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There is little news from Natal, beyond the confused despatch
The Spectatorfrom Lord Chelmsford on the disaster at Isandula, which is criti- cised elsewhere; and a mass of letters, giving many details of the same affair, but adding very little to our...
M. de Marcere has ceased to be the French Minister
The Spectatorof the Interior, in consequence of his extraordinary weakness in relation to the inquiry concerning the secret misd.oings of the French police. That inquiry was set on foot in...
The Amnesty Bill of the new French Government, which amnesties
The Spectatora large number of the Communists,—i.e., blots out legally all record of the offences of a good many of those who were punished for the misdeeds of the Commune in 1871,—passed...
It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to estimate exactly the atti-
The Spectatortude of the Boers of the Transvaal, but the facts known justify Sir Bartle Frere's apprehensions. They have remained hitherto neutral between Cetewayo and the British, even...
The SpectatorTHY death of Shere All is officially confirmed in a letter from akoob Khan to Lord Lytton, in which he speaks of his father as an old friend of the British, and alludes to some...
The successor to M. de Marcere in the Interior is
The Spectatorto be M. Lepere, the Minister of Commerce, an able speaker, and said to be on terms of confidential intimacy with M. Gambetta. To the Ministry of Commerce, M. Tirard, one of the...
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All the rumours and most of the facts reported from
The Spectatorthe East refer to communications passing among the Powers with reference to the position of "East Roumelia." The people of that province threaten insurrection if the Turkish...
On Tuesday, Mr. Trevelyan brought forward his motion for the
The Spectatorextension of household suffrage to the counties, in an ex- ceedingly vigorous and amusing speech, in which he attacked, first, Mr. Lowe's extraordinary advice to wait for...
The Committee on the impeachment of the De Broglie Government
The Spectatorhave decided by a large majority to insist on pressing the impeachment, while the Government has decided to oppose the impeachment of the Reactionary Government. M. Waddington...
It is officially announced that Dr. Newman is to be
The Spectatorone of the Cardinals created at the next Consistory. This is all the more marked on the part of the Pope, that at Dr. New- man's age it is not to be supposed that he can reside...
Sir Charles Dilke, in seconding Mr. Trevelyan, took up the
The Spectatorex- aggerated and extraordinary position that the electoral system of the present time is as bad as it was before the Reform Act of 1832, and woree than any other the world has...
Leo XIII., though anxious to show that he is really
The Spectatorin favour of a larger interpretation of the Vatican Council's decree on Infallibility than the party which had the chief influence over the Holy See for many years previous to...
Mr. Fawcett, on Friday week, called the attention of the
The SpectatorHouse of Commons to the state of Indian finances, and moved for a com- mittee to inquire into the operation of the Act of 1858, trans- ferring India to the Crown. Mr. Fawcett's...
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The news from Russia is serious. The Secret - Committee -which
The Spectatorguides the Nihilists has placarded in several Russian towns a proclamation admitting that it had ordered the assassin- ation of General Prince Krapotkine, the Governor of...
Something or other is going on in Spain, not yet
The Spectatorquite in- telligible. General Martinez Campos, the "pacificator of Cuba," has come home with demands as to the policy to be pursued there, which apparently the King approves,...
The Home-rulers, led this time by Mr. O'Shaughnessy, got up
The Spectatora little Home-rule debate on Thursday in a very odd way. They complained that there were not enough Irish Ministers in Parliament. The Chief Secretary for Ireland, Mr. I....
The Times quotes from the Warehousemen's and Drapers' Trade Journal
The Spectatorremarkable evidence that English manufacturers are, at length, succeeding in applying the automatic machinery now so much in use in America, at least thus far,—that they can...
London journalism has sustained a severe loss in the sudden
The Spectatordeath of Mr. James Macdonell, who died on Sunday, at the early age of 37. A man of unusual breadth of culture, with a special knowledge of all things French, and all modern...
A rumour has been circulated, widely enough to induce Lord
The SpectatorHartington to ask a question, that Lord Lytton is sending an expedition against Burmah, where the King has recently made himself secure by murdering all his relatives, eighty in...
We greatly regret to observe the death in Madeira from
The Spectatorcon- sumption, at the very early age of thirty-four, of Professor W. K. Clifford, a great mathematician, and a brilliant though pain- fully drastic writer on religious and...
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The SpectatorLORD CHELMSFORD'S DESPATCH. I T is with deep regret that we feel compelled to join our Tory contemporaries, in asking whether the Government still intends to continue to...
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The SpectatorS IR STAFFORD NORTHCOTE, on Tuesday, certainly did not preclude himself from proposing, in some future Parliament, to extend household suffrage to the counties ; but as...
