10 FEBRUARY 1950, page 2

Recovery In Europe

The second interim report of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation falls into two sections, and it is to be hoped that the two chief political parties in this......

The Church And The Schools

The statement issued by the National Society, the body in the Church of England concerned with educational matters, is wise, moderate and timely. Voluntary schools, of whatever......

Reminders To The Germans

The fact that the firm speech delivered at Stuttgart on Monday by Mr. McCloy, the American High Commissioner in Germany, came immediately after his return from consultations in......

The Indo-china Contest

The decision, of Britain and the United States to recognise the governments of the three Indo-Chinese States now incorporated in the French Union need not be regarded merely as......

A New Look For The Army

On Monday all units of the Territorial Army received an Army Council Instruction dealing with arrangements for their intake of National Servicemen, which is due to begin in......