10 DECEMBER 1904, page 3

A Correspondence Was Published In The Times Of Monday...

Mr. Chamberlain and Messrs. Icke and Sharp, Limited, one of the chief Birmingham firms of confectionery manufacturers. The latter wrote pointing out the disastrous effects on......

1904. Increase over 1903. Imports £498,523,697 £7,920,574 British Exports 272,745,763 6,467,985 Foreign and Colonial Re-exports 63,881,642 145,035 The increase of imports was......

Speaking At The Annual Dinner Of The Bakewell Farmers' Club

on Monday, the Duke of Devonshire referred to the questions of rural depopulation and the dearth of satisfactory labourers. The housing difficulty, due to the considerable cost......

The Depression In The Lancashire Cotton Trade Is At An

end, and all signs point to a period of prosperity for our greatest manufacturing industry. The American cotton crop of this year has been the largest on record, with the result......

Ment That The Government Had Resolved To Appoint A Com-

mission to deal with the Scottish Church problem, but indulged for the rest of his speech in a series of caustic and destructive criticisms of the policy of the Premier and Mr.......

The Board Of Trade Returns Continue To Show Themselves...

inconsiderate of Mr. Chamberlain's most cherished feelings. With a bluntness which is positively indecent, month after month they give a flat denial to his declarations that our......

Significant, If Informal, Contribution To The Solution Of...

of Imperial defence. Under the heading of "The Great Sea Raid" the writer gives, in the form of a circumstantial narrative, illustrated by maps, an imaginative forecast of the......