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The SpectatorI T is unfortunate that Mr. Fawcett, who really understands the finances of India, and who is doing excellent service in compelling Parliament to attend to their dangerous...
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The Spectatorltif WADDINGTON'S Government has begun badly. It INI • has shrunk from its true task, that of leading the Liberals in France, and given the impression that the new Cabinet...
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The SpectatorI F the Legislative Council of Victoria had been as wise as the House of Lords, Mr. Berry and Mr. Pearson would now have been at Melbourne. A Second Chamber which does not know...
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The SpectatorI T would seem, from the conversation in the Lords on Friday week, that the idea of substituting physical for some of the mental tests in the competitive examination for...
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The SpectatorTRE Rev. T. W. Fowls, the Rector of Islip, has written a paper in the Nineteenth Century for March to explain the place of Will in Evolution. But what he has really explained,...
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The SpectatorTHE LIBERALS AND THE FARMERS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you allow me to try and answer the questions you ask in your able leader on this subject, in your issue for...
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The Spectator[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sr - a,—May I point out another way of accounting for the in- stinctive and, I venture to think, healthy horror of the " sicken- ing " piety...
The SpectatorSIR, — In your article, under the above heading, last Saturday, you ask the following question, after intimating that I "shrewdly" avoided answering it in my paper in the...
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The Spectator(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR'] Sra,—Your references to the Report of Mr. Drummond, Secretary to her Majesty's Legation at Washington, on sugar-production in the United...
The SpectatorTILE wretched world has had enough Of snow and ice, and "quantum suff.," Altogether, Of floundering over field and park, And shivering through the light and dark, And vain...
The Spectator(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SID,—Your issue of the 22nd ult., which I have only just seen, contains an article on the above subject, to which, as a student of...
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The SpectatorIN THE DUDLEY GALLERY.—A HOMILY. THESE exhibitions at the Dudley Gallery grow more and more difficult to write about every year, - unless we repeat the remarks made upon former...
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The SpectatorMR. BLACK'S "GOLDSMITH." * " Way," said Dr. Johnson, "should the life of a literary man be less entertaining than the life of any other man ? Are there not interesting varieties...
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The SpectatorTHERE is no better way, short of actual residence amongst them, of getting to understand a people than the study of their popular literature ; and this being the case, it is a...
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MR. COURTNEY ON MILL.* Tins is a criticism of very
The Spectatorgreat merit. It is terse, lucid, and very careful in exposition, and promises for its author, if he be, as we should conjecture, a young man, a considerable career in English...
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The SpectatorABOUT a mile outside Heidelberg, on the right-hand of the Neckar, nestled under wooded hills, lies the turreted mansion of Neuburg, in the middle-ages a conventual...
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WILLIAM COBBETT.* Li these elegant but rather expensive volumes, Mr.
The SpectatorSmith has given us a very readable life of a very remarkable man. Fas- tidious critics might call it a merely tolerable life of a rather in- tolerable man ; but as biographies...
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The SpectatorIT would be hard for the most ardent Conservative to deny that our French neighbours have improved in one respect of late years. They have wider sympathies, and England has a...
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The SpectatorMOLIERE'S plays have long had their own place in the literature not of France only, but of the world, and we do not propose now to discuss what that place should. be. We are...
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Sermons on Passages front the Prophets. Vol. I. By the
The Spectatorlate Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D., Founder and First Chaplain of St. Margaret's, East Grinstead. (J. T. Hayes.)—These sermons were all addressed to the community of Anglican Sisters...
Historical Memorials of Beauchief Abbey. By Sidney Oldale Addy, 3I.A.
The Spectator(James Parker.)—Beauchief was a Premonstratensian abbey, founded by Robert FitzRanulph, in honour of St. Thomas of Canter- bury, thirteen years after the murder, a deed with...
The SpectatorNational Christianity. By the Rev. J. B. Heard. (Longmans.)— Mr. Heard is profoundly convinced that the Establishment principle in regard to Churches is doomed, and doomed...
preface of this compact and useful animal we learn that
The Spectatorsince the last general election 124 new members have been returned, besides 3 who gained their seats after scrutinies, ahd at the time of going to press 3 seats are vacant. The...
Cordelia. By Fanny E. Millicent Nottley. 3 vols. (Bentley.)— The
The Spectatorauthor of " Olive Varcoe," notwithstanding her undoubted abilities, has not succeeded in producing books which are general favourites. There is an element of gloom and sadness...
Tho public companies' section gives the latest particulars as to
The Spectatorcapital, reserve fund, dividends, Am.; and the street improvements effected up to the end of last year are noted on the coloured map. A list of bankruptcies, liquidations, and...