10 AUGUST 1889, page 26

Their History From A.d. 7 To Our Own Times—is A

terrible and shameful story of untold sufferings, sufferings which still continue in Russia and Eastern Europe. Mr. Adams's plan is to give chapters recording in tarn the......

History Of Portugal. By E. Mcmurdo. 2 Vols. (sampson Low

and Co.)—The two volumes at present issued recount Portuguese history from 1097 to 1481, a troubled period which literally reeks of blood, cruelty, and intrigue. The monarchs......

More Sail Than Ballast. By C. A. Montresor. (w. H.

Allen.)— This is the story of a "prodigal son," a Suabian pastor's son, who wrecks his life through want of sufficient ballast. It is a simple, well-told story, with a pathetic......

The Architecture Of The Riviera And Pi Ovence. By D.

Macgibbon. (Douglas, Edinburgh.)—Provence, the home of that exquisite and fantastic chivalry, the natural growth of the warlike yet warm and sunny South, abounds in an......

In Routledge's "pocket Library" We Have Sir Walter...

; and in "The Canterbury Poets" (Walter Scott) a second volume of The Poetical Works of John Milton, edited by John Bradshaw, M.A. This second volume contains "Paradise......

The Life Of St. Jerome. By Mrs. Charles Mercier. (kogan

Paul and Co.)—Mrs. Mercier has endeavoured, she says in her preface, "to supply a want which has been felt in the popular Christian literature of the day," by writing this book.......

Poetry. — Chants Of Labour. Edited Liyedard Carpenter....

is "A Song-Book of the People, with Music." Of the music we say nothing; some of the verse is cer- tainly not to our liking Mr. Joynes, for instance, reminds us unpleasantly of......

In English Literature, We Have A Very Careful Edition Of

Scott's Rokeby, by Michael Macmillan We do not think quite as highly of the poem as does Mr. Macmillan, but we recognise the justice of much of his criticism, while there can be......