10 JANUARY 1920, page 11

The "spectator's " "'hatred Of The Oppressed Races."

[To rim EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sm,—The letter signed "An Irish Peer" in your issue of January 3rd cannot be considered very helpful to Ireland or to any one else at the......

Roofing For Pise.

Pro TIM EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Engineers and architects who read Mr. S. II. Boyle's suggestion in your issue of December 20th will find nothing new in the idea, but......

Pise De Terre In Sweden.

[To TZE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") have received so interesting a letter from a corre- spondent in Sweden on the "Theory" of Pied de Terre that I . send you an extract in the......

Sinn Fein And The Murders In Ireland. [to Tim Editor

or MB " SPECTATOU."3 Snt,—I see that in some of the English papers surprise is expressed that the leaders of the Simi Fein Party have not denounced the recent murders of......