
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The SpectatorTHE first and second volumes of this collection contain the au- thor's articles in the Edinburgh Review; the third consists of miscellaneous pamphlets, a few sermons, and Peter...