10 FEBRUARY 1990, page 28
For Ignorant But Curious Amateurs
Peter Levi THE HISTORY OF GREEK PHILOSOPHY, VOLUME II: SOCRATES AND BEYOND by Luciano De Crescenzo Picador, £12.95, pp.190 A lthough I remember reviewing the first volume of......
From Isis To Elizabeth Taylor And On
Sara Maitland CLEOPATRA: HISTORIES, DREAMS AND DISTORTIONS by Lucy Hughes-Hallett Bloomsbury, £16.95, pp.338 T his book is an instance of a growing genre, somewhere between......
Goodbye to all that Ferdinand Mount THE GRAND FAILURE: THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF COMMUNISM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Zbigniew Brzezinski Macdonald, £12.95, pp.278 OUT OF THE COLD......