10 JANUARY 1958, page 24
Marginal Figures
Warwick the Kingmaker. By Paul Murray. Ken- dall. (Allen and Unwin, 30s.) MR. KENDALL gives us as complete a picture as he can of the so-called Kingmaker—though in fact he was......
Guest Of Midian
The Land of Midian. By H. St. John Philby. (Benn, 36s.) Forty Years in the Wilderness is another instal- ment of Mr. Philby's autobiography. It takes up the story where the......
The Ghibelline Emperor
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen: A Life. By Georgina Masson. (Seeker and Warburg, 35s.) AN excellent historian and a lively and imagina- tive writer, Miss Masson has managed to......