10 APRIL 1976, page 18


Sir: Although somewhat late, I beg to refer you to the comment published in the Spectator dated 21 February 1976 under, the heading 'Rhodesian opportunity'. In the first......

Forgotten Debt

Sir: Neither the Rhodesians nor anyone else fought for Britain. They fought for themselves because they didn't want to become Nazi slaves. They knew that if Britain fell, they......

The Nanny State

Sir: Mr R. W. F. Holmes, in his letter (27 March) was critical of your excellent article 'Onwards the nanny state' (6 March). He has, surely, overlooked two important......

Word From Dr Shahak

Sir: I find it most remarkable that Lady Gaitskell should quote from an unnamed, undated and uncharacterised document Mere is a document', she says) about me (20 March). First I......