The Story Of Christine Rochefort. By Helen Choate Prince....
and Mifflin, Boston, U.S.)—Christine D'Arcy, a The Story of Christine Rochefort. By Helen Choate Prince. (Houghton and Mifflin, Boston, U.S.)—Christine D'Arcy, a daughter of an......
Female Figures Which He Knows How To Draw With So
firm a hand. The heroine, whom we first see in a picture that startles the world from its place on the walls of the Academy, is the finest of the three ; then comes the solitary......
The Heroic In Missions. By The Rev. Augustus P. Buckland.
(Isbister.)—Mr. Buckland tells some stories that the world should never suffer to be forgotten. The first is one eminent instance of "entering into another man's labour," and......
Essays And Addresses. By Phillips Brooks. (macmillan And...
is needless to say that these papers, most of them read or spoken before various assemblies, meetings, or societies, are well worth study. They are divided between "Religious"......
A Kentish Country House. By Mary Adelaide, Lady Jennings....
Guildford.)—The Hall-House at Hawkhurst was pur- chased by Mr. Nathaniel Collyer (1620-1700), grocer and citizen of London, about the year 1665 (it is supposed, by way of a......
Village Tales And Jungle Tragedies. By B. M. Croker. (chatto
and Windus.)—The most striking of these stories, all of them vigorous and picturesque sketches, is that of the slaying of the man-eating tigress. All devices for her destruction......
Lancelot Andrews. By Robert L. Gilley, M.a. (methuen And...
Oltley gives us here a sympathetic account of Bishop Andrews's life and work. It is clear that Andrews represents to him in his ecclesiastical position and in his theology,......
Is Not, We Imagine, New. Nor Is All Important. But
all, we are glad to see, is written in a kindly and friendly spirit. What is said of Thackeray is possibly an exception. Mr. Fitzgerald certainly takes an unfavourable view of......
Silvia Craven. By N. Gordon Holmes. (elliot Stock.)—we...
tale very tedious, and must confess, to be quite candid, that we did not finish it. Indeed, it seemed to us that enough had been done for practically estimating the writer's......
Arrive. The Picture Of Her Gaiety And Courage, Coupled,...
these qualities are, with a curious recklessness of consequences, and of the good opinion of mankind, is an attractive one ; and we feel sorry when the inevitable ending comes.......